Are you proud you listen to Bread?

Proud? That's a funny way to say it. I enjoy Bread. I enjoy the Carpenters, too. Also Led Z, Commander Cody, Steppenwolf, Elton, Dylan, The Beatles, Stones, Beach Boys, and about anything else from Glenn Miller to Micheal jackson and Prince (the artist formerly known as).

I guess being proud or ashamed of what I like is just asking for judgement. I get plenty of that without asking.

Are your preferances dictated by the preferances of those around you? I can't really believe that would be true.
[ame=]YouTube - Bread - If - Lyrics[/ame]
Depends on the bread. Wonder bread is just too puffed up, and oatmeal-bran-raisin is too dry and just goes right on through. Rye is too sarcastic.
Okay.... If you insist...


Proud? That's a funny way to say it. I enjoy Bread. I enjoy the Carpenters, too. Also Led Z, Commander Cody, Steppenwolf, Elton, Dylan, The Beatles, Stones, Beach Boys, and about anything else from Glenn Miller to Micheal jackson and Prince (the artist formerly known as).

I guess being proud or ashamed of what I like is just asking for judgement. I get plenty of that without asking.

Are your preferances dictated by the preferances of those around you? I can't really believe that would be true.

Whoose! .........................
my favorite bread :)

[ame=]YouTube - diary bread[/ame]
Honestly, I don't think there is one song of theirs that I don't love....they are great at soft, yucky, icky love songs! :lol:
I remmeber an italian buddy of mine arguing with girls about 'bread', his argument went something along the lines of 'bread, what da fuck is dat, I eat bread!'.

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