Are The People Who Got Vaccinated Dumb Or Worse???

Many of the people who are going on and on about the tens of thousands of deaths from the vaccines are using raw data from VAERS.

VAERS is as reliable as Wiki. Anyone can report an adverse effect from a vaccine. I just reported that my mother had an adverse reaction and was in ICU. My mother died in 1997.
Many of the people who are going on and on about the tens of thousands of deaths from the vaccines are using raw data from VAERS.

VAERS is as reliable as Wiki. Anyone can report an adverse effect from a vaccine. I just reported that my mother had an adverse reaction and was in ICU. My mother died in 1997.
So what you are saying by your own actions is that you advocate falsifying information on a CDC reporting site while trying to convince us that we should believe the CDC. Pretzel logic.
So what you are saying by your own actions is that you advocate falsifying information on a CDC reporting site while trying to convince us that we should believe the CDC. Pretzel logic.

No, what I am saying is the VAERS data is as reliable as Wiki, and I would not be surprised if numerous reports were filed by anti-vaxxers.
I just reported that my mother had an adverse reaction and was in ICU. My mother died in 1997.
I believe the quote above from your post shows that you made a false report on a CDC reporting site by your own admission. Tsk Tsk Tsk, naughty naughty--it put your credibility right up there with the CDC's.
Someone us are not scared
Some of us have medicine just in case ..Some have doctors that will prescribe ivermectin or one of the others

Some have horse dewormer ...manufacturers are back ordered rotflmao
We ain't worried about you walking jabbed bio weapons....

Walking virus factories retards you've been bamboozled
Please get your boosters

The people who have mounted a campaign to make their supposed personal choice not to get vaccinated into a battle misinformation against vaccination itself are the worst. They deserve to die from their stupidity and for trying to convince others to be stupid as well. Any sympathy America might have for the suffering and deaths of the unvaccinated is quickly waning.
Experimenting with injections that we know very little about can be very dangerous. Children understand that. Instead we should have protected the vulnerable. No lockdown. Herd immunity is the best protection.

Get ivermectin
If you suspect you have long covid or think ya caught it just get it anyway ya can
It works ...unlike their bullshit trump fauci poison

That’s absurd. You’ve no doubt heard the phrase follow the money. It’s applicable here. You’re old enough to know better.

Uh, no, it's not, unless you can show proof of actual crimes. Can you? Let's see it.

"The Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus, the dominant strain in the U.S., is driving up cases in particular where vaccination rates are lower. Also known as B.1.617.2, the variant was first identified in India in late 2020. It has spread to at least 85 countries and has itself mutated to produce a further version that is causing concern in India. The three shots authorized in the U.S.—were primarily tested in large clinical trials for their efficacy at preventing symptomatic disease, rather than their ability to prevent infection completely.

CDC study shows 74% people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated -- the study also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people, and could spread it to other individuals."

For months and months smarter people have told you that this virus isn't very fact, the way this virus has been overhyped, the nanny-state authoritarian protective measures against the virus -- those things have actually caused more harm and killed more people than the virus (which to date, only 9 people have actually died from the virus)....Trump was proven right when he decided to downplay the virus....he knew early on about science's plan to use the vaccine to kill people....and they walked right into his trap....So now that science was caught lying and had to admit what we already knew -- the question has to be asked...are the people who got vaccinated dumb? or is it much worse than that....are they evil??

It's safe to say that some people who were vaccinated were lied to and too dumb to research for we can't be too hard on the dumb ones...but what about the ones who pushed this vaccine to fulfill their agenda of global genocide? As one brilliant pastor correctly predicted; "You and I are witnessing the first global mass murder and it's being led by Satan's team on the planet," Wiles said on TruNews. "You must survive it. Do not be vaccinated...My objective is to survive the genocide." So the message is pretty clear...for those people like Dr. Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, BLM, Oprah, the guy who was the bartender on Love Boat -- all of them are part of an evil conspiracy to depopulate the Earth by 40% by exactly do we stop them?

Why would you ask a stupid ignorant question like that?

"The Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus, the dominant strain in the U.S., is driving up cases in particular where vaccination rates are lower. Also known as B.1.617.2, the variant was first identified in India in late 2020. It has spread to at least 85 countries and has itself mutated to produce a further version that is causing concern in India. The three shots authorized in the U.S.—were primarily tested in large clinical trials for their efficacy at preventing symptomatic disease, rather than their ability to prevent infection completely.

CDC study shows 74% people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated -- the study also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people, and could spread it to other individuals."

For months and months smarter people have told you that this virus isn't very fact, the way this virus has been overhyped, the nanny-state authoritarian protective measures against the virus -- those things have actually caused more harm and killed more people than the virus (which to date, only 9 people have actually died from the virus)....Trump was proven right when he decided to downplay the virus....he knew early on about science's plan to use the vaccine to kill people....and they walked right into his trap....So now that science was caught lying and had to admit what we already knew -- the question has to be asked...are the people who got vaccinated dumb? or is it much worse than that....are they evil??

