Are the anti-science zealots accepting anthropogenic climate change yet?

how exactly did humans cause climate change millions of years ago when there were no humans?

Sorry. but your logic is faulty

Just because we didn’t cause climate change a million years ago, doesnt mean we are not influencing it now.

The earth itself is seeing continual climate change. There is nothing we can do about it.
But we can do something about our contribution
Sorry. but your logic is faulty

Just because we didn’t cause climate change a million years ago, doesnt mean we are not influencing it now.

The earth itself is seeing continual climate change. There is nothing we can do about it.
But we can do something about our contribution
Do you understand the difference between pollution and climate? Yes, we are polluting the planet, but there is no proven link between that pollution and climate change. The climate of our planet is controlled by the sun, variations in the tilt on its axis, and changes to ocean currents resulting from tilt changes and sun activity. WE cannot control climate, we cannot stop any changes, and we cannot reverse any changes. The climate of earth will be changing millions of years after the last human is gone, and was changing millions of years before the first human appeared.
Do you understand the difference between pollution and climate? Yes, we are polluting the planet, but there is no proven link between that pollution and climate change. The climate of our planet is controlled by the sun, variations in the tilt on its axis, and changes to ocean currents resulting from tilt changes and sun activity. WE cannot control climate, we cannot stop any changes, and we cannot reverse any changes. The climate of earth will be changing millions of years after the last human is gone, and was changing millions of years before the first human appeared.
Our pollution is impacting the climate
It is an established fact, except among Conservatives
Do you understand the difference between pollution and climate? Yes, we are polluting the planet, but there is no proven link between that pollution and climate change. The climate of our planet is controlled by the sun, variations in the tilt on its axis, and changes to ocean currents resulting from tilt changes and sun activity. WE cannot control climate, we cannot stop any changes, and we cannot reverse any changes. The climate of earth will be changing millions of years after the last human is gone, and was changing millions of years before the first human appeared.
Without the Greenhouse Effect, the average temperature on this planet would fall by 32.7C (58.9F). Would you consider that "climate change"? Let me add, that the difference between the average temperature of the Earth at the height of our last ice age and today is only 5C (9F). The Greenhouse Effect on global temperature easily overwhelms solar variations, changes in axial tilt, continental reconfiguration, changes in ocean currents and anything else you can think of.
Our pollution is impacting the climate
It is an established fact, except among Conservatives
exactly how is it doing that? By the way CO2 is not a pollutant. Without CO2 there would be no life on earth.

and it has nothing to do with political leanings, it has to do with scientific facts. Prove the claimed link between human created pollution and climate. you can't and no one else can either, because its a hoax designed to turn unthinking morons like you into obedient sheep.
exactly how is it doing that? By the way CO2 is not a pollutant. Without CO2 there would be no life on earth.

and it has nothing to do with political leanings, it has to do with scientific facts. Prove the claimed link between human created pollution and climate. you can't and no one else can either, because its a hoax designed to turn unthinking morons like you into obedient sheep.

Its not?

How about I put a hood over your head and have you breathe pure CO2?
Its not?

How about I put a hood over your head and have you breathe pure CO2?
try that on any of your plants. plants need CO2 to survive, they take in CO2 and give off oxygen which all animals need to live. its a balance, and it has worked for millions of years. There have been warming and cooling trends in all of the history of planet earth, humans have never had anything to do with it, and short of all out nuclear war, never will. But we may see the end of our planet if your libtardian leaders have their way and start a nuclear conflict which no one will survive. your side is crazy, they prove it every time they speak.
Without the Greenhouse Effect, the average temperature on this planet would fall by 32.7C (58.9F). Would you consider that "climate change"? Let me add, that the difference between the average temperature of the Earth at the height of our last ice age and today is only 5C (9F). The Greenhouse Effect on global temperature easily overwhelms solar variations, changes in axial tilt, continental reconfiguration, changes in ocean currents and anything else you can think of.
He, idiot, without the greenhouse effect, the planet dies. You are literally stating, without an atmosphere the temperature drops. No shit.

The greenhouse effect does not overwhelm the sun. It is a result of the sun.
Its not?

How about I put a hood over your head and have you breathe pure CO2?
I know what you mean, but if you are going to argue from the party of science, how do you get pure CO2 from breathing? Where does the 78% of nitrogen go? What about the percentage of Argon, both Argon and Nitrogen vastly overwhelm CO2.

You can not get pure CO2, putting a hood over someone's head.
He, idiot, without the greenhouse effect, the planet dies. You are literally stating, without an atmosphere the temperature drops. No shit.

The greenhouse effect does not overwhelm the sun. It is a result of the sun.

The planet will still be here
WE will die
try that on any of your plants. plants need CO2 to survive, they take in CO2 and give off oxygen which all animals need to live. its a balance, and it has worked for millions of years. There have been warming and cooling trends in all of the history of planet earth, humans have never had anything to do with it, and short of all out nuclear war, never will. But we may see the end of our planet if your libtardian leaders have their way and start a nuclear conflict which no one will survive. your side is crazy, they prove it every time they speak.
How dare you provide those liars with facts!
I do not comment such as you do, cricket. I do not need a good riposte, when I have responded with a fact. Yet this comment suffices as a riposte.
Wow, that cut me to the quick.

So, can I now assume that you accept that the magnitude of the total greenhouse effect easily overwhelms solar variations, changes in axial tilt, continental reconfiguration, changes in ocean currents and anything else you can think of?
Wow, that cut me to the quick.

So, can I now assume that you accept that the magnitude of the total greenhouse effect easily overwhelms solar variations, changes in axial tilt, continental reconfiguration, changes in ocean currents and anything else you can think of?
crick, it is a free world, all your ideology is based on assumptions, assume whatever you like, why would you ask such of me, I have no power allowing you to assume or not

crick has always assumed, never ever able to present facts

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