Are Dems Right to Panic Over the Court? Five Originalists Weigh In


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
With Trump on board, we might finally have the concept of original intent make a comeback.

American Greatness

Are Dems Right to Panic Over the Court? Five Originalists Weigh In

By Karin McQuillan| September 5th, 2018


"My intuition is that the Democrats are not panicking enough about the pending confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. They’ve been so busy ginning up their base with claims that Kavanaugh will spell the end of abortion and gay marriage that they haven’t focused on the more likely, and larger, impacts of an originalist court. Trump’s court will change America.

Kavanaugh is most robust in defending the Constitution on foundational questions, not the headline grabbers. This is good news."

With Trump on board, we might finally have the concept of original intent make a comeback.

American Greatness

Are Dems Right to Panic Over the Court? Five Originalists Weigh In

By Karin McQuillan| September 5th, 2018


"My intuition is that the Democrats are not panicking enough about the pending confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. They’ve been so busy ginning up their base with claims that Kavanaugh will spell the end of abortion and gay marriage that they haven’t focused on the more likely, and larger, impacts of an originalist court. Trump’s court will change America.

Kavanaugh is most robust in defending the Constitution on foundational questions, not the headline grabbers. This is good news."


I doubt "original intent" will ever make a comeback.

Right now it's both sides doing whatever is most convenient for them. The right included.
With Trump on board, we might finally have the concept of original intent make a comeback.

American Greatness

Are Dems Right to Panic Over the Court? Five Originalists Weigh In

By Karin McQuillan| September 5th, 2018


"My intuition is that the Democrats are not panicking enough about the pending confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. They’ve been so busy ginning up their base with claims that Kavanaugh will spell the end of abortion and gay marriage that they haven’t focused on the more likely, and larger, impacts of an originalist court. Trump’s court will change America.

Kavanaugh is most robust in defending the Constitution on foundational questions, not the headline grabbers. This is good news."

They need to do more than panic, they need to come clean with the public and take a public flogging.
With Trump on board, we might finally have the concept of original intent make a comeback.

American Greatness

Are Dems Right to Panic Over the Court? Five Originalists Weigh In

By Karin McQuillan| September 5th, 2018


"My intuition is that the Democrats are not panicking enough about the pending confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. They’ve been so busy ginning up their base with claims that Kavanaugh will spell the end of abortion and gay marriage that they haven’t focused on the more likely, and larger, impacts of an originalist court. Trump’s court will change America.

Kavanaugh is most robust in defending the Constitution on foundational questions, not the headline grabbers. This is good news."


Democrats PANIC .. it's what they do .. it's the party of emotional basket cases and sexual dyslexia.

When Trump picks Ginsburg's replacement .. oh, what fun.... :lol:
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Yes they should panic. We may have courts that actually uphold the constitution.

Regressives may as well pack your bags and move to Cuba or China.

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