Arctic Ice same thickness now as in 1940!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
More bad news for the warmist contingent........dang........2017 starting out as hideous for these guys as all of 2016 was!!

Lookee here..........:oops-28::oops-28:.........turns out, the arctic ice is measuring the same thickness as waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1940!!

Arctic Sea Ice The Same Thickness As 1940 | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

The laughing and winning continue my friends..........and Trump still hasn't even started!!:deal::popcorn::popcorn:
Well, I would suppose that this information is of dubious validity, since EVERYBODY KNOWS that the polar icecaps are shrinking.

The more relevant question is, aside from inconveniencing a few polar bears, who cares? Why should anyone care?
From the 1940 news clipping-

Is it Getting Warmer.
(From a Special Correspondent.
By Air Mail.)
BUNDABERG, February 22.
Is it getting warmer at the North
Pole? From soundings and meteoro-
logical tests taken by the Soviet ex-
plorers who returned this week to
Murmansk, Russia's sole ice-free
Arctic port, it was concluded that
near Polar temperatures are on an
average six degrees higher than those
registered by Nansen 40 years ago.
Ice measurements were on an average
only 6½ feet against from 9¼ to 13 feet.
The return of the Soviet icebreaker
Sedoff brought to a close a Polar
expedition, involuntarily undertaken
which led to important discoveries.
For 2½ years she had drifted while
trapped in Polar ice.
Fifteen men volunteered to stay on
board the Sedoff until relief came.
In the drift to the north-west these
men passed nearer to the North Pole
than any other ship. Their highest
latitude registered was 86 degrees
56min. North.
They discovered by soundings a
near Polar sea pocket, 17,260 feet
deep. Such a pocket had hitherto been
unsuspected in the Polar Sea.

You can see it here-
THE NORTH POLE. - Is it Getting Warmer. | BUNDABERG, February 22. - Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954) - 23 Feb 1940
Well, I would suppose that this information is of dubious validity, since EVERYBODY KNOWS that the polar icecaps are shrinking.

The more relevant question is, aside from inconveniencing a few polar bears, who cares? Why should anyone care?

But not the thickness :2up: And lets face it........if you went and dropped a 1940 piece of ice in Times Square and then a 2016 piece of ice in Times Square and it was the same thickness, the guys from the religion would still call bs.:deal:

And are right...........nobody does care.:coffee:
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More bad news for the warmist contingent........dang........2017 starting out as hideous for these guys as all of 2016 was!!

Lookee here..........:oops-28::oops-28:.........turns out, the arctic ice is measuring the same thickness as waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1940!!

Arctic Sea Ice The Same Thickness As 1940 | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

The laughing and winning continue my friends..........and Trump still hasn't even started!!:deal::popcorn::popcorn:

Well, I would suppose that this information is of dubious validity, since EVERYBODY KNOWS that the polar icecaps are shrinking.

The more relevant question is, aside from inconveniencing a few polar bears, who cares? Why should anyone care?

But not the thickness :2up: And lets face it........if you went and dropped a 1940 piece of ice in Times Square and then a 2016 piece of ice in Times Square and it was the same thickness, the guys from the religion would still call bs.:deal:

And are right...........nobody does care.:coffee:
skooks, what cracks me up about this is that this is after how many years of ice breakers disturbing the ice up there in an effort to try and make it open to shipping.
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NASA, far more credible than a bunch of 'Conservative' liars. And, since Russia, the EU, Japan, and China also have satellites watching the ice, even if the orange clown cuts off funding for NASA, we can get information on the ice.
The Russian article there falls under the category "anecdote". It talks about one small area at a single point in time, and means nothing about Arctic ice as a whole. Ice drifts, dumbasses.

Now, someone was tracking the totality of Arctic ice closely in ye olde days, the Danish. Let's see what their maps show. Here's April 1901.


Check it out. Solid pack ice actually reaches the north coast of Iceland. That never happens now, not even close.

Let's try August 1938.


Holy crap. Solid pack ice still in the middle of Baffin Bay. Solid ice across the whole North American coast. That never happens any more.

Conclusion? The historical ice records show Arctic sea ice in far larger amounts prior to WWII. Hence, another fine skook fail.
From the progressive "GHEY" handbook...........change the subject material when youre getting pwned.

