Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.
Well, shit.................they also compared Moore and his chasing of a 14 year old girl to Mary and Joseph, Jesus' parents.

It doesn't surprise me anymore what the conservatives are willing to bastardize to try to push their agenda.
This stuff is so surreal. Christians have been continually under attack in this country as well as the values they stand for especially during the obama administration. Christians have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands in the Middle East. Where have you been for the last decade,arch bishop and what have you been doing. Your comments are a disgrace to your position and your religion. You apparently don’t know jack about America.
I am a Christian and I didn't vote for Trump. I don't want to speak for others, but it seems to me that many people felt (as they do every four years) that they had no choice but to vote for the party candidate, in order to vote against the greater evil. As I said on another thread, every four years people are manipulated into voting for someone that they wouldn't otherwise support because they're so fearful of the opposing candidate winning… In this case Hillary, who is the worst possible person to become president and should be nowhere near any position of power, let alone the White House again.

I can't tell you how many people I heard say "I dislike Trump but I don't want Hillary to win." Or people who didn't vote at all but were happy that Hillary lost, not that Trump won.
Simple, Archbishop. What is being called "Christianity" today in the U.S. is a falsehood, a bastardization of the faith. The "Christian" fundamentalists in the U.S. are not actually followers of the teachings of Jesus. Far from. They are a cult that has insulted the Christian brand and dragged it, and the teachings and life of Jesus, through the mud. It's pathetic.
The Christian faith is supposed to have high standards. Instead we get low-life gutter people like "Focus on the Family," the "Family Research Council," Frankie Graham, Dobson, Timmy Dolan, Pat Robertson, the "Duck" guy. There are Christians here in the U.S. who are trying to uphold the sanctity, honor, and holiness of the faith, but they do not have a place in front of the microphone. Those who repudiate the life and teachings of Jesus, but "praise his name" but not his doings are now in control.
Simple, Archbishop. What is being called "Christianity" today in the U.S. is a falsehood, a bastardization of the faith. The "Christian" fundamentalists in the U.S. are not actually followers of the teachings of Jesus. Far from. They are a cult that has insulted the Christian brand and dragged it, and the teachings and life of Jesus, through the mud. It's pathetic.
The Christian faith is supposed to have high standards. Instead we get low-life gutter people like "Focus on the Family," the "Family Research Council," Frankie Graham, Dobson, Timmy Dolan, Pat Robertson, the "Duck" guy. There are Christians here in the U.S. who are trying to uphold the sanctity, honor, and holiness of the faith, but they do not have a place in front of the microphone. Those who repudiate the life and teachings of Jesus, but "praise his name" but not his doings are now in control.

Compared to the fake Christians in the Church of England..........
Simple, Archbishop. What is being called "Christianity" today in the U.S. is a falsehood, a bastardization of the faith. The "Christian" fundamentalists in the U.S. are not actually followers of the teachings of Jesus. Far from. They are a cult that has insulted the Christian brand and dragged it, and the teachings and life of Jesus, through the mud. It's pathetic.
The Christian faith is supposed to have high standards. Instead we get low-life gutter people like "Focus on the Family," the "Family Research Council," Frankie Graham, Dobson, Timmy Dolan, Pat Robertson, the "Duck" guy. There are Christians here in the U.S. who are trying to uphold the sanctity, honor, and holiness of the faith, but they do not have a place in front of the microphone. Those who repudiate the life and teachings of Jesus, but "praise his name" but not his doings are now in control.

Compared to the fake Christians in the Church of England..........
The people who now call themselves "Christians" here in the U.S. are the fakes with no sense of honor, faith, caring, holiness, dignity.
This stuff is so surreal. Christians have been continually under attack in this country as well as the values they stand for especially during the obama administration. Christians have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands in the Middle East. Where have you been for the last decade,arch bishop and what have you been doing. Your comments are a disgrace to your position and your religion. You apparently don’t know jack about America.

The "values" they stand for? You mean the values they have until they have different values?
The mayor of London is a Muslim, when say, the mayor of Mecca or Medina is a westerner christian or atheist, I will admit we have cultural equity. So far, we don't, that is the problem.
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Had he anything to say about the multiple muslim operated rape rings in his country preying on young christian girls, or is that somehow different?
That's different. These bubble heads in europe know they have to keep their cake holes shut about islam and its culture of blood and death now that they've given their country over to them, or they'll be the ones having their head lopped off in public someday by a religion of peace muslim.
The Anglican church, the so called Protestants. Never understood that, But
they reject Trump. Ok, Are they in in position to judge?

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