...Armed insurrection, J6 Guns, and more....an analysis, Lawfare.....


Didja read the Lawfare article, Broke Loser?

See this part: "The struggle over the label insurrection is an important one. Though riots are serious matters, insurrections are in a different category. They are seismic, historic events. In addition, inciting insurrection, which carries a 10-year maximum term, is a more serious crime than inciting a riot, which carries a five-year maximum.
There was no insurrection, you idiot.

No one tried to overthrow the government

Stop abusing the English language
I think I saw video where they were in their presidents house, in his swimming pool and the guy resigned immediately.

This is why I have stated that the 1/6 and other activities, often with excessively hyperbole and exaggerations, do NOT help America, your reputation globally, nor citizens belief in democracy.

They continue to pretend that Trump is the only one who has an issue with election results. Maybe your politicians should be working to bring confidence in the process and results and stop pretending that Trump and his supporters don't have a reason to be concerned with the weeks long tabulation process.

It lends me to believe that some in your country really don't give a damn about Americas success, they just desire power, control and personal wealth.
the tabluation process always takes weeks at every single election.
Some states it takes longer because they cant start counting until election night.
The most pertinent information imho is if the baseball bats were wooden or aluminum and if they were black...
Well, we know that the black ones are the scariest...

Maybe they were high capacity bats.
Might lead the League in HR's if they have that much capacity...
He bases his opinion on the proven false testimony of hutchinson.
In that Lawfare article, which part of her testimony did he use to make a point....that was demonstrably false?

other people's opinions, nor do I care to read them. Why don't you post your own?
Ummm, I did.
Here, you can read it again:
(Lawfare) "I like it...They offer insightful views usually well buttressed with facts and/or data.

This is a long article. It ain't a Tweet. You'll have to invest a few minutes to read it."

I am not trying to be a conspiracy guy, but your Election Night didn't run smoothly
Actually, it did.
The Administration's own 'elections czar', Chris Krebb,s described the 2020 election as "the most secure in history". Administration's own Attorney General stated there was insufficient fraud to change any election. Where we have seen small-fry nickel/dime cheating....it was Republicans who were doing it. A whole variety of audits and hand recounts have shown the initial counts were extremely accurate. Which is remarkable given this was an election utilizing more than 210,000 polling places, allowing about 156,000,000 voters, and spread across a minimum of 5 times zones (not to mention overseas military ballots), and employing largely part-time temporary workers .... and did all that in the midst of a pandemic and the 'social distancing' rules it required.
America did a good job in the 2020 election.
The impression that it "didn't run smoothly" was solely created by the loser in an attempt to corruptly change the results.


There was no insurrection, you idiot. No one tried to overthrow the government
Nor did my avatar say there was; however, may we ask if you read the linked article from Lawfare?
(Lawfare) "I like it...They offer insightful views usually well buttressed with facts and/or data.
This is a long article. It ain't a Tweet. You'll have to invest a few minutes to read it."
I like The Art of the Deal. It offers insightful views usually well buttressed with facts and/or data. This is a book. It ain't a Tweet. You'll have to invest a few hours to read it.
Laughing and splashing in a big swimming pool is an armed insurrection?

We all should be so lucky. The world may be a kinder and gentler place that what it is often portrayed as. Who knew?

The activity often described as an 'armed insurrection' here in America is kinda like the pic below. IMHO

View attachment 668349
It was a protest against a stolen election.
I like The Art of the Deal. It offers insightful views usually well buttressed with facts and/or data. This is a book. It ain't a Tweet. You'll have to invest a few hours to read it.
I bet the chapter on how to skim a casino into bankruptcy is especially interesting.
One thing is clear:

Trump supporters will continue to deny that there was an attempt at insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 no matter how much proof, reason and logic proves that there was.

They will also continue to insist that the 2020 election was "stolen" no matter that there is absolutely no proof, and all reason and logic indicates that it was not.

Somehow they think that by stomping their little tootsies and pitching a fit - not to mention blatantly lying , they will gaslight the rest of America into believing the unbelievable.

Not only will they fail, but they will be remembered as one of history's great farces.
What if he doesn't believe that though?

Look, I don't make friends in the U.S when I am critical of your election process and I am far from alone based on comments I have read on social media from Europeans and others. I am not trying to be a conspiracy guy, but your Election Night didn't run smoothly. It didn't lend the viewers around the globe to confidence in the process.

So the first question that should be considered, and isn't, "why are we the only nation on earth that uses computer voting for your federal elections?" On the level or not, just having a software process is going to create distrust.

Then you have voting I.D issues and voting counts that should be completed on the same night, not weeks later. Nor post-dated voting cards, incomplete information etc.

