Are people seriously ignorant of the consequences of communism/socialism?

Taking care of the old and the sick is not "communism."

Spending government money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

It is not and has never been the responsibility for the Federal Government to do that. Infrastructure is limited to specific things as is research. The rest is State responsibility.

Read the fucking Constitution.

That's silly.

Do you drive on the interstate highway?

MORON ALERT. The Interstate is a legal part of the Federal Government. Education is not. Nor is taking care of all citizens with Federal funds. That is socialism and NOT a power granted to the Federal Government.

You prove your ignorance every time you post. Quit while you are behind.
Liberals and democrats have an intense need to throw reality out the window and embrace socialisim and/or communisim because of the glittery promises. Take from the rich, give to the poor, everyone gets a nice house, a nice new car, lots of money, never has to work again. Everything is free because the nice powerful government made the rich give it up. Easy street forever more. The juvenile mind laps this up. They think themselves not at all greedy by wanting others to fulfill their wishes. It's FAIR. Why should someone else have more than they do. It's not FAIR.

They are wrong in many respects. Not the least of which is trusting the government to keep being fair when the government has all that power and wealth. The next is, once the weath is taken from the rich and redistributed, where is more wealth going to come from? This is what Margaret Thatcher meant when she said that the trouble with socialisim is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lower taxes for the rich. Go to for the numbers.

The rich now pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us.

Spending money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is not "socialism."

Bailing out rich bankers is socialism.
It is not and has never been the responsibility for the Federal Government to do that. Infrastructure is limited to specific things as is research. The rest is State responsibility.

Read the fucking Constitution.

That's silly.

Do you drive on the interstate highway?

MORON ALERT. The Interstate is a legal part of the Federal Government. Education is not. Nor is taking care of all citizens with Federal funds. That is socialism and NOT a power granted to the Federal Government.

You prove your ignorance every time you post. Quit while you are behind.

The U.S. military is the most socialist organization on the planet.

How much was your government check this month?
Liberals and democrats have an intense need to throw reality out the window and embrace socialisim and/or communisim because of the glittery promises. Take from the rich, give to the poor, everyone gets a nice house, a nice new car, lots of money, never has to work again. Everything is free because the nice powerful government made the rich give it up. Easy street forever more. The juvenile mind laps this up. They think themselves not at all greedy by wanting others to fulfill their wishes. It's FAIR. Why should someone else have more than they do. It's not FAIR.

They are wrong in many respects. Not the least of which is trusting the government to keep being fair when the government has all that power and wealth. The next is, once the weath is taken from the rich and redistributed, where is more wealth going to come from? This is what Margaret Thatcher meant when she said that the trouble with socialisim is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lower taxes for the rich. Go to for the numbers.

The rich now pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us.

Spending money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is not "socialism."

Bailing out rich bankers is socialism.

How about bailing out Unions, democratic faithful and voter groups that commit federal crimes with US tax payer money?
Liberals and democrats have an intense need to throw reality out the window and embrace socialisim and/or communisim because of the glittery promises. Take from the rich, give to the poor, everyone gets a nice house, a nice new car, lots of money, never has to work again. Everything is free because the nice powerful government made the rich give it up. Easy street forever more. The juvenile mind laps this up. They think themselves not at all greedy by wanting others to fulfill their wishes. It's FAIR. Why should someone else have more than they do. It's not FAIR.

They are wrong in many respects. Not the least of which is trusting the government to keep being fair when the government has all that power and wealth. The next is, once the weath is taken from the rich and redistributed, where is more wealth going to come from? This is what Margaret Thatcher meant when she said that the trouble with socialisim is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lower taxes for the rich. Go to for the numbers.

The rich now pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us.

Spending money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is not "socialism."

Bailing out rich bankers is socialism.

How about bailing out Unions, democratic faithful and voter groups that commit federal crimes with US tax payer money?

Republican enemies are always the working poor.

Republican friends are always Wall Street, the oil companies, and the super rich.

