Are Trump Supporters Naturally The Most Bigoted Racist People Or Just This One Guy?

Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) trump supporters?


Ya, go with that.
The guy was pissed out of his mind and had the sense to fake screaming out in support of Donald Trump. or....was it just his natural inclination?

What's your theory?
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?
Why are you such a race baiting troll, ass hole?

No, I would say that Trump supporters as a whole tend to be fearful of a world that they can't understand anymore, and that seems to be passing them by.

It just happens that most racists fall into that category.

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

Why are so many racists (and bigots) clinton supporters?
Gotta link?

Will this serve?

How do Democrats find these people and why do they elect them to office?

Congressman who once feared Guam could capsize compares Jewish settlers to 'termites'
By Adam Kredo Published July 25, 2016 Washington Free Beacon

A Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites on Monday while speaking at an event sponsored by an anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D- Ga., launched into a tirade against Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians, comparing Jewish people who live in disputed territories to “termites” that destroy homes. Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a remark that drew vocal agreement from those in the room.

Congressman who once feared Guam could capsize compares Jewish settlers to 'termites' | Fox News
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

I don't know... I think Debbie Wasserman-Schultz emails give any Trump supporter a good run for the money on racist bigotry. Poking fun at a black woman's name, talking about "taco bowl outreach" referring to Hispanics, and pondering if it is more effective to go after Bernie as an Atheist or a Jew in the South?

And that's the LEADERSHIP of the Democrat Party!
What a truly PATHETIC attempt to distract people from the DNC' tremendously SEXIST, ANTI-SEMITIC, ANTI-BLACK, ANTI-LATINO, ANTI-CATHOLIC, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, VIOLENCE-INCITING e-mails.

And libs are so pissed and frightened they are attacking and blaming anything and anyone who moves while trying to paint themselves as somehow being a victim.

God, Democrats are such losers.
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

This from a racist/bigoted far left drone that celebrated the death of cops.
What kind of support for 9/11 First Responders including cops is forthcoming from the GOP?

What difference does it make at this point? But considering that you support the killing of cops, you far left drones do not see the irony in what is happening!
Looks like they caught another bigoted, racist Trump supporter being themselves. This time on the NYC subway.

Apparent Trump Supporter Goes Nuts on Subway: ‘Put Them Back in the F**** Fields’

Why are so many racists (and bigots) Trump supporters?

It's backlash. People are getting tired of blacks being paid to incite violence and then doing so. You see, hate can't be doled out with impunity, regardless of color:

impunity-exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

What you are seeing is a reaction to the BLM bullshit. Expect it to get worse, not better. Just like expecting cops to shoot first and ask questions later, is a reaction to you making them a target.

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