Arab Spring in Action


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Egypt's Christians "overwhelmed by anxiety and fear," see Muslim Brotherhood government as "worst in memory"
"New government has failed us, say Egypt's Copts," by Youssef Hamza in The National, October 14 (thanks to Assad):

CAIRO // Overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, some of Egypt's Coptic Christians now view life in the mainly Muslim nation as the worst in memory.
Islamists of all shades have risen to positions of power in Egypt since the president, Hosni Mubarak, was toppled last year.

The Muslim Brotherhood provided the nation with its first freely elected president, while its political party secured more parliamentary seats than any other party.

As the Brotherhood seeks to project an image of moderation and flexibility, the ultraconservative Salafis are tirelessly advocating a strict implementation of Sharia that could reduce Christians to the status of second-class citizens by barring them from certain jobs or forcing them to pay a special tax historically known as "jizyah".

Christian activist Beshawi Rifaat believes the plight of his community has worsened since Mohammed Morsi took office on June 30 and released scores of militants, with many of them speaking publicly against Christians.

"The persecution of the Christians comes from individuals and non-governmental groups and it is not countered by any government action," said Mr Rifaat. "I take its silence to mean approval."...
Egypt's Christians "overwhelmed by anxiety and fear," see Muslim Brotherhood government as "worst in memory"
"New government has failed us, say Egypt's Copts," by Youssef Hamza in The National, October 14 (thanks to Assad):

CAIRO // Overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, some of Egypt's Coptic Christians now view life in the mainly Muslim nation as the worst in memory.
Islamists of all shades have risen to positions of power in Egypt since the president, Hosni Mubarak, was toppled last year.

The Muslim Brotherhood provided the nation with its first freely elected president, while its political party secured more parliamentary seats than any other party.

As the Brotherhood seeks to project an image of moderation and flexibility, the ultraconservative Salafis are tirelessly advocating a strict implementation of Sharia that could reduce Christians to the status of second-class citizens by barring them from certain jobs or forcing them to pay a special tax historically known as "jizyah".

Christian activist Beshawi Rifaat believes the plight of his community has worsened since Mohammed Morsi took office on June 30 and released scores of militants, with many of them speaking publicly against Christians.

"The persecution of the Christians comes from individuals and non-governmental groups and it is not countered by any government action," said Mr Rifaat. "I take its silence to mean approval."...

Irrefutable source :rolleyes:
South Aftrica did it, now the shoe is on the other foot, they're still doing it, only in a reverse fasion.

Israel does it, they just have more power and might.

In the united states, power politics, using one group as a political pawn, while the different political groups wrestle over "rights" and privileges, has always been used to divide the electorate and distract them away from the most pressing issues of the day. What could be more pressing than the issue of slavery during the civil war? I'm sure there is hardly a soul on this board that could tell you. Yet somehow the united states financial elites and industrial classes had their nation plunged into a war that could've been easily been solved in the legislative chambers.

Every nation does this to it's minorities, so what is your point, do you have one? Other than the fact that you like to stir up ignorance and hatred?

Israeli Discrimination Against Non-Jews Is Carefully Codified in State of Israel's Laws
The legal system of the State of Israel can be described as a weird mixture of advanced democracy and retrogressive discrimination, combined with clumsy attempts to hide the discriminatory reality. For example, in all Israeli laws except one, the Law of Return, the word "Jew" does not appear. The term employed when the law gives discriminatory privileges to Jews is that those privileges are granted to "persons who would have benefited from the Law of Return had they been outside the borders of Israel." The Law of Return specifies that its benefits can be given only to Jews. However, Israeli propagandists calculate, correctly in my view, that a great majority of the opponents of discrimination would not dare to criticize this law.

The second trick, especially beloved by the Meretz Party and other "leftist" hypocrites, is to campaign for and then pass a high-sounding law in favor of equality or human rights. Such laws, however, always contain one little paragraph stating that their provisions will not affect any laws or regulations enacted in the past. The high-sounding preambles of the new laws then can be solemnly quoted without mentioning that since discriminatory laws and rules were passed in the 1950s and early 1960s (by Labor, of course), the new laws cannot change the existing discrimination. When one understands those two tricks, one comprehends that Israeli laws, and even more so government regulations on all possible subjects, are full of discriminatory measures which, if employed against Jews anywhere else in the world, would be regarded as anti-Semitic.

