Are republicans hopelessly stuck in the 80's because of their undying love of Reagan?

when enough time goes by and historians actually look at the presidents objectively and not from their political,bias, Bill " the serial sexual predator" Clinton, and barak " Nero " Obama will be seen as the two worst presidents in our history....Bill " the serial sexual predator " Clinton and his treason, and Barak " Nero" Obama for his destruction of our country....

Until enough time passes though, the socialist loving history establishment will continue to pass them off as great men....when in truth they are as far,from great as you could ever get...
Weird you don't understand UNFUNDED means like EVERY other nation that EVER went to war, they created new revenues to pay for it. Dubya/GOP decided to slash revenues instead, lol
Weird. The wars were funded and you claim they were unfunded. Who has wars funded before the war? You're a lunatic.
Clinton will be remembered as a good, but not a great president. Obama along with Bush II will predictably not be the worst, but certainly in the bowels of the two-term presidents.The only dispute about Reagan is he will be in the very elite or the very good. Right-leaning historians will assess him as the former and left-leaners the latter.

Yes, the GOP policies take awhile to get over. They dig wide and deep holes

Libs failures always someone elses fault........
Clinton will be remembered as a good, but not a great president. Obama along with Bush II will predictably not be the worst, but certainly in the bowels of the two-term presidents.The only dispute about Reagan is he will be in the very elite or the very good. Right-leaning historians will assess him as the former and left-leaners the latter.
I agree with that but it's also important to note that Reagan and Bush had an opposing third leg of government to deal with, as did Clinton (which helped him in the end) while obama has largely had his way.
Clinton will be remembered as a good, but not a great president. Obama along with Bush II will predictably not be the worst, but certainly in the bowels of the two-term presidents.The only dispute about Reagan is he will be in the very elite or the very good. Right-leaning historians will assess him as the former and left-leaners the latter.

The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration.
Vox Verax The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.

The myth of Ronald Reagan was already looming in the spring of 1997 — when a highly popular President Bill Clinton was launching his second-term, pre-Monica Lewinsky, and the Republican brand seemed at low ebb. But what neoconservative activist Grover Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away.

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Clinton will be remembered as a good, but not a great president. Obama along with Bush II will predictably not be the worst, but certainly in the bowels of the two-term presidents.The only dispute about Reagan is he will be in the very elite or the very good. Right-leaning historians will assess him as the former and left-leaners the latter.
I agree with that but it's also important to note that Reagan and Bush had an opposing third leg of government to deal with, as did Clinton (which helped him in the end) while obama has largely had his way.

Yeah, he has gotten EVERYTHING he's wanted right *Shaking head*

You wingnutters rally don't live in reality
Weird you don't understand UNFUNDED means like EVERY other nation that EVER went to war, they created new revenues to pay for it. Dubya/GOP decided to slash revenues instead, lol
Weird. The wars were funded and you claim they were unfunded. Who has wars funded before the war? You're a lunatic.

Weird you don't know gutting revenues by 25% as Dubya did and ramping up spending on Medicare Part D and putting EVERYTHING on the credit card means Dubya never paid for the wars. Oh right you are a TeaTard
when enough time goes by and historians actually look at the presidents objectively and not from their political,bias, Bill " the serial sexual predator" Clinton, and barak " Nero " Obama will be seen as the two worst presidents in our history....Bill " the serial sexual predator " Clinton and his treason, and Barak " Nero" Obama for his destruction of our country....

Until enough time passes though, the socialist loving history establishment will continue to pass them off as great men....when in truth they are as far,from great as you could ever get...

Another deranged rightie
True, since conservatives are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history on EVERY policy...
Explain the Cold War. It was a period of time between about 1950 and Reagan's second administration.

That was what policy? lol
The policy of ending detente and confronting the Soviet Union. The policy of basing missiles in Europe which was met by huge demonstrations by idiots like yourself of a bygone day. It worked, and no, Reagan certainly did not bring us to nuclear extinction. Remember the nuclear midnight clock?

God, such losers! lol

Oh those DEMOCRATIC policies started under Truman?

Their revisionist history makes Reagan into a small-government fiscal conservative, but he actually grew the government by 53% (Mises Institute), increasing military expenditures by 27% and creating another new department, Veterans’ Affairs. He never submitted a balanced budget and ended up tripling the national debt to $3 trillion. His S&L bailout cost 2.4 times more to fix (relative to GDP) than Bush’s financial crisis. The Washington Post reported in Reagan's last year that "In less than a decade, the world's largest creditor nation has become its leading debtor….”

Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents. As Tony Judt’s Postwar concluded: “…Washington did not ‘bring down’ Communism – Communism imploded of its own accord.”

Vox Verax The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
when enough time goes by and historians actually look at the presidents objectively and not from their political,bias, Bill " the serial sexual predator" Clinton, and barak " Nero " Obama will be seen as the two worst presidents in our history....Bill " the serial sexual predator " Clinton and his treason, and Barak " Nero" Obama for his destruction of our country....

Until enough time passes though, the socialist loving history establishment will continue to pass them off as great men....when in truth they are as far,from great as you could ever get...

Another deranged rightie
Grow up kid. Posting and reposting the same tired shit isn't going to make a bit of difference nor change anyone's mind about Reagan.
when enough time goes by and historians actually look at the presidents objectively and not from their political,bias, Bill " the serial sexual predator" Clinton, and barak " Nero " Obama will be seen as the two worst presidents in our history....Bill " the serial sexual predator " Clinton and his treason, and Barak " Nero" Obama for his destruction of our country....

Until enough time passes though, the socialist loving history establishment will continue to pass them off as great men....when in truth they are as far,from great as you could ever get...

Another deranged rightie
Grow up kid. Posting and reposting the same tired shit isn't going to make a bit of difference nor change anyone's mind about Reagan.

True, just want to show HISTORY before right wingers distorted what the American's thought of Ronnie
The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president.

The most well-known and politically damaging of the scandals came to light in November 1986, when Ronald Reagan conceded that the United States had sold weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of a largely unsuccessful effort to secure the release of six U.S. citizens being held hostage in Lebanon. (TRADING ARMS FOR HOSTAGES FOR YOU DUMMIES OUT THERE)

It was also disclosed that some of the money from the arms deal with Iran had been covertly and illegally funneled into a fund to aid the right-wing Contras counter-revolutionary groups seeking to overthrow the socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. (THAT'S RONNIE ATTEMPTING TO OVERTHROW A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOV'T, MR. FREEDOM HIMSELF)

The Iran-contra scandal as it became known, did serious damage to the Reagan presidency. The investigations were effectively halted when President George H. W. Bush (Reagan's vice president) pardoned Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger before his trial began

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ah I love how threads like these turn out.

It's always pretty much the same.

You start a thread with a poisoned argument that bathmouths republicans.

Then you get your ass kicked.

You know the definition of insanity....don't you ? Maybe you don't.

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