Are Your Smart Phones Spying on You?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Seriously, this shit is getting so fucking Big Brother that it is spooky.

Android apps are secretly tracking your location

An increasing number of Android applications are attempting to track users without their knowledge, according to a new report.

Over recent years, companies have started hiding “beacons”, ultrasonic audio signals inaudible to humans, in their adverts, in order to track devices and learn more about their owners.

Electronic devices equipped with microphones can register these sounds, allowing advertisers to uncover their location and work out what kind of ads their owners watch on TV and which other devices they own.

The technique can even be used to de-anonymise Tor users.

“Throughout our empirical study, we confirm that audio beacons can be embedded in sound, such that mobile devices spot them with high accuracy while humans do not perceive the ultrasonic signals consciously,” reads the report from researchers at Technische Universität Braunschweig in Germany.

They found that, while six apps were known to be using ultrasound cross-device tracking technology in April 2015, this number grew to 39 by December 2015, and has now increased to 234.

The study hasn’t named any specific programs, but says that several have millions of downloads and “are part of reputable companies”, including McDonald’s and Krispy Kreme.​

Secret messages beamed out in TV adverts can order smartphones to spy on people, researchers warn

A team of German academics have noticed a huge growth in the number of Android apps that are designed to look out for inaudible “ultrasonic” signals.

These signals contain a code that orders the apps to begin tracking people’s location, work out what they are watching on television and even expose intimate secrets about their personal life, such as their political affiliation or love of pornography.

They have alleged that multinational corporations such as Krispy Kreme and McDonald’s have fitted the snooping software within apps.

Apps that use the software can “precisely link the watching of even sensitive content such as adult movies or political documentations to a single individual – even at varying locations”, the researchers warned.

“Advertisers can deduce what and how long an individual is watching and obtain a detailed user profile to deliver highly customised advertisements,” the team added.

The spy apps use software called Silverpush which is designed to listen for “audio beacons” which humans cannot hear.

Researchers from the Braunschweig University of Technology visited 35 high street stores in two unnamed European cities and found four were secretly broadcasting these signals.

They also found an explosion in the number of Android apps which are constantly searching for audio beacons.

In April 2015, just 39 apps were fitted with Silverpush.

But the team found a total of 234 apps are now listening for ultrasonic signals – although this could be the tip of the iceberg.

Soon, these apps might be used to find people who are trying to buy dope in shadowy alley ways and ghettos, lol..
Seriously, this shit is getting so fucking Big Brother that it is spooky.

Android apps are secretly tracking your location

An increasing number of Android applications are attempting to track users without their knowledge, according to a new report.

Over recent years, companies have started hiding “beacons”, ultrasonic audio signals inaudible to humans, in their adverts, in order to track devices and learn more about their owners.

Electronic devices equipped with microphones can register these sounds, allowing advertisers to uncover their location and work out what kind of ads their owners watch on TV and which other devices they own.

The technique can even be used to de-anonymise Tor users.

“Throughout our empirical study, we confirm that audio beacons can be embedded in sound, such that mobile devices spot them with high accuracy while humans do not perceive the ultrasonic signals consciously,” reads the report from researchers at Technische Universität Braunschweig in Germany.

They found that, while six apps were known to be using ultrasound cross-device tracking technology in April 2015, this number grew to 39 by December 2015, and has now increased to 234.

The study hasn’t named any specific programs, but says that several have millions of downloads and “are part of reputable companies”, including McDonald’s and Krispy Kreme.​

Secret messages beamed out in TV adverts can order smartphones to spy on people, researchers warn

A team of German academics have noticed a huge growth in the number of Android apps that are designed to look out for inaudible “ultrasonic” signals.

These signals contain a code that orders the apps to begin tracking people’s location, work out what they are watching on television and even expose intimate secrets about their personal life, such as their political affiliation or love of pornography.

They have alleged that multinational corporations such as Krispy Kreme and McDonald’s have fitted the snooping software within apps.

