Archaeologists discover remains of vast Mayan palace in Mexico

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Archaeologists discover remains of vast Mayan palace in Mexico

Archaeologists in Mexico have uncovered the remains of a vast Mayan palace over 1,000 years old in an ancient city about 100 miles west of the tourist hotspot of Cancún.

The building in Kulubá is 55 metres long, 15 metres wide and six metres high, and appears to have been made up of six rooms, said Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History.

1000 years old. That is a long time. In terms of age we have a C13th castle and Abbey near here. Both are in ruins. Offas Dyke dates from the 700s but is basically just a ditch running alongside an earth mound. How did these indigenous people manage to build these things without the advantage of being white ?
They didn't need to be white to accomplish that. All they had to do was be smart enough to hire a bunch of Mexicans to do it.
Archaeologists discover remains of vast Mayan palace in Mexico

Archaeologists in Mexico have uncovered the remains of a vast Mayan palace over 1,000 years old in an ancient city about 100 miles west of the tourist hotspot of Cancún.

The building in Kulubá is 55 metres long, 15 metres wide and six metres high, and appears to have been made up of six rooms, said Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History.

1000 years old. That is a long time. In terms of age we have a C13th castle and Abbey near here. Both are in ruins. Offas Dyke dates from the 700s but is basically just a ditch running alongside an earth mound. How did these indigenous people manage to build these things without the advantage of being white ?
Wow, you really are a racist.
There continues to be "discoveries" of ancient times in a lot of places- to me that says the world is a lot older than people have been led to believe- I started reading the book, 1491, about ancient South America but it moved too slow to keep my attention so I didn't finish it- but, what I did read says there are is a lot to be "discovered" down there-
How did these indigenous people manage to build these things without the advantage of being white ?
I am sure all the workers were paid a fair wage with full Healthcare and benefits so they could provide a stable environment for their families. :rolleyes:

It was slaves and sacrifice to the gods. Amazing what the elite could build with fear and intimidation and an endless supply of indentured labor.
Baalbek provides incontrovertible, scientifically verifiable proof of civilization prior to the Great Flood
There continues to be "discoveries" of ancient times in a lot of places- to me that says the world is a lot older than people have been led to believe- I started reading the book, 1491, about ancient South America but it moved too slow to keep my attention so I didn't finish it- but, what I did read says there are is a lot to be "discovered" down there-
Why does that say the world is a lot older than people are led to believe? In virtue of what, exactly?
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The Klamath Indians in the northwest still tell the story of the eruption of Mount Mazama that formed Crater Lake 7,700 years ago. How the sky went black for days and there was thunder and lightning and noise that would not stop. Which is exactly what happened. For 8,000 years the details of the eruption are embedded in their explanation (the myth). What they saw and heard is just as it happened, with no mess ups.

A lot of the things built by people that long ago are rotted away or buried so deep we'll never see it. But the stories....they sometimes hold a kernel of truth, even if some "Round Robin" or mythicizing has happened along the way. When people are careful to repeat their stories as historians, not making a single change from generation to generation, we should trust them, or at least take them as seriously as we do stone foundations found 20 feet underground.

1000 years old. That is a long time. In terms of age we have a C13th castle and Abbey near here. Both are in ruins. Offas Dyke dates from the 700s but is basically just a ditch running alongside an earth mound. How did these indigenous people manage to build these things without the advantage of being white ?
They hired the architects from Europe.
Archaeologists discover remains of vast Mayan palace in Mexico

Archaeologists in Mexico have uncovered the remains of a vast Mayan palace over 1,000 years old in an ancient city about 100 miles west of the tourist hotspot of Cancún.

The building in Kulubá is 55 metres long, 15 metres wide and six metres high, and appears to have been made up of six rooms, said Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History.

1000 years old. That is a long time. In terms of age we have a C13th castle and Abbey near here. Both are in ruins. Offas Dyke dates from the 700s but is basically just a ditch running alongside an earth mound. How did these indigenous people manage to build these things without the advantage of being white ?

I knew when I read the title of this post and then saw the OP was TummyTaint that, somehow, this interesting and impressive accomplishment of ancient people would, in TummyTaint's soiled hands, turn into some sort of club with which to beat white people. And...sure enough. There it was in the last sentence.

Even though there is zero connection between this story and white people, TummyTaint found a way to express his hatred of white people through it anyway. Indeed, it appears that the only aspect of the ancient Mayans TummyTaint finds interesting is their usefulness to his agenda vis-a-vis the true and sole objects of his interest: white people--the only people on the planet that TRULY matter.

Just imagine what a sick and painful existence TummyTaint leads.

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