Are White Americans in danger of Racial Blowback with reagrds to white racism?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

Is this the reason for black racism directed towards White Americans?

We all know what the term "Blowback" means ?

Your thoughts please.
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how much black racism and black predatory behaviour will be accepted before whites decide enough is enough and turn off the money spigot for racial blackmail?
are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?
It happens everyday.

But American blacks better worry about Hispanics, because Hispanics hate blacks and don't feel sorry for blacks like whites do.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

Is this the reason for black racism directed towards White Americans?

We all know what the term "Blowback" means ?

Your thoughts please.

Every black child can graduate from high school for free, and if they have ability can attend college and enter the professions, with a leg up because of their skin color. Blacks can run for any political office, live in any neighborhood in the country they can afford, start their own business and turn it into a multimillion dollar company. There are too many examples to deny this. As Baraq Obama has shown there isnt any opportunity available to whites that isn't also available to blacks.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

Is this the reason for black racism directed towards White Americans?

We all know what the term "Blowback" means ?

Your thoughts please.

Every black child can graduate from high school for free, and if they have ability can attend college and enter the professions, with a leg up because of their skin color. Blacks can run for any political office, live in any neighborhood in the country they can afford, start their own business and turn it into a multimillion dollar company. There are too many examples to deny this. As Baraq Obama has shown there isnt any opportunity available to whites that isn't also available to blacks.

Though I agree with you, I have to also point out that Blacks have MORE opportunities available to them than Whites just because they are 'Black'.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

Is this the reason for black racism directed towards White Americans?

We all know what the term "Blowback" means ?

Your thoughts please.

"....are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?"

Too late, the danger has already started a long time ago. ;)
."white people -- some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Hussein Obama

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out, many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs. . . It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names" Barack Hussein Obama from Dreams of My Father

"I found solice in nursing a pervasive sense of grievancee and animosity against my mother's race" Barack Hussein Obama from Dreams of My Father
I know a fireman that told me that the only hiring that was happening right now in the fire department were black candidates. He claimed that the same was true of the police department. A hispanic friend of mine has over 3,000 hours of flying time and has been trying to get in to an airline based in Chicago, they had interviews last week for 12 slots, they were only interviewing people with black skin.

This country is becoming as big of a joke as France.
What part of many Whites voted for President Obama is not being registered here?
It is the beloved black leaders who are agitators and left wing media, who are stirring up the race card here.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

You must be joking. The "blowback" you need to concern yourself is from WHITES.

Blacks have carte blanche to do what they please... rape, rob, burn, kill. Whitey won't mind, ya know. They suck up billions in welfare, pop out their babies, and we pay for it all.

Blowback, please. If whites grow a pair, everyone else should run for the fucking hills.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

You must be joking. The "blowback" you need to concern yourself is from WHITES.

Blacks have carte blanche to do what they please... rape, rob, burn, kill. Whitey won't mind, ya know. They suck up billions in welfare, pop out their babies, and we pay for it all.

Blowback, please. If whites grow a pair, everyone else should run for the fucking hills.

Blacks should also be concerned about "White Blowback", that is also
an issue.You are right.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

Is this the reason for black racism directed towards White Americans?

We all know what the term "Blowback" means ?

Your thoughts please.

Every black child can graduate from high school for free, and if they have ability can attend college and enter the professions, with a leg up because of their skin color. Blacks can run for any political office, live in any neighborhood in the country they can afford, start their own business and turn it into a multimillion dollar company. There are too many examples to deny this. As Baraq Obama has shown there isnt any opportunity available to whites that isn't also available to blacks.

. When the Planet of the Apes comes true (at least here in America) and the half brain dead negro species is living again in mud huts with the great cities that the white race built falling down around them the Asian and Indian civilizations will be able to sit back and laugh and watch the dumbshit negroes of the western hemisphere do what they always do, namely, destroy cities, rape, rob, and plunder and even kill each other off like the sick cannibals that you really are. Knowing all this I can go to bed tonight a tall and proud white man knowing the shitty black race will NEVER rule this planet.
Personally I think the people most likely to feel any blowback are the minority leaders that insist on throwing down the race card everytime somebody has the temerity to mention a person's race. It has gotten way old and has been watered down to the point of parody in most cases. Most people aren't racist until it's forced upon them by somebody else trying to use that euphemism to get their own way.
It's tired and it's lame.
After many hundreds of years of White racism directed towards blacks, are white Americans in danger of experiencing racial blowback from black Americans?

Is this the reason for black racism directed towards White Americans?

We all know what the term "Blowback" means ?

Your thoughts please.

Your problem is not with white Americans. It is with brown Americans. You guys slipped to third position while you were distracted with hating white people. If you ask me immigration is YOUR problem. Mexicans work harder as a rule and have more money to spend as a result. In my world the brown people are much easier to get along with than the blacks. They are much more appreciative of the opportunities this country offers.

If I was youz guys I would get my head outta my ass and develop a strategy to beat the Mexicans at their game.

I realize that the above is a gross over-generalization. Many blacks do not fall into the trap you constantly find yourself in. The constant drone and tears from the Basses and 52's show a lack of intelligence and attention to the reality of what is happening in America. The slave survivors mentality is so 19th and 20th century. That deck of cards needs to be thrown out. Nobody cares anymore.

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