Are you Pro-Life?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Im Pro-Life generally but with exceptions and limits. I used to be more radical but a close person told me she had a abortion because the Baby was dead inside her uttehrus and the doctors told her they need to remove it. Im not sure if that counts as abortion but now Im moderately pro-life I think sometimes women have valid reasons for aborting. It shouldnt be a option or choice though like condoms.
Im Pro-Life generally but with exceptions and limits. I used to be more radical but a close person told me she had a abortion because the Baby was dead inside her uttehrus and the doctors told her they need to remove it. Im not sure if that counts as abortion but now Im moderately pro-life I think sometimes women have valid reasons for aborting. It shouldnt be a option or choice though like condoms.
I don't think that counts as an abortion if the baby was dead. Regular abortion is murder.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?
Im Pro-Life generally but with exceptions and limits. I used to be more radical but a close person told me she had a abortion because the Baby was dead inside her uttehrus and the doctors told her they need to remove it. Im not sure if that counts as abortion but now Im moderately pro-life I think sometimes women have valid reasons for aborting. It shouldnt be a option or choice though like condoms.

50 million and counting dead potential liberals in America is off to a good start.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?
You mean pro-lifers.

. . . and they do.

If you ever meet a women that has had one, it can often times destroy their life, and the relationship they are in.

I had a friend once that had a miscarriage, she and her husband had photos of the baby taken and mounted on their living room wall in their grief.

It. . . .was macabre. I don't think they realized it though.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?
You mean pro-lifers.

. . . and they do.

If you ever meet a women that has had one, it can often times destroy their life, and the relationship they are in.

I had a friend once that had a miscarriage, she and her husband had photos of the baby taken and mounted on their living room wall in their grief.

It. . . .was macabre. I don't think they realized it though.

Thank you, I did mean pro lifers.

I am not talking about the woman who had the miscarriage, I am referring to the pro-life friends and family of the woman who had the miscarriage.
Im Pro-Life generally but with exceptions and limits. I used to be more radical but a close person told me she had a abortion because the Baby was dead inside her uttehrus and the doctors told her they need to remove it. Im not sure if that counts as abortion but now Im moderately pro-life I think sometimes women have valid reasons for aborting. It shouldnt be a option or choice though like condoms.
No I am not pro-life I was trained to kill by the army.
Im Pro-Life generally but with exceptions and limits. I used to be more radical but a close person told me she had a abortion because the Baby was dead inside her uttehrus and the doctors told her they need to remove it. Im not sure if that counts as abortion but now Im moderately pro-life I think sometimes women have valid reasons for aborting. It shouldnt be a option or choice though like condoms.
Either you believe a woman should have the right, for any reason, to get an abortion or you don’t.

Not because the baby is dead, not because of rape, but just because the woman is not ready to start a family.

Your compromise is still asking too much. How many women will just say their brother is the father? Or that they were raped?

Right now in Michigan it’s like up to 24 weeks. For whatever reason doctors and women believe that should be the cut off. Republicans want it to be 8 weeks. How about 12 or 16 weeks? I wouldn’t have a problem lowering the number down from 24 weeks. I totally think republicans could get away with that and not suffer too much backlash.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?

Because they're lying fucking hypocrites. This isn't about saving lives. It's about punishing "loose women".

I truly believe they think they are saving babies lives.

But they don’t realize those babies aren’t going to be raised right and we need less people not more.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?

Because they're lying fucking hypocrites. This isn't about saving lives. It's about punishing "loose women".

I truly believe they think they are saving babies lives.

That's what they tell themselves. But what's driving this is the catharsis of self-righteousness. It's especially appealing to fundies who have been following Trump through the sewers for the last few years.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?

Because they're lying fucking hypocrites. This isn't about saving lives. It's about punishing "loose women".

I truly believe they think they are saving babies lives.

That's what they tell themselves. But what's driving this is the catharsis of self-righteousness. It's especially appealing to fundies who have been following Trump through the sewers for the last few years.
Well he’s giving them what they think they want.

Trump promised to be moderate but he is totally rewarding the right for getting him elected. His court appointments especially.
Im Pro-Life generally but with exceptions and limits. I used to be more radical but a close person told me she had a abortion because the Baby was dead inside her uttehrus and the doctors told her they need to remove it. Im not sure if that counts as abortion but now Im moderately pro-life I think sometimes women have valid reasons for aborting. It shouldnt be a option or choice though like condoms.
Te pro-life crowd is anti-abortion, not pro-life
Everyone is in favor of life. No one is in favor of abortion as a regular thing. Education is the road to reducing abortion. Beyond that, it is the decision of the mother, who in giving birth also gives death 100% of the time.
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?

Because they're lying fucking hypocrites. This isn't about saving lives. It's about punishing "loose women".

I truly believe they think they are saving babies lives.

But they don’t realize those babies aren’t going to be raised right and we need less people not more.
------------------------------ less people needed eh , well stop importing third worlders Sealy .
If all abortions are murder, why don’t pro-choicers mourn miscarriages they same way they mourn the death of a 5 year old child?

Because they're lying fucking hypocrites. This isn't about saving lives. It's about punishing "loose women".

I truly believe they think they are saving babies lives.

But they don’t realize those babies aren’t going to be raised right and we need less people not more.
------------------------------------ RAISED Right eh . Yeah agree , see all the dopers , hip hoppers , criminals and other street thugs that were raised by 'millenials' parent in any city that you care to name Sealy .

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