Apps that use the software can “precisely link the watching of even sensitive content such as adult movies or political documentations to a single individual – even at varying locations”, the researchers warned.

“Advertisers can deduce what and how long an individual is watching and obtain a detailed user profile to deliver highly customised advertisements,” the team added.

The spy apps use software called Silverpush which is designed to listen for “audio beacons” which humans cannot hear.

Researchers from the Braunschweig University of Technology visited 35 high street stores in two unnamed European cities and found four were secretly broadcasting these signals.

They also found an explosion in the number of Android apps which are constantly searching for audio beacons.

In April 2015, just 39 apps were fitted with Silverpush.

But the team found a total of 234 apps are now listening for ultrasonic signals – although this could be the tip of the iceberg.

Soon, these apps might be used to find people who are trying to buy dope in shadowy alley ways and ghettos, lol..

We have 80 Fusion centers that collect ALL our data and then crunch it into files and then send it to the big mega NSA facility in Utah where their mega-computers assign what they call a "threat matrix score" based on your beliefs gleaned from what you have posted on social media, keywords from your phone calls and texts, what you watch on youtube, what you search on Google (which is a CIA tool). I am sure my "threat matrix score" is off the fucking chart and I couldn't be prouder of that fact. I have had over two thousand posts where I expose the criminal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank totally deleted and I violated no terms of service...they simply didn't like the content of my writings. I wear it like a badge of honor and it hasn't stopped me. I do radio interviews, I have a FB page that grows in numbers every day. I speak out on numerous forums. I hope the NSA spooks are reading what I post because hopefully they are learning the fact that their bosses that own USA.INC are nothing but parasitic entities bent on owning every resource down to the last blade of grass. I give them the double middle finger salute on a daily basis. Fuck "fear"....what I fear the most is that I could be silenced by internet censorship that renders my IP address useless. They certainly don't intimidate me with their other tactics of simply means that I have gotten under their skin. I have more interviews coming up and I will be reaching more audiences....yep, I am definitely a "fly in the ointment" to them.

Hey! NSA! Here's a heapin' helpin' of F-U-C-K YOU!!!!!!
On star can unlock and start your car hundreds of miles away. On star can find your car when it's stolen. The government not only knows what you buy but what route you take to get their. And when you add a Walmart app to your phone it even knows when you walk in the store!
No. My phone isn't spying on me, but I've got a toaster who watches me eat breakfast, and a clock that watches me sleep.
I use landline and minimal electronics in my car. However I am far more worried about EMP than big brother and I have been a registered Libertarian since age 24. You do realize this crap is published to create self-suppression because there are not enough left-wing bozoes to run big brother's operations.
And I don't really care, because I have nothing to hide, but I hate it that my microwave is filming me in my home.
Yes. All cell phones have for a long damned time.
Just a question but I wonder how much of this program is sustained by the free porno captured?

We were concerned that people calling 911 might not be able to communicate their location to the first responders if they called by cell phone. So we passed the Enhanced 911 system.

Enhanced 9-1-1 - Wikipedia

We were assured that this would only be used to find you in case of a life threatening emergency. So all phones got a GPS chip. Then the chip started to be used to track you for corporate greed as well as nosy government types.

The Police jack the information with Stingray and use a Supreme Court Decision to defend it. You see if you give your information to a third party you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. That means the cops don't need a warrant for your information. Then Congress passes laws mandating that all these companies are required to get even more information from you. Information that you must surrender to get whatever you are trying to do done. This way the cops have even more information to get easily since you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

You can't open a bank account without providing name and social security and drivers license and other forms of information. THen you get a bank card linked with all the information you were required to provide.

Same thing with the phone carrier. Then the companies decided there was a lot of information that they could use to target ads to you. So your browsing history became valuable so that you could be bombarded by ads for whatever it was you looked at. Then they wanted to know who your friends were because if you liked something chances are your friends did too.

Between Big Brother Government and Big Brother Corporation the only privacy you have left is in your mind.

Scientists Develop Brain Decoder That Can Read Your Inner Thoughts

Never mind. That's gone too.

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