Are atoms self-aware? When did self awareness evolve?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I'm not a Bible Thumper and I consider myself to be at least a scientific semi-literate.

My issue with "Evolution" is that it doesn't seem to explain much of anything. The odds of molecules randomly jumbling themselves into amino-acids and then having animo acids (left handed only) bumping together to form proteins and a cell are beyond astronomical. The odd of a 2,000 proteins forming a cell are 1E 5,700 - 1. That is, a number with 5,700 zeros after it. The number of subatomic particles in the universe was estimated at 1E80, so if you lop that off of the odds, we're still 1E 5,720 - 1.

Putting that aside, what supposedly distinguishes humans on this mythical evolutionary scale is our self awareness. No other creature is self aware, or so we're told.

So, where did self awareness come from? Are atoms self aware? Did self awareness "evolve" or is it build into the fabric of the Universe?
No matter what, you're still left with the question as to where God came from. Just because science, as of yet, isn't capable of answering your intelligent questions, it is unfair, I should think, to fill the unknown gaps as to what you wonder about with a deity, particularly a non-communicative, silent deity at that . . . this of course, is the God of the gaps argument. ~ Susan
You might consider yourself scientfically semi-literate, others do not. And you are talking obout abiogenisis, not evolution. Two differant subjects.
I'm not a Bible Thumper and I consider myself to be at least a scientific semi-literate.

My issue with "Evolution" is that it doesn't seem to explain much of anything. The odds of molecules randomly jumbling themselves into amino-acids and then having animo acids (left handed only) bumping together to form proteins and a cell are beyond astronomical. The odd of a 2,000 proteins forming a cell are 1E 5,700 - 1. That is, a number with 5,700 zeros after it. The number of subatomic particles in the universe was estimated at 1E80, so if you lop that off of the odds, we're still 1E 5,720 - 1.

Putting that aside, what supposedly distinguishes humans on this mythical evolutionary scale is our self awareness. No other creature is self aware, or so we're told.

So, where did self awareness come from? Are atoms self aware? Did self awareness "evolve" or is it build into the fabric of the Universe?

Lets break this down.
a) I don't know how life originated, and we will never know conclusively how life originated.
b) As you pointed out we don't think any other organisms are self aware- let alone atoms.
c) Finally self awareness is a rather nebulous concept. There have been tests on animals which suggest some measure of self awareness with some. Human 'self awareness' in my opinion would be the result of the same evolution that led to every human characteristic.
I'm not a Bible Thumper and I consider myself to be at least a scientific semi-literate.

My issue with "Evolution" is that it doesn't seem to explain much of anything. The odds of molecules randomly jumbling themselves into amino-acids and then having animo acids (left handed only) bumping together to form proteins and a cell are beyond astronomical. The odd of a 2,000 proteins forming a cell are 1E 5,700 - 1. That is, a number with 5,700 zeros after it. The number of subatomic particles in the universe was estimated at 1E80, so if you lop that off of the odds, we're still 1E 5,720 - 1.

Putting that aside, what supposedly distinguishes humans on this mythical evolutionary scale is our self awareness. No other creature is self aware, or so we're told.

So, where did self awareness come from? Are atoms self aware? Did self awareness "evolve" or is it build into the fabric of the Universe?

In the below video, according to Richard Dawkins, whom I admire and strongly agree with, in a debate with Deepak Chopra, whom I do not admire and strongly disagree with, atoms DO NOT have self-awareness. ~ Susan

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