This is why I say some don't give a damn about Americas reputation around the world. Maybe some with a few brain cells and hopefully integrity might ask if the Election Night helped or harmed Americas reputation with other democratic allies.
Voting counts WERE NEVER EXPECTED TO BE DONE ON THE SAME NIGHT.....that's the LIEs beginning....promoted by Trump.....that you are mistakenly believing.

We have never, in the last 100 years or even since our first election of our country, had official election results on election night.

Our constitution PREVENTS such from happening. It gives weeks for each state to count all of the votes, and/or recount the votes, settle any issues and imbalances and checks, and for any lawsuits to take place if there are some, BEFORE the full election counts of all votes of various kinds, via in person, via absentee, via early voting, and military vote, which are also canvassed, and then finally state certification of their final tally vote.

Then the constitution also gives a date when the Electoral college votes, Dec14.....6 weeks after the peoples vote and election day......which is the vote for president by the electoral college, required by our constitution takes place and makes the election results FINAL.
Posted last week was a link to the legal blog, Lawfare. It is aimed at wonks who are interested --professionally or personally ---in parsing out the legalities of a variety of events then current in the news.
I like it...tho I'm no legal wonk. They offer insightful views usually well buttressed with facts and/or data.

So, this July 7th article hits a lot of the topics we see covered on this USMB chatroom. The author specifically describes the presence of guns, and the idea of an 'armed insurrection'. True, late in the article he snarks on a writer of a Wall Street Journal opinion that claims that J6 couldn't be an insurrection because nobody was 'armed'. The Lawfare article says ....''Umm, let's kick those tires". But he also offers us details on the folks who were arrested with guns, and the guns they brought with them.

A caveat: This is a long article. It ain't a Tweet. You'll have to invest a few minutes to read it. So you know.

Here are a couple of taster paragraphs. But the article itself is linked here:


# "In addition to the categories listed by Ornato that morning, weapons described in criminal complaints and indictments have included baseball bats, stun guns, canes, crowbars, hockey sticks, knives, axes, and hatchets. Rioters also wore or carried an assortment of combat gear that betrayed their preparation for pitched battle: helmets, plate carriers, tactical vests, bullet-proof vests, tactical gloves, tactical goggles, brass knuckles, gas masks, paracord, and zip-tie hand restraints."

# "The most shocking testimony that Cassidy Hutchinson gave last week before the House select committee on the Jan. 6 attack.........revolved around the magnetometers at the Ellipse that day:

Much post-hearing analysis of Hutchinson’s testimony has rightly focused on what her testimony reveals about former President Trump’s state of mind and whether he should now be charged criminally with corrupt obstruction of an official proceeding, incitement of a riot, or incitement of an insurrection.
They should of hung everyone in the building right down to the janitors just to be on the safe side ...then moved on to the fbi,cia,doj,epa, department of education and so on and so on

Posted last week was a link to the legal blog, Lawfare. It is aimed at wonks who are interested --professionally or personally ---in parsing out the legalities of a variety of events then current in the news.
I like it...tho I'm no legal wonk. They offer insightful views usually well buttressed with facts and/or data.

So, this July 7th article hits a lot of the topics we see covered on this USMB chatroom. The author specifically describes the presence of guns, and the idea of an 'armed insurrection'. True, late in the article he snarks on a writer of a Wall Street Journal opinion that claims that J6 couldn't be an insurrection because nobody was 'armed'. The Lawfare article says ....''Umm, let's kick those tires". But he also offers us details on the folks who were arrested with guns, and the guns they brought with them.

A caveat: This is a long article. It ain't a Tweet. You'll have to invest a few minutes to read it. So you know.

Here are a couple of taster paragraphs. But the article itself is linked here:


# "In addition to the categories listed by Ornato that morning, weapons described in criminal complaints and indictments have included baseball bats, stun guns, canes, crowbars, hockey sticks, knives, axes, and hatchets. Rioters also wore or carried an assortment of combat gear that betrayed their preparation for pitched battle: helmets, plate carriers, tactical vests, bullet-proof vests, tactical gloves, tactical goggles, brass knuckles, gas masks, paracord, and zip-tie hand restraints."

# "The most shocking testimony that Cassidy Hutchinson gave last week before the House select committee on the Jan. 6 attack.........revolved around the magnetometers at the Ellipse that day:

Much post-hearing analysis of Hutchinson’s testimony has rightly focused on what her testimony reveals about former President Trump’s state of mind and whether he should now be charged criminally with corrupt obstruction of an official proceeding, incitement of a riot, or incitement of an insurrection.
It was a protest that evolved into a trespassing event. (A terrorist cop murdered a trespasser; THAT was serious, but Democrats applauded that terrorism.)

Claiming otherwise is just more deranged Democrat hysteria at best, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this point.

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