Are You Proud of What You Do For Bread?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Even if the unemployment rate is realistically as high 15%, that still means 85% of us are doing something with our lives.....

Are you proud of what you do for shelter and bread?

I know... there are different kinds of pride. The pride I take right now in life is that of accomplishing a hard days work. The task I spend 40 hours of my life per week sweatin' over so that I have the time and resources to feed my habits is that of a modern clerk. Not much glamor... I help people with paperwork. I work for a huge organization, I'm busy as hell, and most of the time I feel like I really do help folks, so yeah, I'm proud of what I produce in America. You?
Yes I am. Love what I do, and I know I am making a difference in my students lives.
When I worked I never had a job I was ashamed of or that I felt negatively impacted my country or society.
Even if the unemployment rate is realistically as high 15%, that still means 85% of us are doing something with our lives.....

Are you proud of what you do for shelter and bread?

I know... there are different kinds of pride. The pride I take right now in life is that of accomplishing a hard days work. The task I spend 40 hours of my life per week sweatin' over so that I have the time and resources to feed my habits is that of a modern clerk. Not much glamor... I help people with paperwork. I work for a huge organization, I'm busy as hell, and most of the time I feel like I really do help folks, so yeah, I'm proud of what I produce in America. You?

I go to the store for bread.

I'm indifferent to that action, taking neither pride nor derission in it.
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you grocery store people stole my thoughts! to actually answer the question, yes, I am. it took about 3 years of no social life and 12 hours a day of studying to get where I am and the rewards its brought to me, our clients, and the other people in our small company are pretty awesome.
Generally speaking, I'm proud of the loaves I bake...


...I do make homemade bread, once or twice a month.
My plan was to be a rock star and to marry a series of super models. I fell somewhat short, due to a problem with modes (and the circle of fifths) plus no supermodels worked where I did. But yeah. I'm cool with where I landed.

Hey, if you have a paying job, you have a right to complain. Otherwise, be handicapped, or STFU.
Proud? When I was in the military the answer was almost always yes.

Now I don’t know. There is no doubt in my mind I have saved people and property from damage, that I am good at this in an area where it is not easy to be good at this.

And I can drink and have sex at work too.

Proud? My Yin is pulling my Yang Chung..
Proud? When I was in the military the answer was almost always yes.

Now I don’t know. There is no doubt in my mind I have saved people and property from damage, that I am good at this in an area where it is not easy to be good at this.

And I can drink and have sex at work too.

Proud? My Yin is pulling my Yang Chung..

So you're a fireman at a live sex club? Or what?
More than proud, I'm honored that fate has given me a chance of doing what I do.

I only wish fate paid better.
Yes,I like what I do and I am proud of the fact that I give 110% to my job, or I would not do it. It sure is better than being unemployed
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