The world's elites control populations by setting them upon each other, it is one of the oldest tricks in the book.

“When strong, avoid them. If of high morale, depress them. Seem humble to fill them with conceit. If at ease, exhaust them. If united, separate them. Attack their weaknesses. Emerge to their surprise.”
― Sun Tzu
Egypt's Christians "overwhelmed by anxiety and fear," see Muslim Brotherhood government as "worst in memory"
"New government has failed us, say Egypt's Copts," by Youssef Hamza in The National, October 14 (thanks to Assad):

CAIRO // Overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, some of Egypt's Coptic Christians now view life in the mainly Muslim nation as the worst in memory.
Islamists of all shades have risen to positions of power in Egypt since the president, Hosni Mubarak, was toppled last year.

The Muslim Brotherhood provided the nation with its first freely elected president, while its political party secured more parliamentary seats than any other party.

As the Brotherhood seeks to project an image of moderation and flexibility, the ultraconservative Salafis are tirelessly advocating a strict implementation of Sharia that could reduce Christians to the status of second-class citizens by barring them from certain jobs or forcing them to pay a special tax historically known as "jizyah".

Christian activist Beshawi Rifaat believes the plight of his community has worsened since Mohammed Morsi took office on June 30 and released scores of militants, with many of them speaking publicly against Christians.

"The persecution of the Christians comes from individuals and non-governmental groups and it is not countered by any government action," said Mr Rifaat. "I take its silence to mean approval."...

Irrefutable source :rolleyes:
Evidently Mr. Know-it-all doesn't read any of those sources written by Christians who are actually in the areas where Christians are being persecuted. He should especially read Raymond Ibrahim who gives a list of the incidents of persecution of Christians for the preceding month. What an eye opener. I think this list should be published in every major American newspaper each month to give the Christians in America a good idea of what is happening to their fellow Christians when in Muslim countries.
Egypt's Christians "overwhelmed by anxiety and fear," see Muslim Brotherhood government as "worst in memory"
"New government has failed us, say Egypt's Copts," by Youssef Hamza in The National, October 14 (thanks to Assad):

CAIRO // Overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, some of Egypt's Coptic Christians now view life in the mainly Muslim nation as the worst in memory.
Islamists of all shades have risen to positions of power in Egypt since the president, Hosni Mubarak, was toppled last year.

The Muslim Brotherhood provided the nation with its first freely elected president, while its political party secured more parliamentary seats than any other party.

As the Brotherhood seeks to project an image of moderation and flexibility, the ultraconservative Salafis are tirelessly advocating a strict implementation of Sharia that could reduce Christians to the status of second-class citizens by barring them from certain jobs or forcing them to pay a special tax historically known as "jizyah".

Christian activist Beshawi Rifaat believes the plight of his community has worsened since Mohammed Morsi took office on June 30 and released scores of militants, with many of them speaking publicly against Christians.

"The persecution of the Christians comes from individuals and non-governmental groups and it is not countered by any government action," said Mr Rifaat. "I take its silence to mean approval."...

Irrefutable source :rolleyes:
Evidently Mr. Know-it-all doesn't read any of those sources written by Christians who are actually in the areas where Christians are being persecuted. He should especially read Raymond Ibrahim who gives a list of the incidents of persecution of Christians for the preceding month. What an eye opener. I think this list should be published in every major American newspaper each month to give the Christians in America a good idea of what is happening to their fellow Christians when in Muslim countries.

No it's not. He can list the real source if their is one. Until then this a neo nazi website that doesn't have any credibility. Post a real source
Zionists don't care and shouldn't

No Tears for Egypt’s Coptic Christians

The Coptic Pope Shenouda III continues to regularly deliver anti-Semitic sermons and calls Jews “Christ-killers.” And, in July 2008, he told Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper:

Jews are a cursed people who have their hands indulged in the blood of Palestinians.

Evidently Mr. Know-it-all doesn't read any of those sources written by Christians who are actually in the areas where Christians are being persecuted. He should especially read Raymond Ibrahim who gives a list of the incidents of persecution of Christians for the preceding month. What an eye opener. I think this list should be published in every major American newspaper each month to give the Christians in America a good idea of what is happening to their fellow Christians when in Muslim countries.

Even if American Christians read about these so called "Atrocities," I am sure the only thing they would want done is a voluntary human relief organization project, and prayer organized in support of their brethren. Aside from that? Turning the other cheek is what would be most advisable in the name of grace and humanity. Everything else would lead to the wages of sin and death.

