AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

Romans??? Written by Paul, who never met Jesus, never talked with Jesus. Many of us have no use for Paul who projected his own beliefs and insecurities in his writings. Many people, myself included, don't put a lot of stock in Paul or his writings.

There was no such thing as "legal immigrants" in Jesus day. Refugees are NOT invaders.

I strongly suggest you read The Good Samaratan to read what Jesus thought of immigrants and foreigners. He didn't judge people based on their nationality, but rather by how they treated strangers in peril. He condemned the Rabbit who passed by on the other side of the road and didn't help.
Wrong. Paul met and talked with Jesus. Go read your Bible, moron. Since you bring up the good Samaritan, tell us all about it. What did the good Samaritan do? Did he sign up the victim for government housing, food and medical care or did he give out from his own funds freely without government coercion?
In short, a newborn is no more viable
You've crossed over into ludicrus land. The viability of the newborn does not hinge ordinary care or even extra-ordinary care. A non-viable fetus cannot survive regardless of the amount of care given.
You were once a little group of cells, and now look at you. Why not give the same right you had to life to others?
The baby factory is still viable. Why force an unwanted baby on a woman. It's not like the human race is in danger of going extinct anytime soon.

DUMBER - "Republican" "Christians"

DUMBEST- "Republicans" still defending W
You've crossed over into ludicrus land. The viability of the newborn does not hinge ordinary care or even extra-ordinary care. A non-viable fetus cannot survive regardless of the amount of care given.
He/she not only survives but thrives if just left alone. Notice that you have to take active steps to kill that fetus in order to make your case.
He/she not only survives but thrives if just left alone. Notice that you have to take active steps to kill that fetus in order to make your case.
True, I have no problem with the owner of the baby factory shutting down the development process before the fetus becomes a viable baby. I have no problem with clinic destroying frozen embryos' that have been frozen too long either.
True, I have no problem with the owner of the baby factory shutting down the development process before the fetus becomes a viable baby. I have no problem with clinic destroying frozen embryos' that have been frozen too long either.
Where's the line between viable and nonviable?
True, I have no problem with the owner of the baby factory shutting down the development process before the fetus becomes a viable baby.

In other words, you have no problem with a mother committing filicide against her own son or daughter, because you’re a sick fuck.
True, I have no problem with the owner of the baby factory shutting down the development process before the fetus becomes a viable baby. I have no problem with clinic destroying frozen embryos' that have been frozen too long either.
Sure, just make sure you pull the plug on that coma patient before he wakes up. Chris Reeve ceased to be viable the moment his head hit that rock, yet you would have been charged with murder had you so much as unplugged his ventilator, much less taken a saw to him.
Where's the line between viable and nonviable?
An arbitrary amount of surfactant in one’s lungs since as technology improves Neonatal ICUs can support younger and younger kids.

And of course there are technologies that are currently science fiction that will one day be science fact that would mean that lungs themselves wouldn’t even be necessary for viability, up to and including having the entire pregnancy occur in an artificial environment.

That is why this standard is so stupid and arbitrary. It moves. It constantly moves.
Sure, just make sure you pull the plug on that coma patient before he wakes up.
Most hospitals have excellent end of life counseling these days.
Where's the line between viable and nonviable?
It is an arbitrary point where the baby has a better than 50% chance of survival. It is a moving point based on the science of incubating premature births
you’re a sick fuck.
You're a moroonie. Feticide.
I think we have basically destroyed the "viability" argument.
No, you're pretending that no infant is viable because mom has to feed them.
An arbitrary amount of surfactant in one’s lungs since as technology improves Neonatal ICUs can support younger and younger kids.

And of course there are technologies that are currently science fiction that will one day be science fact that would mean that lungs themselves wouldn’t even be necessary for viability, up to and including having the entire pregnancy occur in an artificial environment.

That is why this standard is so stupid and arbitrary. It moves. It constantly moves.
Exactly. It's a dumb argument for dummies.
Most hospitals have excellent end of life counseling these days.

It is an arbitrary point where the baby has a better than 50% chance of survival. It is a moving point based on the science of incubating premature births

You're a moroonie. Feticide.

No, you're pretending that no infant is viable because mom has to feed them.
So if it's arbitrary, you have no argument.
She's not wrong. The group sponsoring the ads is against LGBTQ+ lifestyles and against a woman's right to choose.
If you really want to follow the teachings of Jesus, there are way better places to spend that millions than dropping it on a Superbowl ad.

This is just taking right wing fundamentalism and trying to mainstream it.
What does the + in LGBTQ+ stand for?
for 1. Leviticus 19:34 God says to treat fairly, be kind to the foreigners living among you.
Ruth for example...not a criminal or illegal but came as the dnl of Naomi..and they were poor and Ruth was willing to live poor with Naomi and to care for her mnl. She did not sneak in.

2. God set boundaries of the sea and he also set the boundaries of nations. God believed in Walls for security and to keep invaders OUT.. That is why Nehemiah and others were sent back to Jerusalem to repair the walls and gates.



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