Arguing with Libs

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
The personal experience shines through.

Arguing with Liberals, and Why I've Stopped
By Pat Sajak
March 29, 2005

Every time I argue with a Liberal, I’m reminded of quarrels I used to have with my parents. The battles never seemed fair because my folks decided what the rules were and what was out of bounds. In addition, because they were parents, they could threaten me in ways I couldn’t threaten them, and they could say things I could never say.

Recently, I was discussing the United Sates Supreme Court with one of my liberal friends in Los Angeles when she said, without any discernable embarrassment, that Justice Anton Scalia was “worse than Hitler”. Realizing she wasn’t alive during World War II and perhaps she may have been absent on those days when her schoolmates were studying Nazism, I reminded her of some of Hitler’s more egregious crimes against humanity, suggesting she may have overstated the case. She had not; Scalia was worse. As I often did when my parents threatened to send me to my room, I let the conversation die.

Aside from being rhetorically hysterical—and demeaning to the memory of those who suffered so terribly as a result of Hitler and the Nazis—it served to remind me of how difficult it is to have serious discussions about politics or social issues with committed members of the left. They tend to do things like accusing members of the right of sowing the seeds of hatred while, at the same time, comparing them to mass murderers. And they do this while completely missing the irony.

The moral superiority they bring to the table allows them to alter the playing field and the rules in their favor. They can say and do things the other side can’t because, after all, they have the greater good on their side. If a Conservative—one of the bad guys—complains about the content of music, films or television shows aimed at children, he is being a prude who wants to tell other people what to read or listen to or watch; he is a censor determined to legislate morality. If, however, a Liberal complains about speech and supports laws against certain kinds of speech, it is right and good because we must be protected from this “hate speech” or “politically incorrect” speech. (Of course, they—being the good guys—will decide exactly what that is.)
Adam's Apple said:
The personal experience shines through.

Arguing with Liberals, and Why I've Stopped
By Pat Sajak
March 29, 2005

Every time I argue with a Liberal, I’m reminded of quarrels I used to have with my parents. The battles never seemed fair because my folks decided what the rules were and what was out of bounds. In addition, because they were parents, they could threaten me in ways I couldn’t threaten them, and they could say things I could never say.

Recently, I was discussing the United Sates Supreme Court with one of my liberal friends in Los Angeles when she said, without any discernable embarrassment, that Justice Anton Scalia was “worse than Hitler”. Realizing she wasn’t alive during World War II and perhaps she may have been absent on those days when her schoolmates were studying Nazism, I reminded her of some of Hitler’s more egregious crimes against humanity, suggesting she may have overstated the case. She had not; Scalia was worse. As I often did when my parents threatened to send me to my room, I let the conversation die.

Aside from being rhetorically hysterical—and demeaning to the memory of those who suffered so terribly as a result of Hitler and the Nazis—it served to remind me of how difficult it is to have serious discussions about politics or social issues with committed members of the left. They tend to do things like accusing members of the right of sowing the seeds of hatred while, at the same time, comparing them to mass murderers. And they do this while completely missing the irony.

The moral superiority they bring to the table allows them to alter the playing field and the rules in their favor. They can say and do things the other side can’t because, after all, they have the greater good on their side. If a Conservative—one of the bad guys—complains about the content of music, films or television shows aimed at children, he is being a prude who wants to tell other people what to read or listen to or watch; he is a censor determined to legislate morality. If, however, a Liberal complains about speech and supports laws against certain kinds of speech, it is right and good because we must be protected from this “hate speech” or “politically incorrect” speech. (Of course, they—being the good guys—will decide exactly what that is.)

Totally self-centered people rarely care about winning a debate---the whole purpose for them is to tell you why you should think like them. Facts are irrelavant and no other theory or perception is even conceivable.
"This was most excellent, I must say!"

Liberals are like flatulence because.....

1) They make a lot of noise

2) They always make a big stink

3) They produce nothing but a lot of hot air "in the end".

Liberals are like impotence because

1) They always go soft on you when you need them most

Liberals are like constipation because

1) They are always obstructing something useful

Liberals are like hemmorhoids because

1) Well... isn't it obvious? Do I really have to say it? OK.... here goes..... they're nothing but a bunch of bloated, puffed up pains in the butt.
KarlMarx said:
Liberals are like flatulence because.....

1) They make a lot of noise

2) They always make a big stink

3) They produce nothing but a lot of hot air "in the end".

Liberals are like impotence because

1) They always go soft on you when you need them most

Liberals are like constipation because

1) They are always obstructing something useful

Liberals are like hemmorhoids because

1) Well... isn't it obvious? Do I really have to say it? OK.... here goes..... they're nothing but a bunch of bloated, puffed up pains in the butt.


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