To tax the American electorate, those of many faiths, for a humanitarian, sectarian, special interest relief effort would not necessarily be fair. Nor would it be fair to bring about military, diplomatic, economic, or covert intelligence assets on a freely elected democratic government. The most Christian Americans could do is write their Congressional and Senatorial representatives, urging them to grant religious asylum to their Christian Egyptian brethren. Anything else is outside the scoop of the constitution and beyond what George Washington and the founders foresaw as the business of America on the international stage. Real Christians in America understand that their government is not the tool for helping others in the world, this is the duty and the mission of what their churches are for.

Sometimes I really wonder if Jews and Muslims really understand that the heart of Christianity is forgiveness and love. They just don't seem to get that.
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Evidently Mr. Know-it-all doesn't read any of those sources written by Christians who are actually in the areas where Christians are being persecuted. He should especially read Raymond Ibrahim who gives a list of the incidents of persecution of Christians for the preceding month. What an eye opener. I think this list should be published in every major American newspaper each month to give the Christians in America a good idea of what is happening to their fellow Christians when in Muslim countries.

Even if American Christians read about these so called "Atrocities," I am sure the only thing they would want done is a voluntary human relief organization project, and prayer organized in support of their brethren. Aside from that? Turning the other cheek is what would be most advisable in the name of grace and humanity. Everything else would lead to the wages of sin and death.

To tax the American electorate, those of many faiths, for a humanitarian, sectarian, special interest relief effort would not necessarily be fair. Nor would it be fair to bring about military, diplomatic, economic, or covert intelligence assets on a freely elected democratic government. The most Christian Americans could do is write their Congressional and Senatorial representatives, urging them to grant religious asylum to their Christian Egyptian brethren. Anything else is outside the scoop of the constitution and beyond what George Washington and the founders foresaw as the business of America on the international stage. Real Christians in America understand that their government is not the tool for helping others in the world, this is the duty and the mission of what their churches are for.

Sometimes I really wonder if Jews and Muslims really understand that the heart of Christianity is forgiveness and love. They just don't seem to get that.
Americans need to be benevolent.
Zionists don't care and shouldn't

No Tears for Egypt’s Coptic Christians

The Coptic Pope Shenouda III continues to regularly deliver anti-Semitic sermons and calls Jews “Christ-killers.” And, in July 2008, he told Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper:

Jews are a cursed people who have their hands indulged in the blood of Palestinians.

Dollars to donuts, Mr. Know-it-all has not spoken to any Christian Copts in this country to see what they have to say about Muslims. In fact, Mr. Know-it-all, the Pope himself would disagree with this Coptic cleric and tell him he was wrong. If you were keeping up on things, you will see that the Pope is not happy with what is happening to Catholics and other Christians in Muslim countries. And given what is now happening to the Copts in Egypt, I can just imagine how the Coptic pope is cursing out the Muslims these days.
Zionists don't care and shouldn't

No Tears for Egypt’s Coptic Christians

The Coptic Pope Shenouda III continues to regularly deliver anti-Semitic sermons and calls Jews “Christ-killers.” And, in July 2008, he told Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper:

Jews are a cursed people who have their hands indulged in the blood of Palestinians.

Dollars to donuts, Mr. Know-it-all has not spoken to any Christian Copts in this country to see what they have to say about Muslims. In fact, Mr. Know-it-all, the Pope himself would disagree with this Coptic cleric and tell him he was wrong. If you were keeping up on things, you will see that the Pope is not happy with what is happening to Catholics and other Christians in Muslim countries. And given what is now happening to the Copts in Egypt, I can just imagine how the Coptic pope is cursing out the Muslims these days.

Israelis know Copts hate them. They don't have sympathy together. And this is about Israel and Palestine not Americans

Morsi Meets Coptic Christians in Sinai - Israel National News

Thousands march to mark killing of Egypt Copts
Mr. Know-it-all is such a child who thinks he actually has creditability in so much of the nonsense that he posts. He just can't comprehend organizations operating in different Muslim countries reporting on what is happening to the Christians there. So sorry you don't like Raymond Ibrahim, but he is very reliable in what he reports.
The Egyptian Copts and the Jews: No Illusions - Op-Eds - Israel National News

"As just one example of the problem, Saint John Chrysostom of Antioch--one of the early Church Fathers, is beloved among the Copts. Here's a taste of Chrysostom's teaching in Homily 1, some sixteen centuries ago."

