Are "kids in cages" still a thing?

You don't hear much any longer about Trump putting kids in the Obama cages right? Is it because so many of the kids are not a genetic match to their "parents" (aka kidnappers?) or do Illegals feel unsafe risking life and limb to live in a BLM run city?

What gives?

It wasn't a winning issue for the MSM and their political masters, so they dropped it. When MSM put focus on illegal immigration, Trumps popularity rose when he dealt with it, especially among black voters who don't want low wage illegals fighting for jobs in their communities.

I keep saying, anything from here on out is political. It's been a 4 year effort to try and get rid of the "outsider" who dared to drive American greatness. He can't stop or slow down, the polls are completely inaccurate, they will keep trying to promote them in their efforts to impact the election. It's nothing new. The illegal immigration issue is one such example of going where they should (or shouldn't) to hurt Trump.
You don't hear much any longer about Trump putting kids in the Obama cages right? Is it because so many of the kids are not a genetic match to their "parents" (aka kidnappers?) or do Illegals feel unsafe risking life and limb to live in a BLM run city?

What gives?
It is most likely that everyone knew that it was Obama who caged them. And so they have ti jump onto another subject.

You don't hear much any longer about Trump putting kids in the Obama cages right? Is it because so many of the kids are not a genetic match to their "parents" (aka kidnappers?) or do Illegals feel unsafe risking life and limb to live in a BLM run city?

What gives?

It wasn't a winning issue for the MSM and their political masters, so they dropped it. When MSM put focus on illegal immigration, Trumps popularity rose when he dealt with it, especially among black voters who don't want low wage illegals fighting for jobs in their communities.

I keep saying, anything from here on out is political. It's been a 4 year effort to try and get rid of the "outsider" who dared to drive American greatness. He can't stop or slow down, the polls are completely inaccurate, they will keep trying to promote them in their efforts to impact the election. It's nothing new. The illegal immigration issue is one such example of going where they should (or shouldn't) to hurt Trump.

Agreed. EVerything they say, is just shit thrown against a wall. If it doesn't stick, they move on to the next shit. If it does, they run with it.

Hence my coining of the phrase "face anus" to refer to their mouths. I'm hoping it will catch on.
You don't hear much any longer about Trump putting kids in the Obama cages right? Is it because so many of the kids are not a genetic match to their "parents" (aka kidnappers?) or do Illegals feel unsafe risking life and limb to live in a BLM run city?

What gives?
Covid and unemployment. And actions taken by the President last year to stop the overwhelming number of asylum seekers. They're getting stopped in Honduras and Mexico.
You don't hear much any longer about Trump putting kids in the Obama cages right? Is it because so many of the kids are not a genetic match to their "parents" (aka kidnappers?) or do Illegals feel unsafe risking life and limb to live in a BLM run city?

What gives?
Nope, it's still a thing. I still hear about it around here from democrats on local media how Trump is putting children in tiny animal cages barely 30" by 24", no room to even stand up, making them sleep on the cold floor without a blanket and feeding them dog food. I'm still hearing from the left how it is our holy sworn duty as Americans and sacred gift to take any and all foreigners so long as we can stuff them into our borders no matter what the cost or penalty.

In fact, we should be sending out teams of people outside our country with buses, bright lights and horns beeping that anyone wanting to cram into America to just hop aboard for all the free food, healthcare and housing they can possibly handle.

Them, their second cousins and their little dog Pepe, too.

I'm just surprised this hasn't caught fire yet under the banner of racial oppression yet. When will the cities start being occupied and taken over in defense of all Latinos everywhere to just move into the United States? I bet if we kicked every last white person out of the country, we'd have plenty of room and infrastructure for every last Latino, Muslim and other minority on the planet. DAMN those white people.
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Yep, it's still a thing, they are still caged... but a Judge just ruled they have to be released, due to covid risks in the cages.
You mean those same cages that were in place being used by Obama 10 years ago that you never bitched about then?

Yep, release those kids due to minimal Covid risks in their "cages" for greater risks of Covid outside in the world.

Better still, just release them back to Mexico.
Yep, it's still a thing, they are still caged... but a Judge just ruled they have to be released, due to covid risks in the cages.
You mean those same cages that were in place being used by Obama 10 years ago that you never bitched about then?

Yep, release those kids due to minimal Covid risks in their "cages" for greater risks of Covid outside in the world.

Better still, just release them back to Mexico.
Completely different situations... under Obama, it was thousands of mostly young boys rushing our border and all without parents crossing with them... there was no family separation. And under the Obama administration, the orphaned children could not be held longer than 30 days, in the cage... They were released to sponsors and/ or church charities, who found foster parents for them.
Yep, it's still a thing, they are still caged... but a Judge just ruled they have to be released, due to covid risks in the cages.
With the numbers so low right now, what's the hold up sending them home?
Yep, it's still a thing, they are still caged... but a Judge just ruled they have to be released, due to covid risks in the cages.
With the numbers so low right now, what's the hold up sending them home?
due process rights... are they, or are they not, meeting refugee asylum status...?

Not enough judges, to hear their cases... something that could have been easily solved...but I guess they prefer keeping them caged?

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