AOC Chief of Staff Confirms: It’s About Controlling People, Not the Climate

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Jul 13 2019
AOC Chief of Staff Confirms: It’s About Controlling People, Not the Climate

They are called watermelons for good reason: environmentalist green on the outside, commie red on the inside. Saikat Chakrabarti, the malevolent brains behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has openly confirmed what we all knew; her Khmer Rouge–style Green New Deal (which has been backed by Democrat presidential candidates) is intended to impose centralized political control, not to control the climate:

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Saikat Chakrabarti said in May, according to The Washington Post.

He reportedly made the remarks to Sam Ricketts, climate director for 2020 hopeful and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who the Post says greeted the statement with “an attentive poker face.”

Inslee is running for POTUS on a single issue: the same global warming hoax that AOC and her Chief of Staff Charkabarti hope to exploit to impose a socialist takeover of the United States.

“Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti then asked. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

That’s what it is, all right. Except that you aren’t supposed to say it out loud. Doing so suggests that Chakrabarti is either less clever or more arrogant than we thought.

Imposing the Green New Deal would destroy America as we know it. USSR-style government control would be established over the economy, energy, and transportation. However, the pre-industrial standard of living that would be imposed in a futile attempt to prevent harmless carbon emissions would make the Soviet Union look like a capitalist paradise by comparison.

Chakrabarti did not tell us anything we don’t already know about radical environmentalism, which currently manifests itself as the global warming hoax. Climate Depot provides some informative links, including these:

“Global Warming Solutions Same As Global Cooling Cures” — Wait . . . What?

Flashback: UN climate chief Christiana Figueres seeks “centralized transformation” that is “going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different”

Flashback: UN IPCC official Edenohofer admits UN seeks to “redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy”

Flashback: Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About “Global Governance”

Flashback: 1993: Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth: “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing, in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Green Raw Deal: Big Bowl of Crazy – “Global warming” is merely the latest environmental scare with the same solutions of wealth redistribution and central planning

It is well known that even the most radical climate proposals would have zero perceptible effect on the supposedly problematic climate. Even EPA models confirm this. But they would have plenty effect on our freedom and our standard of living.

At great expense, the USA amassed a massive stockpile of nuclear weapons to assure that Americans would never have to live in the hell that is communism. Attempting to keep up, the Soviet Union spent itself to collapse. But we are hardly out of the woods. The radicalized Democrat Party is far more of a threat to America than Russia ever was.

On a tip from R F.
AOC Chief of Staff Confirms: It's About Controlling People, Not the Climate - Moonbattery

Its just socialism at the post office ! derp
What are you so scared of.?
I'm sure if the USSR didn't have the United States to frighten their citizens into submission they would have used the fact Gorbachev used the ice age after the wall fell...he started a environmental think tank at the Presidio in Monterey with our tax do you herd animals? scare them....
I'm sure if the USSR didn't have the United States to frighten their citizens into submission they would have used the fact Gorbachev used the ice age after the wall fell...he started a environmental think tank at the Presidio in Monterey with our tax do you herd animals? scare them....

And, of course, Stalin had his apparatchiks create the United Nations, the main force behind the warmist scheme.

"Stalin's spy, Alger Hiss was the leading force in the designing of the United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminary planning for the U.N. was done. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn (Roosevelt was a dying man at the time. His death came only ten weeks later). At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one."

At Yalta, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin appointed this young diplomatic shining star to be the first Secretary-general of the U.N. for the founding conference held in San Francisco,April/June of 1945.

All of this seemed well and good until three years later. Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy...."
What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know

Sanity for Superheroes: What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know
The EPA was created by an executive initiative of the Republican president Richard Nixon in 1970, the culmination of decades of rising environmental concern and growing dissatisfaction with absent or ineffective environmental regulation at the state level. President Nixon proposed a “strong, independent agency” with a “broad mandate” to control pollution, and a bipartisan Congress passed landmark acts for clean air (1970) and clean water (1972) that the new agency would enforce. Over the next few years these and other laws gave the new agency ambitious goals and powerful tools to set and enforce national pollution standards. But as this new agency pushed against private interests, and in some cases the prerogatives of state regulators, powerful resistance arose.4


When Gorsuch refused a congressional subpoena for further documents, 55 House Republicans joined the Democratic majority to charge her with contempt. Congressional and Justice Department investigations went on to expose major corruption and misconduct, much of it centered in the Superfund program, with director Rita Lavelle jailed for perjury. Gorsuch quit when the White House refused to defend her, joining some 21 other political appointees who were also driven out.13


Once in office, Reagan abandoned the practice of previous administrations of appointing agency heads with federal government experience and sympathy for the agency’s mission. Instead, he chose people from industry who shared his antiregulatory views. To run the EPA, Reagan selected Anne Gorsuch, a 38-year-old corporate lawyer and two-term Colorado legislator who had opposed the Clean Air Act, water quality rules, and hazardous waste protections.6 Other EPA appointments were also based more on ideology and loyalty than government experience, with many coming from the industries that they were tasked with regulating, including Aerojet General and Exxon.7


History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection

Anne Gorsuch is Neil's' Mom.

