Are The People Who Got Vaccinated Dumb Or Worse???

Issac Washington was okay as a bartender, but he first question I always ask myself is WWGD = What Would Gopher Do?
The former Iowa State House Republican guides me in nearly all of my decisions :biggrin:

e4c39279ad58334a81de7b89bd4b8b20.jpg would sooner accept the lies being told to you on social media and dubious partisan and pseduo science websites where you get your antivax information? Ok. I'm sure you don't belong to a cult. I'll defer to actual virologists and scientists that tell me the vaccine is safe. I'm not my own leading experiment in virology. I'll leave that to you.
Lies? Lol.

You clearly are uninformed. Everything I stated is true. You thinking it isn’t, is proof you’re uninformed.
Lies? Lol.

You clearly are uninformed. Everything I stated is true. You thinking it isn’t, is proof you’re uninformed.

I don't get my information from antivax conspiracy theory websites. Those who do, choose to remain ignorant of the facts because it suits their poiltical narrative.
The unvaccinated don't seem to care who they endanger or what their so-called personal choce costs the country. It is correct to despise callous self-absorbed people with no regard for others.
You call me "callous" and "self-absorbed" because I choose not to put something in my body that was never adequately tested and we don't really know about what it's long term effects will be?

I had over it rather quickly and tested positive for anti bodies when I donated plasma twice. So why would I even think about getting an untested shot? Just to make YOU feel safer? Who's really the callous and self-absorbed one in this conversation!
The person I responded to claimed it was just the unvaccinated spreading COVID. Clearly that is incorrect.
Fauci said, "When you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with Delta, it is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person who's infected,' Fauci said."

So a vaccinated person who gets covid is going to spread covid "Exactly the same" as a non-vaccinated person with covid.

And, unfortunately, data from Israel is showing that, "Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry."
The same CNBC article also says,
"The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data."

So the vaccine isn't preventing the spread of covid, it's just lessening the symptoms:

The stated goal of the covid vaccine from the beginning was to lessen the symptoms, not to prevent infection, and therefore you getting the vaccine can only provide protection for yourself by, hopefully, reducing your symptoms.
Fauci said, "When you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with Delta, it is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person who's infected,' Fauci said."

So a vaccinated person who gets covid is going to spread covid "Exactly the same" as a non-vaccinated person with covid.

And, unfortunately, data from Israel is showing that, "Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry."
The same CNBC article also says,
"The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data."

So the vaccine isn't preventing the spread of covid, it's just lessening the symptoms:

The stated goal of the covid vaccine from the beginning was to lessen the symptoms, not to prevent infection, and therefore you getting the vaccine can only provide protection for yourself by, hopefully, reducing your symptoms.

Post a link where it states the pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective.
Your sources are all antivax/pseudo science, etc., with some sort of agenda, political or otherwise.
Wrong again you naughty statist authoritarian. Did it ever occur to you all your sources are pro-vax, exactly like the entire establishment?
Post a link where it states the pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective.
Well okay then. That was easy and even from one of your beloved corporate media sources. Come on now. GET INFORMED.

Pfizer Inc.’s Covid-19 vaccine provided a strong shield against hospitalization and more severe disease in cases caused by the contagious delta variant in Israel in recent weeks, even though it was just 39% effective in preventing infections, according to the country’s health ministry.
Pfizer Shot Halts Severe Illness, Allows Infection in Israel
Well okay then. That was easy and even from one of your beloved corporate media sources. Come on now. GET INFORMED.

Pfizer Inc.’s Covid-19 vaccine provided a strong shield against hospitalization and more severe disease in cases caused by the contagious delta variant in Israel in recent weeks, even though it was just 39% effective in preventing infections, according to the country’s health ministry.
Pfizer Shot Halts Severe Illness, Allows Infection in Israel

I actually looked it up myself and Israel has shown efficacies as low as 16% for people vaccinated in January. It's possible it may go down a lot further than that by december and beyond, according to whatever criteria they using to test efficacy. Now here is the big question, where have you seen any other country showing efficacy numbers even remotely close to 16%. Rationally there would be massive breakthrough outbreaks all over the US and every other country using pfizer, especially for ppl vaccinated in jan/feb or even march and April. In the US we are still seeing 95% and more of covid patients have not been vaccinated. If what Israel reported was true we would be seeing 30-50% of all new cases as breakthroughs here in the US. Again, that's not even remotely the case. Even other antivaxxers don't go as far as saying the pfizer vaccine is only 16% effective.

