‘Are USA Getting Invaded?’ U.S. Boats Faced "Russian" imperial Aggression Near Alaska. “the surprise was how aggressive they got on our side of the m


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
‘Are USA Getting Invaded?’ U.S. Boats Faced "Russian" imperial Aggression Near Alaska

its clear that Putin´s KGB /Ozero is changeling leaving Trump and the New President mr Biden , what will be Pentagon/NATO response for Putin´s aggression against USA , NATO ?


Russia’s operations in the Arctic have meant a growing military presence at America’s northern door. Rear Adm. Matthew T. Bell Jr., the commander of the Coast Guard district that oversees Alaska, said it was not a surprise to see Russian forces operating in the Bering Sea over the summer, but “the surprise was how aggressive they got on our side of the maritime boundary line.”

In the air, U.S. jets in Alaska typically scramble to intercept about a half-dozen approaching Russian aircraft a year, outliers on the long-range nuclear bomber patrols that Russia resumed in 2007. But this year that number has risen to 14 — on pace to set a record since the Cold War era. In the most recent case, last month, the United States responded to the approach of two Russian bombers and two Russian fighters that came within 30 nautical miles of Alaskan shores.

Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.
will Biden stop Putin´s aggression against USA and its allies ?
People said I was crazy when I said this would happen. Trumps personell moves in the last week have all been installing russian assets
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?
7 weeks away? Brilliant, Einstein. Trump is still in office.

Holy shit. Have a cookie and try again.
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Sleepy Joe is very frail and confused, and Kamala is a clueless hoe who slept her way into the VP-elect mob.

The Biden-Harris team can expect numerous challenges beginning on Day One. The enemies do see weakness, but Trump warned the people what would happen.
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?
Biden is a cold war man , he will get down 1% of world GDP without any probelm . With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?
7 weeks away? Brilliant, Einstein. Trump is still in office.

Holy shit. Have a cookie and try again.

President Trump should definitely ask hostile foreign powers to hold off until 20 January as a courtesy. Biden says he will be ready on Day One.
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?

I very much doubt trump would do anything, he did nothing when Russia targeted our troops, or when Kim continued his nuclear missile ambitions. Trump is a bully, but bullies are cowards and it's clear that Putin has the goods on trump.

I suspect, with some personal experience, that Russia has subs in the area along with what appeared to be a Cruiser in the OPs link. My guess is Biden will confer with the Joints Chief and the outcome would be to move our Warships into the area (maybe even USS Zumwalt***). We have plenty of Air Power on the West Coast to intimidate Putin and probably some of our subs which are in westpac.

***USS Zumwalt
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Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Sleepy Joe is very frail and confused, and Kamala is a clueless hoe who slept her way into the VP-elect mob.

The Biden-Harris team can expect numerous challenges beginning on Day One. The enemies do see weakness, but Trump warned the people what would happen.
Muscovy today is 1 % of world GDP, USA will bang him over in very short time
After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia faced the old challenge of building a modern economy rather than a Potemkin village of modernity. The first decade after the fall was chaotic as investment bankers and oligarchs appropriated the wealth under the banner of privatization. The emergence of Vladimir Putin, the former KGB agent who was tied into the oligarchy, should have led to a surge of modernization. Energy prices were reasonably high, and investment capital for a modern economy could, in theory, have been created.


Russia’s challenge is not building a new generation of hypersonic missiles, nor investing in advanced technologies. Russia’s challenge now is to avoid collapse. The Russian budget is distributed among its constituent regions, which pay the teachers and doctors and firemen.


But with the decline of energy prices, Russia’s budget declines, and as it declines, the regions contract. Russia, a Third World country, has few counters to low energy prices.
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?
7 weeks away? Brilliant, Einstein. Trump is still in office.

Holy shit. Have a cookie and try again.

Yes, you idiot. They aren't going to do anything yet. In case you haven't figured it out yet, military moves are slow and deliberate. It isn't like playing Fortnite, though most of Democrats probably equate the two.

Democrats are complete wussy cowards(see COVID and global warming hysteria). China and Russia both know this, which is why they are having Biden/Harris victory parties.
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?

I very much doubt trump would do anything, he did nothing when Russia targeted our troops, or one Kim continued his nuclear ambitions. Trump is a bully, but bullies are cowards and it's clear that Putin has the goods on trump.

I suspect, with some personal experience, that Russia has subs in the area along with what appeared to be a Cruiser in the OP. My guess is Biden will confer with the Joints Chief and the outcome would be to move our current iteration of Destroyers into the area. We have plenty of Air Power on the West Coast to intimidate Putin.

Who will Biden send with a "reset" button next year?
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.
you are a very delusional moron. you asswipe demonrats were warned, but your pathetic hatred for TRUMP is what ruined this country. all you retards of the demonrat party hopefully will get covid, because thats what you deserve for selling out AMERICA...asshole demonrats
Trump has put us in a terribly vulnerable position with his characteristic Trumpian child-like behavior. He won't even let Biden have access to critical intelligence.

Our enemies can see our weakness and instability. It's hard to miss at this point. Don't be surprised when they press like this. Let's hope this is all they do.

Yeah, they see a weakness alright. Biden/Harris is the weakness you nitwit. Do you really think they would be doing this if they knew Trump was going to remain in charge?
7 weeks away? Brilliant, Einstein. Trump is still in office.

Holy shit. Have a cookie and try again.
maybe you should have the cookie you fucking commie

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