Are You More Or Less "Free" In A Society That


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

Decades ago, people actually had a sense of right & wrong, and carried a conscience, and worked for those things they wanted. Today, everyone is under the misguided assumption that they're "entitled".
No more or less than if you have a lot of money compared to a little money. I rent an apartment, I own my car, and have no desire to take out a massive loan.

Dunno what my rating is, but I know if I took out a big loan I'd personally feel less free as I'd be tied down to it.
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So far TWO RWers responded...not ONE answered the question directly.

Let's see what else happens.
Have you been in a coma Marc?
Debt forgiveness and "anyone can get a loan" is what created the whole mess we are in.

At any rate, yes you are free.
Freedom includes the freedom to screw your life up, and the freedom to accept the consequences of doing so.
It would be counter productive to a free society to be any other way.
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

Well I kinda agree with you to a point. For instance I find it offensive that employers are now starting to consider credit score as a criteria to get a job. That seems fucked up to me. As far as being hamstrung by a bad credit score. A lot of that comes from our society being dependent on Debt spending. Your credit score does not matter when you buy with in your means with Cash :)
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

Well I kinda agree with you to a point. For instance I find it offensive that employers are now starting to consider credit score as a criteria to get a job. That seems fucked up to me. As far as being hamstrung by a bad credit score. A lot of that comes from our society being dependent on Debt spending. Your credit score does not matter when you buy with in your means with Cash :)

Credit score show responsibility, or lack thereof. Every employer wants to know they're hiring someone that's going to be responsible, and isn't likely to rip them off. Especially in this day and age where most people don't bat an eyelash over lying, or stealing in some fashion.
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

Decades ago, people actually had a sense of right & wrong, and carried a conscience, and worked for those things they wanted. Today, everyone is under the misguided assumption that they're "entitled".

^^^ What she said.

* Not because she's a scary Admin either, but cuz I actually just agree with her.
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

Well I kinda agree with you to a point. For instance I find it offensive that employers are now starting to consider credit score as a criteria to get a job. That seems fucked up to me. As far as being hamstrung by a bad credit score. A lot of that comes from our society being dependent on Debt spending. Your credit score does not matter when you buy with in your means with Cash :)

Credit score show responsibility, or lack thereof. Every employer wants to know they're hiring someone that's going to be responsible, and isn't likely to rip them off. Especially in this day and age where most people don't bat an eyelash or lying, or stealing in some fashion.

To an extend is shows responsibility. However some times things can happen that are beyond our control. Which can lead to our credit score being hurt. Someone who perhaps was in an accident and even with insurance and everything. The time off work got them behind and their Credit score took a big hit. Should that person be passed over as less responsible at a job interview? Really?
So far TWO RWers responded...not ONE answered the question directly.

Let's see what else happens.

We are more free, those of us who work, act responsibly and pay our own way. The 'entitlement' brigade, perhaps not so much but that's their own fault. It's that 'individual responsibility' thing that RWers keep whining about. I am not responsible for your fuck ups, and I don't expect you to be for mine.
Well I kinda agree with you to a point. For instance I find it offensive that employers are now starting to consider credit score as a criteria to get a job. That seems fucked up to me. As far as being hamstrung by a bad credit score. A lot of that comes from our society being dependent on Debt spending. Your credit score does not matter when you buy with in your means with Cash :)

Credit score show responsibility, or lack thereof. Every employer wants to know they're hiring someone that's going to be responsible, and isn't likely to rip them off. Especially in this day and age where most people don't bat an eyelash or lying, or stealing in some fashion.

To an extend is shows responsibility. However some times things can happen that are beyond our control. Which can lead to our credit score being hurt. Someone who perhaps was in an accident and even with insurance and everything. The time off work got them behind and their Credit score took a big hit. Should that person be passed over as less responsible at a job interview? Really?