Yeah for Pres. Nixon, and woe is Reagan and Bush Jr. Tramp is tripe woe on the environment.
The EPA was created by an executive initiative of the Republican president Richard Nixon in 1970
And what Nixon had in mind for the agency is nothing like what its become under big government dem rule....thank God Trump is dialing their power back a bit....under Obama they were granted way too much power and authority.......
The EPA was created by an executive initiative of the Republican president Richard Nixon in 1970, the culmination of decades of rising environmental concern and growing dissatisfaction with absent or ineffective environmental regulation at the state level. President Nixon proposed a “strong, independent agency” with a “broad mandate” to control pollution, and a bipartisan Congress passed landmark acts for clean air (1970) and clean water (1972) that the new agency would enforce. Over the next few years these and other laws gave the new agency ambitious goals and powerful tools to set and enforce national pollution standards. But as this new agency pushed against private interests, and in some cases the prerogatives of state regulators, powerful resistance arose.4


When Gorsuch refused a congressional subpoena for further documents, 55 House Republicans joined the Democratic majority to charge her with contempt. Congressional and Justice Department investigations went on to expose major corruption and misconduct, much of it centered in the Superfund program, with director Rita Lavelle jailed for perjury. Gorsuch quit when the White House refused to defend her, joining some 21 other political appointees who were also driven out.13


Once in office, Reagan abandoned the practice of previous administrations of appointing agency heads with federal government experience and sympathy for the agency’s mission. Instead, he chose people from industry who shared his antiregulatory views. To run the EPA, Reagan selected Anne Gorsuch, a 38-year-old corporate lawyer and two-term Colorado legislator who had opposed the Clean Air Act, water quality rules, and hazardous waste protections.6 Other EPA appointments were also based more on ideology and loyalty than government experience, with many coming from the industries that they were tasked with regulating, including Aerojet General and Exxon.7


History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection

Anne Gorsuch is Neil's' Mom.

Yeah for Pres. Nixon, and woe is Reagan and Bush Jr. Tramp is tripe woe on the environment.
Even good ideas can go off the rails, especially in govt
The EPA was created by an executive initiative of the Republican president Richard Nixon in 1970, the culmination of decades of rising environmental concern and growing dissatisfaction with absent or ineffective environmental regulation at the state level. President Nixon proposed a “strong, independent agency” with a “broad mandate” to control pollution, and a bipartisan Congress passed landmark acts for clean air (1970) and clean water (1972) that the new agency would enforce. Over the next few years these and other laws gave the new agency ambitious goals and powerful tools to set and enforce national pollution standards. But as this new agency pushed against private interests, and in some cases the prerogatives of state regulators, powerful resistance arose.4


When Gorsuch refused a congressional subpoena for further documents, 55 House Republicans joined the Democratic majority to charge her with contempt. Congressional and Justice Department investigations went on to expose major corruption and misconduct, much of it centered in the Superfund program, with director Rita Lavelle jailed for perjury. Gorsuch quit when the White House refused to defend her, joining some 21 other political appointees who were also driven out.13


Once in office, Reagan abandoned the practice of previous administrations of appointing agency heads with federal government experience and sympathy for the agency’s mission. Instead, he chose people from industry who shared his antiregulatory views. To run the EPA, Reagan selected Anne Gorsuch, a 38-year-old corporate lawyer and two-term Colorado legislator who had opposed the Clean Air Act, water quality rules, and hazardous waste protections.6 Other EPA appointments were also based more on ideology and loyalty than government experience, with many coming from the industries that they were tasked with regulating, including Aerojet General and Exxon.7


History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection

Anne Gorsuch is Neil's' Mom.

Yeah for Pres. Nixon, and woe is Reagan and Bush Jr. Tramp is tripe woe on the environment.

What does the EPA have to do with the man made global warming religious cult and its leaders drive for a one world socialist government ?

And ramb is right about them
The EPA was created by an executive initiative of the Republican president Richard Nixon in 1970, the culmination of decades of rising environmental concern and growing dissatisfaction with absent or ineffective environmental regulation at the state level. President Nixon proposed a “strong, independent agency” with a “broad mandate” to control pollution, and a bipartisan Congress passed landmark acts for clean air (1970) and clean water (1972) that the new agency would enforce. Over the next few years these and other laws gave the new agency ambitious goals and powerful tools to set and enforce national pollution standards. But as this new agency pushed against private interests, and in some cases the prerogatives of state regulators, powerful resistance arose.4


When Gorsuch refused a congressional subpoena for further documents, 55 House Republicans joined the Democratic majority to charge her with contempt. Congressional and Justice Department investigations went on to expose major corruption and misconduct, much of it centered in the Superfund program, with director Rita Lavelle jailed for perjury. Gorsuch quit when the White House refused to defend her, joining some 21 other political appointees who were also driven out.13


Once in office, Reagan abandoned the practice of previous administrations of appointing agency heads with federal government experience and sympathy for the agency’s mission. Instead, he chose people from industry who shared his antiregulatory views. To run the EPA, Reagan selected Anne Gorsuch, a 38-year-old corporate lawyer and two-term Colorado legislator who had opposed the Clean Air Act, water quality rules, and hazardous waste protections.6 Other EPA appointments were also based more on ideology and loyalty than government experience, with many coming from the industries that they were tasked with regulating, including Aerojet General and Exxon.7


History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection

Anne Gorsuch is Neil's' Mom.