It's safe to say that some people who were vaccinated were lied to and too dumb to research for we can't be too hard on the dumb ones...but what about the ones who pushed this vaccine to fulfill their agenda of global genocide? As one brilliant pastor correctly predicted; "You and I are witnessing the first global mass murder and it's being led by Satan's team on the planet," Wiles said on TruNews. "You must survive it. Do not be vaccinated...My objective is to survive the genocide." So the message is pretty clear...for those people like Dr. Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, BLM, Oprah, the guy who was the bartender on Love Boat -- all of them are part of an evil conspiracy to depopulate the Earth by 40% by exactly do we stop them?
People like you who don't care who you spread the virus to are endangering the lives of others including children. You should be locked up in a cage & the key thrown away.
Someone us are not scared
Some of us have medicine just in case ..Some have doctors that will prescribe ivermectin or one of the others

Some have horse dewormer ...manufacturers are back ordered rotflmao
We ain't worried about you walking jabbed bio weapons....

Walking virus factories retards you've been bamboozled
Please get your boosters

View attachment 523032
Cause Horse Dewormer is what I want when threatened with something that killed 600,000 people
Someone us are not scared
Some of us have medicine just in case ..Some have doctors that will prescribe ivermectin or one of the others

Some have horse dewormer ...manufacturers are back ordered rotflmao
We ain't worried about you walking jabbed bio weapons....

Walking virus factories retards you've been bamboozled
Please get your boosters

View attachment 523032
Sounds like a pretty good deal. Get Ivervectin, beat COVID & as a plus cure yourself of having a tapeworm. Two birds with one stone. How can you go wrong?

People like you who don't care who you spread the virus to are endangering the lives of others including children. You should be locked up in a cage & the key thrown away.

That is stupid.
Those under 12 have natural immunity.
And no one has any idea what the long run effects of these fake mRNA vaccines are.
They could be worse then Thalidomide.
No, they really are mRNA vaccines, and the funny thing about Clipper's post is that after completely missing Biff's satire he then feels obliged to attempt sarcasm two posts later.

"The Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus, the dominant strain in the U.S., is driving up cases in particular where vaccination rates are lower. Also known as B.1.617.2, the variant was first identified in India in late 2020. It has spread to at least 85 countries and has itself mutated to produce a further version that is causing concern in India. The three shots authorized in the U.S.—were primarily tested in large clinical trials for their efficacy at preventing symptomatic disease, rather than their ability to prevent infection completely.

CDC study shows 74% people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated -- the study also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people, and could spread it to other individuals."

For months and months smarter people have told you that this virus isn't very fact, the way this virus has been overhyped, the nanny-state authoritarian protective measures against the virus -- those things have actually caused more harm and killed more people than the virus (which to date, only 9 people have actually died from the virus)....Trump was proven right when he decided to downplay the virus....he knew early on about science's plan to use the vaccine to kill people....and they walked right into his trap....So now that science was caught lying and had to admit what we already knew -- the question has to be asked...are the people who got vaccinated dumb? or is it much worse than that....are they evil??

It's safe to say that some people who were vaccinated were lied to and too dumb to research for we can't be too hard on the dumb ones...but what about the ones who pushed this vaccine to fulfill their agenda of global genocide? As one brilliant pastor correctly predicted; "You and I are witnessing the first global mass murder and it's being led by Satan's team on the planet," Wiles said on TruNews. "You must survive it. Do not be vaccinated...My objective is to survive the genocide." So the message is pretty clear...for those people like Dr. Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, BLM, Oprah, the guy who was the bartender on Love Boat -- all of them are part of an evil conspiracy to depopulate the Earth by 40% by exactly do we stop them?
The media have been lying to Americans in order to get them vaccinated. Every day we have a story about some right winger who died of Covid. No mention of anyone dying from the vaccine or having severe reactions to them. Those stories are swept under the rug. Americans don't need to know these stories. All they need to know is the brainwashing pushed by the left.
No, they really are mRNA vaccines, and the funny thing about Clipper's post is that after completely missing Biff's satire he then feels obliged to attempt sarcasm two posts later.

Good point that Thalidomide was FDA approved.
There is mRNA technology in these so called vaccines, but there is no way a vaccination could get messenger RNA into any cells and have it start producing protein spikes inside of a human. Nor would we ever want that, since there would be no way to then control production rates or safety.
Obviously where the messenger RNA is actually used is in a factory, where huge stem cells can be injected with a micro syringe.
Then when these factory stem cells produce spike proteins, they are harvested and put into vaccines in quantifiable amounts.
While CDC and other medical sites do say the mRNA is in the vaccination and not just spike proteins, everyone should easily understand that is just wrong.
They intentionally garbled the explanation because they did not want to admit stem cells are being used, because stem cells came from abortions.

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