"The Jewish people were driven by their drunkenness and plumpness to the ultimate evil; they kicked about, they failed to accept the yoke of Christ, nor did they pull the plow of his teaching. Another prophet hinted at this when he said: "Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn heifer " ...Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter. This is why Christ said: "But as for these my enemies, who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and slay them."

Here's an excerpt from Homily 6...

You {Jews} did slay Christ, you did lift violent hands against the Master, you did spill his precious blood. This is why you have no chance for atonement, excuse, or defense.
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Americans need to be benevolent.
I think the middle east has had quite enough of America's benevolence.


And who doesn't see this in the cards?

Stop Reading Bullshit Propaganda and Get Real.
Egypt’s Revolution
Creative destruction for a 'greater middle east'?
Freedom House and Washington's government-funded regime change NGO, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) are at the heart of the uprisings now sweeping across the Islamic world. They fit the geographic context of what George W. Bush proclaimed after 2001 as his Greater Middle East Project to bring "democracy" and "liberal free market" economic reform to the Islamic countries from Afghanistan to Morocco. When Washington talks about introducing “liberal free market reform” people should watch out. It is little more than code for bringing those economies under the yoke of the dollar system and all that implies.
Washington's NED in a larger agenda

If we make a list of the countries in the region which are undergoing mass-based protest movements since the Tunisian and Egyptian events and overlay them onto a map, we find an almost perfect convergence between the protest countries today and the original map of the Washington Greater Middle East Project that was first unveiled during the George W. Bush Presidency after 2001.

Washington's NED has been quietly engaged in preparing a wave of regime destabilizations across North Africa and the Middle East since the 2001-2003 US military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The list of where the NED is active is revealing. Its website lists Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan as well, interestingly, as Israel. Coincidentally these countries are almost all today subject to "spontaneous" popular regime-change uprisings.

The International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs mentioned by the RAND document study of Kefaya are subsidiary organizations of the Washington-based and US Congress-financed National Endowment for Democracy.

The NED is the coordinating Washington agency for regime destabilization and change. It is active from Tibet to Ukraine, from Venezuela to Tunisia, from Kuwait to Morocco in reshaping the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union into what George H.W. Bush in a 1991 speech to Congress proclaimed triumphantly as the dawn of a New World Order. 18

As the architect and first head of the NED, Allen Weinstein told the Washington Post in 1991 that, "a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA"19

The NED Board of Directors includes or has included former Defense Secretary and CIA Deputy head, Frank Carlucci of the Carlyle Group; retired General Wesley Clark of NATO; neo-conservative warhawk Zalmay Khalilzad who was architect of George W. Bush's Afghan invasion and later ambassador to Afghanistan as well as to occupied Iraq. Another NED board member, Vin Weber, co-chaired a major independent task force on US Policy toward Reform in the Arab World with former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and was a founding member of the ultra-hawkish Project for a New American Century think-tank with Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, which advocated forced regime change in Iraq as early as 1998.20

The NED is supposedly a private, non-government, non-profit foundation, but it receives a yearly appropriation for its international work from the US Congress. The National Endowment for Democracy is dependent on the US taxpayer for funding, but because NED is not a government agency, it is not subject to normal Congressional oversight.

NED money is channelled into target countries through four “core foundations”—the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, linked to the Democratic Party; the International Republican Institute tied to the Republican Party; the American Center for International Labor Solidarity linked to the AFL-CIO US labor federation as well as the US State Department; and the Center for International Private Enterprise linked to the free-market US Chamber of Commerce.