Yeah for Pres. Nixon, and woe is Reagan and Bush Jr. Tramp is tripe woe on the environment.

What does the EPA have to do with the man made global warming religious cult and its leaders drive for a one world socialist government ?

And ramb is right about them

As the report makes clear, different parts of the country face different risks posed by climate change. In vulnerable Southeastern states, coastal flooding is projected to increase dramatically; Charleston, South Carolina, could experience 180 tidal floods in a year by 2045, compared to 11 per year in 2014. In the Southern Great Plains, extreme heat could cause thousands of premature deaths and billions in lost work-hours by the end of the century. Echoing the 2017 scientific report, the new volume reinforces that human activity—primarily the release of greenhouse gases—is the culprit.
Climate impacts grow, and U.S. must act, says new report
Also in case you haven't noticed we have a socialist country now, with unbridled capitalism.

The EPA, stands for Environment Protection Agency. Why all republican presidents defund and deregulate businesses that cause pollution is the reason we are in the mess now.

You know the poor need to stand up and demand a clean environment so they do not need to buy their water from a capitalist.
The EPA was created by an executive initiative of the Republican president Richard Nixon in 1970, the culmination of decades of rising environmental concern and growing dissatisfaction with absent or ineffective environmental regulation at the state level. President Nixon proposed a “strong, independent agency” with a “broad mandate” to control pollution, and a bipartisan Congress passed landmark acts for clean air (1970) and clean water (1972) that the new agency would enforce. Over the next few years these and other laws gave the new agency ambitious goals and powerful tools to set and enforce national pollution standards. But as this new agency pushed against private interests, and in some cases the prerogatives of state regulators, powerful resistance arose.4


When Gorsuch refused a congressional subpoena for further documents, 55 House Republicans joined the Democratic majority to charge her with contempt. Congressional and Justice Department investigations went on to expose major corruption and misconduct, much of it centered in the Superfund program, with director Rita Lavelle jailed for perjury. Gorsuch quit when the White House refused to defend her, joining some 21 other political appointees who were also driven out.13


Once in office, Reagan abandoned the practice of previous administrations of appointing agency heads with federal government experience and sympathy for the agency’s mission. Instead, he chose people from industry who shared his antiregulatory views. To run the EPA, Reagan selected Anne Gorsuch, a 38-year-old corporate lawyer and two-term Colorado legislator who had opposed the Clean Air Act, water quality rules, and hazardous waste protections.6 Other EPA appointments were also based more on ideology and loyalty than government experience, with many coming from the industries that they were tasked with regulating, including Aerojet General and Exxon.7


History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection

Anne Gorsuch is Neil's' Mom.

Yeah for Pres. Nixon, and woe is Reagan and Bush Jr. Tramp is tripe woe on the environment.

What does the EPA have to do with the man made global warming religious cult and its leaders drive for a one world socialist government ?

And ramb is right about them

As the report makes clear, different parts of the country face different risks posed by climate change. In vulnerable Southeastern states, coastal flooding is projected to increase dramatically; Charleston, South Carolina, could experience 180 tidal floods in a year by 2045, compared to 11 per year in 2014. In the Southern Great Plains, extreme heat could cause thousands of premature deaths and billions in lost work-hours by the end of the century.
Echoing the 2017 scientific report, the new volume reinforces that human activity—primarily the release of greenhouse gases—is the culprit.
Climate impacts grow, and U.S. must act, says new report
Also in case you haven't noticed we have a socialist country now, with unbridled capitalism.

The EPA, stands for Environment Protection Agency. Why all republican presidents defund and deregulate businesses that cause pollution is the reason we are in the mess now.

You know the poor need to stand up and demand a clean environment so they do not need to buy their water from a capitalist.
Its impossible to reason with watermelon religious fanatics..theyre worse than the sicko Muslims
UH boy wow the ignorance , stupidity and anti science runs deep in you sweetheart

Uh Us free market capitalist are much better stewards of the land than socialist ..EVEN at our worst .

Right wing rural republicans tend to be hunters and farmers ...they have a deep respect for the land and nature .. plastic fantastic suburbanites and urbanites ..NOT so much..... along with the bureaucrats who will fine you over mundane bullshit or a silly ridiculous rule ...or poison an entire river out west ..

MY industry was dumping poison into rivers for over a century of course you need basic rules and standards so you dont kill and poison everything around ya...

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