Are Liberals Really THIS Stupid?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So over 64 Congresscritters have announced that they will not attend Trumps inaugural. How do they plausibly think that this harms Trump? It only reveals the protesting Congresscritters to be the partisan ideological hacks that they are, people like Maxine Watters who is probably one of the most arrogant and stupid people in Congress, or Representative John Lewis who just happens to forget that he was too leftwing to regard George W Bush as legit either and attend that Presidents inaugural, too.

Did he think that no one would look that little tid bit up or is he just so stupid he didnt care?

And these idiots couldnt pull off a successful defense of the ACA if their lives depended on it. Instead of admitting it has untenable cost increases in premiums and that it needs less mandated policy provisions and more streamlining, they double down and demand that the majority break their campaign promises and let it train wreck all by itself. And they present arguments that are only valid if one chooses to disregard proposed replacement plans for the ACA as if the public is too stupid to remember that there is a real REPLACEMENT for the ACA bound in the ACA repeal legislation.

Then we have the stacked rigged polls that the libtards have been using for the past year. Hey, libtards THEY ARE FLAWED POLLS AND NO ONE BELIEVES THEM ANY MORE.
New ABC / WaPo Poll Uses "Oversamples" To Goal Seek Strong Obama Approval Rating | Zero Hedge
New ABC / WaPo Poll Shows Drop In Trump Favorability Courtesy Of Aggressive "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge

And despite their repeated rejection at the polls they still persist in running hteir own party into the ground.
Party Down: The Democrats' curious decline and uncertain future
Jumpin Jeebus H Criminy!

You just cant fix STUPID!

BTW, Rosie O'Donnel has been spotted.


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Look at it from the left's perspective. Since they attended Obama's inauguration and won't attend Trump's they are obviously racist. In addition since they are reacting like this there is no reason for Republicans to attempt to work with them or even listen to anything they have to say.
They are just outing themselves. They're going to find they lose their seats at an even greater rate than they already have been...and they are going to find that nobody relevant gives a shit.
Publicity stunt, and I hope it backfires on them.

If they wanted to protest his election, they would attend, and as soon as he started his part of the Oath, walk out
Publicity stunt, and I hope it backfires on them.

If they wanted to protest his election, they would attend, and as soon as he started his part of the Oath, walk out

They're quitting town so they won't be there for the riots they're paying for.

catz will be there, wearing her stupid twat hat:

What the Alt Right thinks really is not important any more, since Trump betrayed them.

Trump is for Roe and gay marriage and gun rights and single payer and a defeated ISIS and better jobs and a larger and more expensive government and a rebuilt infrastructure.

That is great for all of us

The clinton-trump hoax worked, and the Alt Right is now defanged.

Now watch Jim flame me with nothing on OP.
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Lol, this is a good review of what happened in the past election and the 'celebrities' campaigning for Hillary.

What the Alt Right thinks really is not important any more, since Trump betrayed them.

Trump is for Roe and gay marriage and gun rights and single payer and a defeated ISIS and better jobs and a larger and more expensive government and a rebuilt infrastructure.

That is great for all of us

The clinton-trump hoax worked, and the Alt Right is now defanged.
Jake, do you need help finding your meds, hon?

I'm sure if you called 911 they'd run straight over to help you find them for the good of your local community.
You flamed me just as said with nothing on OP. Personal attack means nothing if you can't refute the truth of what I have said. You look like a fool. All in our future: Roe and gay marriage and gun rights and single payer and a defeated ISIS and better jobs and a larger and more expensive government and a rebuilt infrastructure
:bye1: :itsok: Alt right is apparently as silly as the liberals.
I see what you're doing here. Now EVERYBODY who isn't a Starkey moonbat is "Alt-right". Kinda pathetic.
Only people like you would think that.

You cannot argue the rebuttal here. Trump is going to do almost everything the center wanted and almost nothing the Alt Right wanted.
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Neo-Cons only care about themselves.
Liberals are downright mentally and emotionally damaged.
I have not met a young liberal yet that did not have deep troubles with relating to their parents.

I think that they have Mommy and Daddy issues.

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