Apple Chooses Israel For First R&D Center Outside California


Jun 29, 2011
New details on Apple’s plans to establish a new development center in Israel revealed: Calcalist has learned that the technology giant named Aharon Aharon, former head of Zoran Corporation’s R&D center, as head of its new center in Israel”

“Calcalist has also learned that a delegation headed by Apple VP Ed Frank is currently visiting Israel to meet with several high-tech companies. Frank took a tour of Haifa and visited Intel’s headquarters in the city’s Scientific Industries Center (MATAM),” Gilad reports. “He is examining the north park of the center as a possible location for Apple’s center, Calcalist learned.”

Gilad reports, “Although the search for a location is still preliminary, Apple is showing interest in that specific location due to its proximity to the Technion – Israel’s Institute of Technology, thereby joining a slew of global technology leviathans which opened centers in the area such as Intel, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Qualcomm.”
Apple chooses Israel for first R&D center outside Cupertino – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home

[ame=]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]
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The Misery of Arabs/Apple R&D In Israel
Apple will open a research and development center in Israel that will focus on semiconductors

The R&D center in Herzliya, Israel’s version of Silicon Valley, would be Apple’s first outside California

Earlier this week, Israeli media reported Apple was in advanced talks to buy Anobit, an Israeli maker of flash storage technology, for $400-$500 million

It is so sad and frustrating to see APPLE investing in Israel, while we as Arabs are not able to attract these investments to our countries! I don’t know what our leaders are doing to create proper environment for such investments!

I would prefer seeing APPLE as well as MICROSOFT having their R&D in Lebanon or any other Arab Country instead of being in ISRAEL!


The Misery of Arabs ! Apple R&D in ISRAEL! | What do You Think ?

[ame=]Apple to set up Israel development center - YouTube[/ame]
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Let me guess Apple is a jew owned company?

Your Jew Envy is showing, again, monkey. Apple's development center isn't in your shithole
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Let me guess Apple is a jew owned company?

Your Jew Envy is showing, again, monkey. Apple's development center isn't in your shithole

My jew envy? I don't break out in a cold sweat when someone pop\s a pizza in ze oven

Your Jew Envy is showing, unsuccessful monkey. Apple isn't planning an R&D center in your shithole.

Sux to be you and your shithole

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Good luck w/ that LOL
ISRAEL has sold at least dollars 2bn ( pounds 1.3bn) to dollars 3bn of hi-tech military equipment to China, seriously undermining US efforts to limit the sale of advanced weapons to the Chinese. A Senate report due out later this week says the Israeli exports include military technology developed by the US, and which Washington expressly forbids from being exported to China.
Good luck w/ that LOL

Israel accused of selling US secrets to China - World - News - The Independent
ISRAEL has sold at least dollars 2bn ( pounds 1.3bn) to dollars 3bn of hi-tech military equipment to China, seriously undermining US efforts to limit the sale of advanced weapons to the Chinese. A Senate report due out later this week says the Israeli exports include military technology developed by the US, and which Washington expressly forbids from being exported to China.

Are you retarded or just stupid? Go to mommy News Article: Mullen Lauds Progress in U.S.-China Partnership
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2011 – The top U.S. military officer called upcoming military engagements between the United States and China an encouraging sign that the two countries are beginning to build a relationship that advances both their interests and their ability to confront common challenges.

The United States seeks “a sustained and reliable military-to-military relationship with China,” Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized during a speech today at Beijing’s Renmin University.
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Good luck w/ that LOL

Israel accused of selling US secrets to China - World - News - The Independent
ISRAEL has sold at least dollars 2bn ( pounds 1.3bn) to dollars 3bn of hi-tech military equipment to China, seriously undermining US efforts to limit the sale of advanced weapons to the Chinese. A Senate report due out later this week says the Israeli exports include military technology developed by the US, and which Washington expressly forbids from being exported to China.

Are you retarded or just stupid? Go to mommy News Article: Mullen Lauds Progress in U.S.-China Partnership
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2011 – The top U.S. military officer called upcoming military engagements between the United States and China an encouraging sign that the two countries are beginning to build a relationship that advances both their interests and their ability to confront common challenges.

The United States seeks “a sustained and reliable military-to-military relationship with China,” Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized during a speech today at Beijing’s Renmin University.

Doesn't mean the U.S. is handing them plans to our weaponry like israel did :eusa_clap:


Are you retarded or just stupid? Go to mommy News Article: Mullen Lauds Progress in U.S.-China Partnership
WASHINGTON, July 10, 2011 – The top U.S. military officer called upcoming military engagements between the United States and China an encouraging sign that the two countries are beginning to build a relationship that advances both their interests and their ability to confront common challenges.

The United States seeks “a sustained and reliable military-to-military relationship with China,” Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized during a speech today at Beijing’s Renmin University.

Doesn't mean the U.S. is handing them plans to our weaponry like israel did :eusa_clap:


OWNED. Go to mommy, stupid boy.

Top U.S. military officer visits China's second artillery force headquarters
BEIJING, July 10 (Xinhua) -- Top U.S. military officer Mike Mullen on Sunday visited the Second Artillery Force Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

The visit came as the PLA's strategic missile force further increases its transparency to foreign armed forces. In January, then U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates also visited the headquarters.

Jing Zhiyuan, commander of the PLA Second Artillery Force, met with Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Sunday.

Jing said the state-to-state and military-to-military relations between China and the United States maintained sound development momentum this year.Top U.S. military officer visits China's second artillery force headquarters

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