Historical Development of the Methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen And Their Effect
and Influence Upon Contemporary
Salafee Dawah
Stephen Dorril author of “MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty‟s Secret Intelligence Service” states that the Brotherhood was linked to British Intelligence through dame Freya Stark (1893-1993) prior to World War II, and the Shah‟s regime in Iran considered it to be a tool of British Freemasonry (p.622). The Brotherhood in Iran, along with the revolutionary ideology of Ali Shari‟ati was used in the Iranian revolution to depose the Shah in the 70s.
And numerous other Western writers and intellectuals, as well as some prominent Muslim figureheads14 hold that the Muslim Brotherhood (more so in the later times, after the 50s and 60s) was used as a tool of Western Intelligence for political destabilisation, and they cite examples
a) British MI5 involvement with the Brotherhood in Syria in 1955 to work against the government that showed strong left-wing tendencies and the desire to merge with Egypt (following the Arab nationalism trend) (Dorril, p.622)
b) American CIA support for the 1982 revolution in Syria against Hafiz Asad, the arms in possession of the Brotherhood were US made equipment.
c) The Anglo-American involvement with in Iran (the Fedayeene Islaam, originally set up in 1940) in fermenting revolution against the Shah of Iran. Fedayeene Islaam was set up by Mohammad Safavi, who was in touch with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. In the early 1950s he visited the Brotherhood in Egypt, most likely meeting Qutb, who was then the main figurehead for the movement at that time.
d) The mobilisation of the Takfeeree groups of North Africa, through Bin Ladin for geo-political strategies in Afghanistan, and the support of the Muslim Brotherhood factions in Afghanistan, such as Hikmatyar, Sayaaf and Rabbaani.
e) The use of Mujaahideen in Macedonia and Kosovo fighting in NATO territory alongside the KLA, to help destabilise and subsequently militarise the Balkan regions (an alternative route to Afghanistan for gas, oil distribution).
f) The CIA-ISI support and backing for the Chechnyan conflict, with the ISI providing training and support to Basayev in 1994, possibly also encouraging his incursion into Dagestan that sparked the recent Chechnyan war15. Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev alluded to in his statement “The national interests of the US correspond to a scenario in which an armed conflict is constantly smouldering in the northern Caucasus” in a news conference in late 1999.
g) The Jewish Mossad creation and support of HAMAS, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood branch called al-Mujamma‟ al-Islaamee, headed by Ahmed Yassin, as a counter to the nationalistic PLO, and from which potential suicide bombers would be indoctrinated, nurtured and brought out two decades later to assist the Jewish Apartheid State in the justification of its implementation of Nazi policies upon the Palestinian Muslims.
h) The murder of Shaykh Jameel ur-Rahmaan as-Salafee, one of the pioneers of the Afghaani Jihaad, who actually began by purifying the region of Kunar from Shirk and innovation, and was able to establish a mini Islamic State. Shaykh Jameel ur-Rahmaan was murdered by an Ikhwaanee from the factions of the Ikhwaanee Gulbuddin Hikmatyaar, who was amongst the top recipients of CIA funding. Refer to the excellent book on the murder of Shaykh Jameel ur-Rahmaan by Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi‟ee (rahimahullaah).
i) MI5 employing Bin Ladin and al-Qaidah to assassinate al-Ghadafi, another left-wing nationalist, paying al-Qaidah £100,000, as has recently been leaked by a former MI5 spy. The British Government has place a D-Notice order on all
media (the highest form of censorship) concerning the allegations of this former spy.
j) The creation of the Algerian GIA (Armed Islamic Group) by the Algerian regime‟s military security apparatus to be used for intelligence and diversionary purposes – in order to discredit the Islamist cause. This group was the most extreme of all the factions involved in fighting, and consisted of veterans from the Afghan War (most of whom were from the Ikhwanee Takfeeree groups) including Ja‟far al-Afghaani, Qamaruddeen Kharban, Bounoua Boudjema (known as Abu Anas), and the latter sought aid from Bin Ladin to help establish a specific fighting force in Algeria, leading to the creation of the GIA. Jamal Zaituni was the leader of the GIA and it was responsible for many cruel and shocking massacres. The activities of this group also resulted in government security forces exploiting the activities of the GIA and launching their own subversive atrocities to discredit the “Islamist” cause. The outcome of all of this was horrendous butchery and destruction of the worldly affairs.
In more recent times it has become more clear that elements, or offshoots of the Brotherhood (such as the groups of Jihaad and Takfeer like al-Qaidah, at-Takfir wal-Hijrah and others) are infiltrated and manipulated to bring about geo-political destabilisation, and this is more so amongst the aggressively takfeeree and revolutionary splinter groups.
Americans need to be benevolent.
I think the middle east has had quite enough of America's benevolence.


And who doesn't see this in the cards?