How big do I have to make the words 'thickness" ??:deal:

Hey JC.....on the icebreakers!! Obama just signed off on two more billion dollar vessels! About 5 months ago.:funnyface::funnyface:
Well, I would suppose that this information is of dubious validity, since EVERYBODY KNOWS that the polar icecaps are shrinking.

The more relevant question is, aside from inconveniencing a few polar bears, who cares? Why should anyone care?
How do you know this? Oh yeah, the government told you.

But let's assume it is.

Millions of acres can now be farmed and cold being the primary cause of weather related deaths will save millions of lives.

Embrace change.
From the progressive "GHEY" handbook...........change the subject material when youre getting pwned.

How big do I have to make the words 'thickness" ??:deal:

Hey JC.....on the icebreakers!! Obama just signed off on two more billion dollar vessels! About 5 months ago.:funnyface::funnyface:

They have changed the metric from >30% to >15% to make it appear as if major changes are happening.. DMI stopped posting their graph of >30% sea ice because it was causing people to look at it objectively and determine it isn't a problem with ice loss..
Billy.........saw this yesterday and damn near split my sides laughing. Frankly though, I was loss of thickness.:ack-1: And every single AGW crusader said 10 years ago the ice would be gone by now. What a ruse.........thankfully, the public has been paying least the ones who are engaged and vote.:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. The final straw for me was 2012>2013 when the ice increased by 1/3rd as could be seen from satellite photos.:coffee:

NASA, far more credible than a bunch of 'Conservative' liars. And, since Russia, the EU, Japan, and China also have satellites watching the ice, even if the orange clown cuts off funding for NASA, we can get information on the ice.

NASA is as credible as CNN - that is, not at all. NASA has been caught doctoring its data set. The evidence is irrefutable.

NASA, far more credible than a bunch of 'Conservative' liars. And, since Russia, the EU, Japan, and China also have satellites watching the ice, even if the orange clown cuts off funding for NASA, we can get information on the ice.

NASA is as credible as CNN - that is, not at all. NASA has been caught doctoring its data set. The evidence is irrefutable.

What you have frequently is people who blindly trust agencies like NASA and the NOAA....they basically 100% trust anything government. Its fascinating to me. I did too but that was decades ago. Just generally, most people never even consider that statistics government organizations put out can be and are doctored.

Whats fascinating is......these people don't seem to realize that there is NOBODY to keep them they never heard the adage about the fox guarding the hen house.:eek-52: Once you start studying about how bureaucracies work, like I did 35 years ago, you start to understand what terms like "bureaucratic inertia" and "organizational essence" mean. The grim reality is, most people don't want to know the truth and I will admit, it is a tough wall to try to get through. It challenges everything you've been trained to know.:bye1:

400 million North Koreans blindly love a brutal dictator.......the conditioning starts at 2 years of age. Americans by ten years old have set beliefs about trusting their government and most never blink once to the day they go in their box...........most people are just fine in their comfy zone and will never venture out. Fascinating to me............
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NASA, far more credible than a bunch of 'Conservative' liars. And, since Russia, the EU, Japan, and China also have satellites watching the ice, even if the orange clown cuts off funding for NASA, we can get information on the ice.

NASA is as credible as CNN - that is, not at all. NASA has been caught doctoring its data set. The evidence is irrefutable.

What you have frequently is people who blindly trust agencies like NASA and the NOAA....they basically 100% trust anything government. Its fascinating to me. I did too but that was decades ago. Just generally, most people never even consider that statistics government organizations put out can be and are doctored.

Whats fascinating is......these people don't seem to realize that there is NOBODY to keep them they never heard the adage about the fox guarding the hen house.:eek-52: Once you start studying about how bureaucracies work, like I did 35 years ago, you start to understand what terms like "bureaucratic inertia" and "organizational essence" mean. The grim reality is, most people don't want to know the truth and I will admit, it is a tough wall to try to get through. It challenges everything you've been trained to know.:bye1:

400 million North Koreans blindly love a brutal dictator.......the conditioning starts at 2 years of age. Americans by ten years old have set beliefs about trusting their government and most never blink once to the day they go in their box...........most people are just fine in their comfy zone and will never venture out. Fascinating to me............

I just love these morons who are incredulous when you point out that schools and universities are pumping out propaganda.

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