Is this really who you want to be?
How much death has to be caused by these systems before people understand they dont work?

Funny, I thought those deaths were because those countries were undergoing years of war and civil war before the commies took over.

How many people died in our own civil war, and in the violence that followed it?

Communism and Capitalism have one thing in common. They both sound great on paper. and they both tend to really get screwed up when human beings are involved. We tend to find the way to screw up just about anything.

Are you advertising your compete and total ignorance of history?

The Communist Mass Murders and purges came AFTER FDR's Progressive Comrades Stalin and Mao took over!

Did the North purge the South after the Civil War, you silly Prog?
The present Administration obviously wants to take us in the direction of European socialism.

How many deaths have been caused by European socialism? How many gulags or concentration camps have been built by European social democracies? How many political prisoners are incarcerated in them? How many newspapers have such governments shut down?

Throughout the Cold War, the specter of Communism was used, completely without justification, to tarbrush any idea or advocacy of a vaguely liberal nature. That's what you're doing on this thread, too. The Cold War has been over for twenty years. It's long past time this bullshit died with it.
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Gaze upon the horrible face of universal healthcare and Swedish socialism....

How much death has to be caused by these systems before people understand they dont work?

Taking care of the old and the sick is not "communism."

Spending government money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

Irresponsible government spending on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is what drives an economy into the dirt.

A generation of kids have been taught by union teachers that communists aren't as bad as republicans. One of Obama's staff told kids that the butcher of China, Chairman Mao, was her personal hero. Obama himself hired a communist to serve on his "green jobs" board. Legend has it that the FDR administration had more communists than the Kremlin. Feisty Harry Truman's administration understood that communism was a threat to democracy. HUAC (house unamerican activities committee) was a democrat operation designed to uncover communist infiltration into American society but when Hollywood fired a few screen writers the left wing media was horrified. They couldn't blame democrats so a single republican senator was blamed and McCarthyism became the villain while communism was seen as the victim. The 60's revolutionaries like Bill Ayers and his "weatherscum" were tools of the comunist movement. Naturally the left wing media portrayed the FBI as the villain and Ayers as the victim. That's history according to the teachers union.
A generation of kids have been taught by union teachers that communists aren't as bad as republicans.

Don't know about the "union teachers," but there's one sense in which Republicans are definitely worse than Communists. Communists don't control the House of Representatives.
Liberals and democrats have an intense need to throw reality out the window and embrace socialisim and/or communisim because of the glittery promises. Take from the rich, give to the poor, everyone gets a nice house, a nice new car, lots of money, never has to work again. Everything is free because the nice powerful government made the rich give it up. Easy street forever more. The juvenile mind laps this up. They think themselves not at all greedy by wanting others to fulfill their wishes. It's FAIR. Why should someone else have more than they do. It's not FAIR.

They are wrong in many respects. Not the least of which is trusting the government to keep being fair when the government has all that power and wealth. The next is, once the weath is taken from the rich and redistributed, where is more wealth going to come from? This is what Margaret Thatcher meant when she said that the trouble with socialisim is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lower taxes for the rich. Go to for the numbers.

The rich now pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us.

Spending money on education, healthcare, research, and infrastructure is not "socialism."

Bailing out rich bankers is socialism.

How about bailing out Unions, democratic faithful and voter groups that commit federal crimes with US tax payer money?

Still gotta laugh every time the long time resident board moron posts his winger site as fact
Most Socialists/Progressives only want to talk about the freebies they might get from total Government control. They get so fixated on that. They just don't realize what they're trading away for those possible freebies. Now the TSA is setting up checkpoints on our highways? Yea like we don't already have enough law enforcement on our highways. Total Government control means total Government control. So yea,you might get some freebies but you will lose your freedom & liberty. I just wouldn't get too bogged down obsessing over those possible freebies. Nothing is for free. You will have to pay for those freebies in one way or another. They can keep their Nanny State/Police State as far as i'm concerned.

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