Stop Reading Bullshit Propaganda and Get Real.
Egypt’s Revolution
Creative destruction for a 'greater middle east'?
Freedom House and Washington's government-funded regime change NGO, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) are at the heart of the uprisings now sweeping across the Islamic world. They fit the geographic context of what George W. Bush proclaimed after 2001 as his Greater Middle East Project to bring "democracy" and "liberal free market" economic reform to the Islamic countries from Afghanistan to Morocco. When Washington talks about introducing “liberal free market reform” people should watch out. It is little more than code for bringing those economies under the yoke of the dollar system and all that implies.
Washington's NED in a larger agenda

If we make a list of the countries in the region which are undergoing mass-based protest movements since the Tunisian and Egyptian events and overlay them onto a map, we find an almost perfect convergence between the protest countries today and the original map of the Washington Greater Middle East Project that was first unveiled during the George W. Bush Presidency after 2001.

Washington's NED has been quietly engaged in preparing a wave of regime destabilizations across North Africa and the Middle East since the 2001-2003 US military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The list of where the NED is active is revealing. Its website lists Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan as well, interestingly, as Israel. Coincidentally these countries are almost all today subject to "spontaneous" popular regime-change uprisings.

The International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs mentioned by the RAND document study of Kefaya are subsidiary organizations of the Washington-based and US Congress-financed National Endowment for Democracy.

The NED is the coordinating Washington agency for regime destabilization and change. It is active from Tibet to Ukraine, from Venezuela to Tunisia, from Kuwait to Morocco in reshaping the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union into what George H.W. Bush in a 1991 speech to Congress proclaimed triumphantly as the dawn of a New World Order. 18

As the architect and first head of the NED, Allen Weinstein told the Washington Post in 1991 that, "a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA"19

The NED Board of Directors includes or has included former Defense Secretary and CIA Deputy head, Frank Carlucci of the Carlyle Group; retired General Wesley Clark of NATO; neo-conservative warhawk Zalmay Khalilzad who was architect of George W. Bush's Afghan invasion and later ambassador to Afghanistan as well as to occupied Iraq. Another NED board member, Vin Weber, co-chaired a major independent task force on US Policy toward Reform in the Arab World with former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and was a founding member of the ultra-hawkish Project for a New American Century think-tank with Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, which advocated forced regime change in Iraq as early as 1998.20

The NED is supposedly a private, non-government, non-profit foundation, but it receives a yearly appropriation for its international work from the US Congress. The National Endowment for Democracy is dependent on the US taxpayer for funding, but because NED is not a government agency, it is not subject to normal Congressional oversight.

NED money is channelled into target countries through four “core foundations”—the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, linked to the Democratic Party; the International Republican Institute tied to the Republican Party; the American Center for International Labor Solidarity linked to the AFL-CIO US labor federation as well as the US State Department; and the Center for International Private Enterprise linked to the free-market US Chamber of Commerce.

