Are Republicans getting ready to impeach Obama?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Are fringe Republicans trying to impeach President Obama? - The Week

a conservative group has started a grassroots movement to make impeachment a reality. "The Conservative Majority Fund, a conservative group known primarily for its birther conspiracy spreading, has launched a robocall campaign to gin up support for the president's impeachment," says Sam Stein at The Huffington Post. The call says Obama is "guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors," citing the widely discredited claim that Obama is not an American citizen, among other accusations.

"Conservative Majority Fund is on the fringe of the conservative fringe," says Stein, "so it's not terribly surprising that they moved this quickly to start the drumbeats for the president's impeachment." Among such groups, the possibility of impeachment comes up often when the discussion turns to Benghazi, with many claiming that the Obama administration lied to the American people to cover up a terrorist attack
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Well he was lying about Libya even you hardcore Dems. know that. Enough to impeach him for it, I doubt it, not without the Senate.
As Republicans try to convince America that they are not as crazy as some may think
Under historical standards, Obama might be facing impeachment, EXCEPT THAT:
1. He is our FBP;
2. Dem Senate would never convict; and
3. the thought of Joe Biden as President.
Well he was lying about Libya even you hardcore Dems. know that.

[ame=]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]


Even though impeachment only takes a simple majority to pass the House I don't think there are enough dumbasses in the House to reach that mark. I couild be wrong. It's up to the GOP House leadership. Of course the GOP can't expect to get a conviction in the Senate so it would be a waste of time, but then again when has that ever stopped them.
Are fringe Republicans trying to impeach President Obama? - The Week

a conservative group has started a grassroots movement to make impeachment a reality. "The Conservative Majority Fund, a conservative group known primarily for its birther conspiracy spreading, has launched a robocall campaign to gin up support for the president's impeachment," says Sam Stein at The Huffington Post. The call says Obama is "guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors," citing the widely discredited claim that Obama is not an American citizen, among other accusations.

"Conservative Majority Fund is on the fringe of the conservative fringe," says Stein, "so it's not terribly surprising that they moved this quickly to start the drumbeats for the president's impeachment." Among such groups, the possibility of impeachment comes up often when the discussion turns to Benghazi, with many claiming that the Obama administration lied to the American people to cover up a terrorist attack

He invited them yesterday.
Even though impeachment only takes a simple majority to pass the House I don't think there are enough dumbasses in the House to reach that mark. I couild be wrong. It's up to the GOP House leadership. Of course the GOP can't expect to get a conviction in the Senate so it would be a waste of time, but then again when has that ever stopped them.

This may be our first opportunity to see if the new Republican establishment is capable of slapping down the crazies who have ruined the Republican brand
Are fringe Republicans trying to impeach President Obama? - The Week

a conservative group has started a grassroots movement to make impeachment a reality. "The Conservative Majority Fund, a conservative group known primarily for its birther conspiracy spreading, has launched a robocall campaign to gin up support for the president's impeachment," says Sam Stein at The Huffington Post. The call says Obama is "guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors," citing the widely discredited claim that Obama is not an American citizen, among other accusations.

"Conservative Majority Fund is on the fringe of the conservative fringe," says Stein, "so it's not terribly surprising that they moved this quickly to start the drumbeats for the president's impeachment." Among such groups, the possibility of impeachment comes up often when the discussion turns to Benghazi, with many claiming that the Obama administration lied to the American people to cover up a terrorist attack

Where do we send donations?? To insure republicans loose the house in mid-elections, this would be a great wedge-issue to nurture in the republican name. Sign me up!!!:D
You nuts tried to use lies about Benghazi to keep the president from being reelected and it didn't work. It backfired!!! What makes you think it will work now to impeach him?? That is just so stupid!! Get help, people.

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