Credit scores show more than that. Has the account gone to collections? If so, that's a damned good indicator the person in debt is doing *nothing* to fix it, and isn't even communicating with the billing agency. Generally simple/constant communication will keep you off that nasty little list. In fact, ANYTHING that shows you're making an effort will...
First of all, I deny a basic premise in your OP. I know plenty of people who don't have good credit but have lots of stuff.

That said, you didn't give me anything to compare to? More or less free than what?
Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

No, not free at all. The freest person in America is the illegal alien. And like you say it is difficult to buy any large purchase, even with cash, if you have bad credit. The free America makes you show ID of some kind for any major purchase. Check Radio Shack & Sears if you doubt that, and I mean using cash for the purchase.

The normal store can take your driver's license number and know everything about you. I feel sorry for those of you who fell victim to govs. scam to give you direct deposit of your checks. Tsk! And CA. gov. is in the business of selling your private life for profit, raking in over a million a year from corporations eager to sell you things or dun you with credit bills.

Here is a guy that can make you invisible in America, from corporations on down. Feds still have you of course. Free Book download:
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You RW dimwits TOTALLY mis the point...once again.

One can be a millionaire or billionaire for all anyone knows, but would still be REQUIRED...aka FORCED to have good credit to get access to certain essentials in life.

One poster just posted the fact that now one has to PROVE good credit to GET a job...a job. That's DISGUSTING. So lets say, now an "irresponsible" person is finally getting to a point where they can "pull themselves up by their boot straps" some employer, without any other history than what some credit score(s) says...will NOT be able to hire them. Even if all their other recon and backchecking states that this is a PERFECT candidate for hire.

That's NOT freedom CON$ simply just isn't.

Not to mention the tons of people who DON'T want to have any credit whatsoever, who live totally "responsible" lives and always have and always will, but because there is no record from some "credit company" to judge them by, they are NOT afforded access to certain essentials in live.

Again...this is NOT freedom...this is akin to Corporate Rule.

But I see some of you toe-lickers will defend it to the hilt, come hell or highwater.

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First of all, I deny a basic premise in your OP. I know plenty of people who don't have good credit but have lots of stuff.

That said, you didn't give me anything to compare to? More or less free than what?

The question/premise extremely simple Watson.

Does the current trend FORCING individuals to HAVE credit to get anything, increasingly including jobs, gives one MORE freedom or LESS.

Funny, I don't recall you asking "more or less free than what?" when its the RW that's spouting this "We're ferr FREEDUM!" nonsense.

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Essentially REQUIRES an individual to have good credit to do/have practically anything.

Aka, an abode, whether rent or own, a car, access to loans (well, this one more understandable), and many other things that decades ago was not necessary.

When we invaded Afghanistan I shocked a republican friend by admonishing his assertion that "they hated us for our freedoms".

I pointed out that in Afghanistan they paid no taxes and paid no rent. They also didn't sell their lives by the hour or the month to sustain themselves, they lived in liberty under their own authority and by their own means and abilities.

He was speechless.
You're not going to get a mortgage now unless your credit is absolutely sparkling, dude. One little wart and you're done.

It's tighter now that it was before this whole subprime shit pile started.
You RW dimwits TOTALLY mis the point...once again.

One can be a millionaire or billionaire for all anyone knows, but would still be REQUIRED...aka FORCED to have good credit to get access to certain essentials in life.

One poster just posted the fact that now one has to PROVE good credit to GET a job...a job. That's DISGUSTING. So lets say, now an "irresponsible" person is finally getting to a point where they can "pull themselves up by their boot straps" some employer, without any other history than what some credit score(s) says...will NOT be able to hire them. Even if all their other recon and backchecking states that this is a PERFECT candidate for hire.

That's NOT freedom CON$ simply just isn't.

Not to mention the tons of people who DON'T want to have any credit whatsoever, who live totally "responsible" lives and always have and always will, but because there is no record from some "credit company" to judge them by, they are NOT afforded access to certain essentials in live.

Again...this is NOT freedom...this is akin to Corporate Rule.

But I see some of you toe-lickers will defend it to the hilt, come hell or highwater.


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