CDZ Are there any discussion sites that require three digit IQs?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.
I was gonna make some juvenile, snarky comment but stopped myself just in time.

That doesn't happen everyday, so I'm proud.

I've been on boards/sites since 9/11, some great, some horrid. They all seem to have gone they way of the dust in the wind.
I was gonna make some juvenile, snarky comment but stopped myself just in time.

That doesn't happen everyday, so I'm proud.

I've been on boards/sites since 9/11, some great, some horrid. They all seem to have gone they way of the dust in the wind.

The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.

You got that right. Without naming names I'm getting sick and tired of people who never say anything but call you names and put downs of how stupid everyone is that disagrees with them without ever putting up anything to support a thing they say! Even after proven wrong and a liar, they keep repeating crap like a little child in circular tomfoolery. I had such a thing recently with a person who hijacked an entire thread with constant nonsense and I even reported him to moderation to no apparent avail. So, if this place is falling apart, I put part of the blame on certain individuals who are dragging it down (nearly always a Trump/GOP-basher), and a lack of people on staff to keep up the necessary moderation.
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.

You got that right. Without naming names I'm getting sick and tired of people who never say anything but call you names and put downs of how stupid everyone is that disagrees with them without ever putting up anything to support a thing they say! Even after proven wrong and a liar, they keep repeating crap like a little child in circular tomfoolery. I had such a thing recently with a person who hijacked an entire thread with constant nonsense and I even reported him to moderation to no apparent avail. So, if this place is falling apart, I put part of the blame on certain individuals who are dragging it down (nearly always a Trump/GOP-basher), and a lack of people on staff to keep up the necessary moderation.

The anti Israel foaming and frothing at the mouth stuff is something to behold. I've just been reading a thread in which the meltdown had reached cardiac arrest levels.
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.

You got that right. Without naming names I'm getting sick and tired of people who never say anything but call you names and put downs of how stupid everyone is that disagrees with them without ever putting up anything to support a thing they say! Even after proven wrong and a liar, they keep repeating crap like a little child in circular tomfoolery. I had such a thing recently with a person who hijacked an entire thread with constant nonsense and I even reported him to moderation to no apparent avail. So, if this place is falling apart, I put part of the blame on certain individuals who are dragging it down (nearly always a Trump/GOP-basher), and a lack of people on staff to keep up the necessary moderation.

Yet lots of conspiracy theory crap is posted, and "you're stupid" is a perfectly reasonable response to those. Most of those have been posted countless times, and credible proof of just how wrong they are has been repeated just as often. "You're wrong, and stupid for saying that again" is the only answer that fits.
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.

You got that right. Without naming names I'm getting sick and tired of people who never say anything but call you names and put downs of how stupid everyone is that disagrees with them without ever putting up anything to support a thing they say! Even after proven wrong and a liar, they keep repeating crap like a little child in circular tomfoolery. I had such a thing recently with a person who hijacked an entire thread with constant nonsense and I even reported him to moderation to no apparent avail. So, if this place is falling apart, I put part of the blame on certain individuals who are dragging it down (nearly always a Trump/GOP-basher), and a lack of people on staff to keep up the necessary moderation.

Yet lots of conspiracy theory crap is posted, and "you're stupid" is a perfectly reasonable response to those. Most of those have been posted countless times, and credible proof of just how wrong they are has been repeated just as often. "You're wrong, and stupid for saying that again" is the only answer that fits.

Or you could stop reading the stuff if you know its old or wrong, or ask for proof or offer proof to the contrary. Bottom line: there are some people here that would deny the Sun rises in the East even if you opened the window and stuck their face in the sunrise.
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.

You got that right. Without naming names I'm getting sick and tired of people who never say anything but call you names and put downs of how stupid everyone is that disagrees with them without ever putting up anything to support a thing they say! Even after proven wrong and a liar, they keep repeating crap like a little child in circular tomfoolery. I had such a thing recently with a person who hijacked an entire thread with constant nonsense and I even reported him to moderation to no apparent avail. So, if this place is falling apart, I put part of the blame on certain individuals who are dragging it down (nearly always a Trump/GOP-basher), and a lack of people on staff to keep up the necessary moderation.

Yet lots of conspiracy theory crap is posted, and "you're stupid" is a perfectly reasonable response to those. Most of those have been posted countless times, and credible proof of just how wrong they are has been repeated just as often. "You're wrong, and stupid for saying that again" is the only answer that fits.

Or you could stop reading the stuff if you know its old or wrong, or ask for proof or offer proof to the contrary. Bottom line: there are some people here that would deny the Sun rises in the East even if you opened the window and stuck their face in the sunrise.

That's a good way of putting it. lol.
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There's definitely some smarts opining here , one needs to muddle through the lowbrows to find it at times though....~S~
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.
Worse, this is more and more a reflection of our society.

That's what happens when independent thought is lowered as a priority. We become intellectually paralyzed and regress.

There is a pack mentality amongst certain sections.:huddle: :cow: :cool-45:
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.

You got that right. Without naming names I'm getting sick and tired of people who never say anything but call you names and put downs of how stupid everyone is that disagrees with them without ever putting up anything to support a thing they say! Even after proven wrong and a liar, they keep repeating crap like a little child in circular tomfoolery. I had such a thing recently with a person who hijacked an entire thread with constant nonsense and I even reported him to moderation to no apparent avail. So, if this place is falling apart, I put part of the blame on certain individuals who are dragging it down (nearly always a Trump/GOP-basher), and a lack of people on staff to keep up the necessary moderation.

Yet lots of conspiracy theory crap is posted, and "you're stupid" is a perfectly reasonable response to those. Most of those have been posted countless times, and credible proof of just how wrong they are has been repeated just as often. "You're wrong, and stupid for saying that again" is the only answer that fits.

This is true, however, I thought this sub forum was supposed to be free of both the name calling and the original behavior that brought upon the name calling.

Meaning if you go into current events or whatever there are people on BOTH sides who post nonsense, stuff that is easily disproven with simple facts, and yes that stuff deserves a "you're an idiot"

But come into this forum and that response is against the rules, so shouldn't that behavior also be against the rules, making this forum where you're simply not allowed to have your own facts?

I suppose that gets a bit subjective though since so many people are willing to just flat out ignore any and all facts if they get in the way of their argument. I guess I'm just used to the military where if you don't have facts you don't have an opinion that is worthy of listening to lol
The level of discourse on this site is plummeting. It is nearly impossible to raise a point or issue without it being subjected to inane attempts at juvenile put-downs.
LOL. I'm thinking the same thing this morning.
And why does some of it get so gratuitously personal?

We're only pixels on a screen.
I do wish you'd quit with that "we're only pixels on a screen" thing. We are communicating. That means we are sharing our REAL ideas. At least some of us are. Maybe you're not?
I was gonna make some juvenile, snarky comment but stopped myself just in time.

That doesn't happen everyday, so I'm proud.

I've been on boards/sites since 9/11, some great, some horrid. They all seem to have gone they way of the dust in the wind.
Some old threads from 2008, 2009 have been necroed and I've read some of them. Posters used to be more decorous. Sorry, I don't know how else to put it. They used better English and they were more careful stating their opinions and they didn't become so 14-ish with their insults. I can see that this board has degraded, but it's interesting that you see that everywhere.
All the more reason for what I do. I'm reinvigorated.

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