Historical Development of the Methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen And Their Effect
and Influence Upon Contemporary
Salafee Dawah
Stephen Dorril author of “MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty‟s Secret Intelligence Service” states that the Brotherhood was linked to British Intelligence through dame Freya Stark (1893-1993) prior to World War II, and the Shah‟s regime in Iran considered it to be a tool of British Freemasonry (p.622). The Brotherhood in Iran, along with the revolutionary ideology of Ali Shari‟ati was used in the Iranian revolution to depose the Shah in the 70s.
And numerous other Western writers and intellectuals, as well as some prominent Muslim figureheads14 hold that the Muslim Brotherhood (more so in the later times, after the 50s and 60s) was used as a tool of Western Intelligence for political destabilisation, and they cite examples
a) British MI5 involvement with the Brotherhood in Syria in 1955 to work against the government that showed strong left-wing tendencies and the desire to merge with Egypt (following the Arab nationalism trend) (Dorril, p.622)
b) American CIA support for the 1982 revolution in Syria against Hafiz Asad, the arms in possession of the Brotherhood were US made equipment.
c) The Anglo-American involvement with in Iran (the Fedayeene Islaam, originally set up in 1940) in fermenting revolution against the Shah of Iran. Fedayeene Islaam was set up by Mohammad Safavi, who was in touch with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. In the early 1950s he visited the Brotherhood in Egypt, most likely meeting Qutb, who was then the main figurehead for the movement at that time.
d) The mobilisation of the Takfeeree groups of North Africa, through Bin Ladin for geo-political strategies in Afghanistan, and the support of the Muslim Brotherhood factions in Afghanistan, such as Hikmatyar, Sayaaf and Rabbaani.
e) The use of Mujaahideen in Macedonia and Kosovo fighting in NATO territory alongside the KLA, to help destabilise and subsequently militarise the Balkan regions (an alternative route to Afghanistan for gas, oil distribution).
f) The CIA-ISI support and backing for the Chechnyan conflict, with the ISI providing training and support to Basayev in 1994, possibly also encouraging his incursion into Dagestan that sparked the recent Chechnyan war15. Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev alluded to in his statement “The national interests of the US correspond to a scenario in which an armed conflict is constantly smouldering in the northern Caucasus” in a news conference in late 1999.
g) The Jewish Mossad creation and support of HAMAS, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood branch called al-Mujamma‟ al-Islaamee, headed by Ahmed Yassin, as a counter to the nationalistic PLO, and from which potential suicide bombers would be indoctrinated, nurtured and brought out two decades later to assist the Jewish Apartheid State in the justification of its implementation of Nazi policies upon the Palestinian Muslims.
h) The murder of Shaykh Jameel ur-Rahmaan as-Salafee, one of the pioneers of the Afghaani Jihaad, who actually began by purifying the region of Kunar from Shirk and innovation, and was able to establish a mini Islamic State. Shaykh Jameel ur-Rahmaan was murdered by an Ikhwaanee from the factions of the Ikhwaanee Gulbuddin Hikmatyaar, who was amongst the top recipients of CIA funding. Refer to the excellent book on the murder of Shaykh Jameel ur-Rahmaan by Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi‟ee (rahimahullaah).
i) MI5 employing Bin Ladin and al-Qaidah to assassinate al-Ghadafi, another left-wing nationalist, paying al-Qaidah £100,000, as has recently been leaked by a former MI5 spy. The British Government has place a D-Notice order on all
media (the highest form of censorship) concerning the allegations of this former spy.
j) The creation of the Algerian GIA (Armed Islamic Group) by the Algerian regime‟s military security apparatus to be used for intelligence and diversionary purposes – in order to discredit the Islamist cause. This group was the most extreme of all the factions involved in fighting, and consisted of veterans from the Afghan War (most of whom were from the Ikhwanee Takfeeree groups) including Ja‟far al-Afghaani, Qamaruddeen Kharban, Bounoua Boudjema (known as Abu Anas), and the latter sought aid from Bin Ladin to help establish a specific fighting force in Algeria, leading to the creation of the GIA. Jamal Zaituni was the leader of the GIA and it was responsible for many cruel and shocking massacres. The activities of this group also resulted in government security forces exploiting the activities of the GIA and launching their own subversive atrocities to discredit the “Islamist” cause. The outcome of all of this was horrendous butchery and destruction of the worldly affairs.
In more recent times it has become more clear that elements, or offshoots of the Brotherhood (such as the groups of Jihaad and Takfeer like al-Qaidah, at-Takfir wal-Hijrah and others) are infiltrated and manipulated to bring about geo-political destabilisation, and this is more so amongst the aggressively takfeeree and revolutionary splinter groups.
Like that map at the bottom. The Arab guy who made the poster spelled obey, obay. LOL.
The Egyptian Copts and the Jews: No Illusions - Op-Eds - Israel National News

"As just one example of the problem, Saint John Chrysostom of Antioch--one of the early Church Fathers, is beloved among the Copts. Here's a taste of Chrysostom's teaching in Homily 1, some sixteen centuries ago."

"The Jewish people were driven by their drunkenness and plumpness to the ultimate evil; they kicked about, they failed to accept the yoke of Christ, nor did they pull the plow of his teaching. Another prophet hinted at this when he said: "Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn heifer " ...Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter. This is why Christ said: "But as for these my enemies, who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and slay them."

Here's an excerpt from Homily 6...

You {Jews} did slay Christ, you did lift violent hands against the Master, you did spill his precious blood. This is why you have no chance for atonement, excuse, or defense.
The important point here is how the Christian Copts view the Muslims who are harassing and murdering these Copts in Egypt. Get some fresh air this week and try to find some Copts in your town and ask them what they think about what the Muslims are doing to their fellow Copts. Regardless of how the Copts think about the Jews, it is not the Jews killing the Copts, but your own fellow Muslims.
The Egyptian Copts and the Jews: No Illusions - Op-Eds - Israel National News

"As just one example of the problem, Saint John Chrysostom of Antioch--one of the early Church Fathers, is beloved among the Copts. Here's a taste of Chrysostom's teaching in Homily 1, some sixteen centuries ago."