A UK study showed pfizer is 88% effective against delta. That is an extremely consistent number when averaged out among ppl who took the vaccine early on till now here in the US as well as there. That is the model you should be looking at. Not some tiny country of 8 million. This is not to say their results should be dismissed, but if no one else is experiencing the same thing you have to ask why Is Israel? What's different there?
I actually looked it up myself and Israel has shown efficacies as low as 16% for people vaccinated in January. It's possible it may go down a lot further than that by december and beyond, according to whatever criteria they using to test efficacy. Now here is the big question, where have you seen any other country showing efficacy numbers even remotely close to 16%. Rationally there would be massive breakthrough outbreaks all over the US and every other country using pfizer, especially for ppl vaccinated in jan/feb or even march and April. In the US we are still seeing 95% and more of covid patients have not been vaccinated. If what Israel reported was true we would be seeing 30-50% of all new cases as breakthroughs here in the US. Again, that's not even remotely the case. Even other antivaxxers don't go as far as saying the pfizer vaccine is only 16% effective.

A UK study showed pfizer is 88% effective against delta. That is an extremely consistent number when averaged out among ppl who took the vaccine early on till now here in the US as well as there. That is the model you should be looking at. Not some tiny country of 8 million. This is not to say their results should be dismissed, but if no one else is experiencing the same thing you have to ask why Is Israel? What's different there?
Your faith in the vaccines is admirable, but delusional. It’s much too earlier to judge their effectiveness. We know one thing for certain, big pharma and big government can’t be trusted to tell the truth. They have a long history of lying. Yet you choose to believe them.
Wrong again you naughty statist authoritarian. Did it ever occur to you all your sources are pro-vax, exactly like the entire establishment?

No, because whatever reporting i've seen supported the evidence. Antivax sites on the other hand have an agenda to dole our misinformation based on either the twisting of facts or just outright lying. That's why we have claims about the vaccine having microchips, it's why we have stories about Bill Gates wanting to depopulate the world. These are the wacky thoughts of ppl from your side. It's a mental illness.
No, because whatever reporting i've seen supported the evidence. Antivax sites on the other hand have an agenda to dole our misinformation based on either the twisting of facts or just outright lying. That's why we have claims about the vaccine having microchips, it's why we have stories about Bill Gates wanting to depopulate the world. These are the wacky thoughts of ppl from your side. It's a mental illness.
That’s absurd. You’ve no doubt heard the phrase follow the money. It’s applicable here. You’re old enough to know better.

"The Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus, the dominant strain in the U.S., is driving up cases in particular where vaccination rates are lower. Also known as B.1.617.2, the variant was first identified in India in late 2020. It has spread to at least 85 countries and has itself mutated to produce a further version that is causing concern in India. The three shots authorized in the U.S.—were primarily tested in large clinical trials for their efficacy at preventing symptomatic disease, rather than their ability to prevent infection completely.

CDC study shows 74% people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated -- the study also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people, and could spread it to other individuals."

For months and months smarter people have told you that this virus isn't very fact, the way this virus has been overhyped, the nanny-state authoritarian protective measures against the virus -- those things have actually caused more harm and killed more people than the virus (which to date, only 9 people have actually died from the virus)....Trump was proven right when he decided to downplay the virus....he knew early on about science's plan to use the vaccine to kill people....and they walked right into his trap....So now that science was caught lying and had to admit what we already knew -- the question has to be asked...are the people who got vaccinated dumb? or is it much worse than that....are they evil??

It's safe to say that some people who were vaccinated were lied to and too dumb to research for we can't be too hard on the dumb ones...but what about the ones who pushed this vaccine to fulfill their agenda of global genocide? As one brilliant pastor correctly predicted; "You and I are witnessing the first global mass murder and it's being led by Satan's team on the planet," Wiles said on TruNews. "You must survive it. Do not be vaccinated...My objective is to survive the genocide." So the message is pretty clear...for those people like Dr. Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, BLM, Oprah, the guy who was the bartender on Love Boat -- all of them are part of an evil conspiracy to depopulate the Earth by 40% by exactly do we stop them?
Only 0.001% of the covid deaths in the resurgence have been fully vaccinated. Only 0.004% of hospitalizations have been fully vaccinated.

The vaccine does not prevent break through cases. But it drastically reduces death and hospitalizations.
Granted that this is a smaller sampling, but I can personally attest to six cases of unvaxxed who neither died nor were hospitalized, so that is an O-fer six on both counts.

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