Are you for Trickle Down Capitalism?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Are you for Trickle Down Capitalism?

Liberals call capitalism "trickle down" while conservatives call it "flood down". Republican flood down capitalism is, for example, when Steve Jobs invents a super complex state-of-the art smart phone computer, and makes it so cheap that most of the world can afford it, or, when so much pay floods down to Americans they can spend $1 trillion on Christmas, or, when 2.6 million of us can afford to board planes every day in America.

Liberals pretend they don't like flood down capitalism so call it trickle down capitalism to imply not enough trickles down. There solution is trickle down welfare which would undermine the great flood downward always underway in America. Can anyone agree with liberals on this?
Even from the perspective of Neo-classical economic theory your simplistic take on this is absurd. If you want to push the conservative, right wing delusions you’d best start reading up on the theory. Start with Eugen Böhm von Bawerk and move onto Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises. As least then your delusional raves will take on a patina of actually meaning something.

Ludwig von Mises - Wikipedia
Austrian School - Wikipedia
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Are you for Trickle Down Capitalism?

Liberals call capitalism "trickle down" while conservatives call it "flood down". Republican flood down capitalism is, for example, when Steve Jobs invents a super complex state-of-the art smart phone computer, and makes it so cheap that most of the world can afford it, or, when so much pay floods down to Americans they can spend $1 trillion on Christmas, or, when 2.6 million of us can afford to board planes every day in America.

Liberals pretend they don't like flood down capitalism so call it trickle down capitalism to imply not enough trickles down. There solution is trickle down welfare which would undermine the great flood downward always underway in America. Can anyone agree with liberals on this?
They like trickled on economics better...That's where you give a shit-ton of money to gubmint, then when they're done lining their pockets with the lion's share of it, they trickle what's left over onto a few favored peasants, whom they believe to deserve what you've earned more so than you do.
Are you for Trickle Down Capitalism?

Liberals call capitalism "trickle down" while conservatives call it "flood down". Republican flood down capitalism is, for example, when Steve Jobs invents a super complex state-of-the art smart phone computer, and makes it so cheap that most of the world can afford it, or, when so much pay floods down to Americans they can spend $1 trillion on Christmas, or, when 2.6 million of us can afford to board planes every day in America.

Liberals pretend they don't like flood down capitalism so call it trickle down capitalism to imply not enough trickles down. There solution is trickle down welfare which would undermine the great flood downward always underway in America. Can anyone agree with liberals on this?
They like trickled on economics better...That's where you give a shit-ton of money to gubmint, then when they're done lining their pockets with the lion's share of it, they trickle what's left over onto a few favored peasants, whom they believe to deserve what you've earned more so than you do.

Yes, liberals believe in trickle down welfare, not trickle down capitalism!
Even from the perspective of Neo-classical economic theory your simplistic take on this is absurd. If you want to push the conservative, right wing delusions you’d best start reading up on the theory. Start with Eugen Böhm von Bawerk and move onto Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises. As least then your delusional raves will take on a patina of actually meaning something.

Ludwig von Mises - Wikipedia
Austrian School - Wikipedia

Can you tell is where the absurdity is?

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