"The Jewish people were driven by their drunkenness and plumpness to the ultimate evil; they kicked about, they failed to accept the yoke of Christ, nor did they pull the plow of his teaching. Another prophet hinted at this when he said: "Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn heifer " ...Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter. This is why Christ said: "But as for these my enemies, who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and slay them."

Here's an excerpt from Homily 6...

You {Jews} did slay Christ, you did lift violent hands against the Master, you did spill his precious blood. This is why you have no chance for atonement, excuse, or defense.
The important point here is how the Christian Copts view the Muslims who are harassing and murdering these Copts in Egypt. Get some fresh air this week and try to find some Copts in your town and ask them what they think about what the Muslims are doing to their fellow Copts. Regardless of how the Copts think about the Jews, it is not the Jews killing the Copts, but your own fellow Muslims.

Uh. No one is killing anyone right now. Like I said Hossfly people in Egypt know how to live together. They don't have your bigoted Zionist mindset.
The Egyptian Copts and the Jews: No Illusions - Op-Eds - Israel National News

"As just one example of the problem, Saint John Chrysostom of Antioch--one of the early Church Fathers, is beloved among the Copts. Here's a taste of Chrysostom's teaching in Homily 1, some sixteen centuries ago."

"The Jewish people were driven by their drunkenness and plumpness to the ultimate evil; they kicked about, they failed to accept the yoke of Christ, nor did they pull the plow of his teaching. Another prophet hinted at this when he said: "Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn heifer " ...Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter. This is why Christ said: "But as for these my enemies, who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and slay them."

Here's an excerpt from Homily 6...

You {Jews} did slay Christ, you did lift violent hands against the Master, you did spill his precious blood. This is why you have no chance for atonement, excuse, or defense.
The important point here is how the Christian Copts view the Muslims who are harassing and murdering these Copts in Egypt. Get some fresh air this week and try to find some Copts in your town and ask them what they think about what the Muslims are doing to their fellow Copts. Regardless of how the Copts think about the Jews, it is not the Jews killing the Copts, but your own fellow Muslims.

Uh. No one is killing anyone right now. Like I said Hossfly people in Egypt know how to live together. They don't have your bigoted Zionist mindset.
Just whom do you think you are kidding? Go find some Christian Copts in your area and ask them what is happening in Egypt. Or are you do busy on message boards to even come up for air? From your favorite Israeli newspaper............
Living in fear: Coptic Christians in Egypt - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The important point here is how the Christian Copts view the Muslims who are harassing and murdering these Copts in Egypt. Get some fresh air this week and try to find some Copts in your town and ask them what they think about what the Muslims are doing to their fellow Copts. Regardless of how the Copts think about the Jews, it is not the Jews killing the Copts, but your own fellow Muslims.

Uh. No one is killing anyone right now. Like I said Hossfly people in Egypt know how to live together. They don't have your bigoted Zionist mindset.
Just whom do you think you are kidding? Go find some Christian Copts in your area and ask them what is happening in Egypt. Or are you do busy on message boards to even come up for air? From your favorite Israeli newspaper............
Living in fear: Coptic Christians in Egypt - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

A few might live in fear in tribal areas. And Christians get attacked daily by price tag settlers in Israel. Yet again irrelevant topics. Sad you can't speak of the strictly Israeli Palestinain section. Leave this section if that's too hard for you.
Uh. No one is killing anyone right now. Like I said Hossfly people in Egypt know how to live together. They don't have your bigoted Zionist mindset.
Just whom do you think you are kidding? Go find some Christian Copts in your area and ask them what is happening in Egypt. Or are you do busy on message boards to even come up for air? From your favorite Israeli newspaper............
Living in fear: Coptic Christians in Egypt - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

A few might live in fear in tribal areas. And Christians get attacked daily by price tag settlers in Israel. Yet again irrelevant topics. Sad you can't speak of the strictly Israeli Palestinain section. Leave this section if that's too hard for you.
It sure looks like Mr. Know-it-all wants us to be kept in the dark when it comes to what the Muslims do to the Copts. He makes up some cock and bull story about this only happening in tribal areas, but so many Copts are trying to get out of Egypt because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Since you have been posting since you ran home from school, when do you find time to do your homework?

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