AOC Admits Suffering From Mental Illness


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

"Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claims she has awakened frightened from sleep at 3:30 a.m. because she's worried about the negative effects of climate change on the world."

This self-admitted mentally unstable twit has predicted the world will come to an end in less than 12 years and the only way the United States can save the entire planet by itself is to end all fossil fuel use and win the 'War on Cow Farts' through committing to a program she admits would result in the U.S.' economic collapse before we ever got close to succeeding.

She just admitted that the very thought of all of it causes her extreme mental distress:

"I’m 29 years old. I really struggle sometimes with the idea of how to be a policymaker and potentially have a family in the time of climate change," she said. "And it really, like, freaks me out and it can be really, really scary."

AOC recently live-streamed her panic attack, confessing "the prospect of living in the future fills her with fear."

Perhaps it is time for 'Socialist Extremist Barbresult ie' to quit her day job, stop spreading irrational fear through anxiety-based fear-mongering, and hide out in her 'Safe Space'...

AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

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She needs a straight jacket and a round, padded, rubber room...

Never saw this coming. I thought she just had crazy eyes [emoji102].

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The advantage of being Christian is I'm not afraid of death, because I know it's just a doorway to a better world.

The advantage of being conservative is I don't think the world's about to end, I have a generally positive view of the future.
CLIMATE CHANGE Connect the dots.

If impending climate change is a real threat to humans, why did HATE & VIOLENCE promoting PRO BLACK Americans Pres. & Mrs. Obama purchase a $15,000,000 beachfront home that according to climate change activists, in less than two decades will become a residence for sea-born creatures?

Terrorism, Barack Obama, PROMOTING HATE VIOLENCE.jpg

I actually feel sorry for AOC and other people who genuinely believe that the world is about to end due to Climate Change.

But I won't forgive what leftists are doing to school children when they fill their heads with this end-of-the-world pessimism. Children are not mentally or emotionally ready to deal with end of the world predictions, and it's child abuse to fill their heads with this garbage.
AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

"Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claims she has awakened frightened from sleep at 3:30 a.m. because she's worried about the negative effects of climate change on the world."

This self-admitted mentally unstable twit has predicted the world will come to an end in less than 12 years and the only way the United States can save the entire planet by itself is to end all fossil fuel use and win the 'War on Cow Farts' through committing to a program she admits would result in the U.S.' economic collapse before we ever got close to succeeding.

She just admitted that the very thought of all of it causes her extreme mental distress:

"I’m 29 years old. I really struggle sometimes with the idea of how to be a policymaker and potentially have a family in the time of climate change," she said. "And it really, like, freaks me out and it can be really, really scary."

AOC recently live-streamed her panic attack, confessing "the prospect of living in the future fills her with fear."

Perhaps it is time for 'Socialist Extremist Barbresult ie' to quit her day job, stop spreading irrational fear through anxiety-based fear-mongering, and hide out in her 'Safe Space'...

AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change


To be fair, many in her generation are a complete mess. They're going to college and breaking down in the advisor's office because Mommy packed their lunches through high school and when little Olivia got a bad grade, Mommy was there to make it all better. When they can't do things on their own like make a meal, sew a button or pay bills, they have a word for this: "adulting". We didn't have a word for this when I came to my 18 yo majority in the late 80s. We just figured buck up little girl, this is life.

So honestly, this "Climate Change Fear" in a lot of ways is a cover for fear of a lot of little things that are more practical. In reality many of them have "anxiety and depression" because they can't handle the day to day of modern life, which they then project onto "Climate change" because who wants to admit you can't handle living in one of the best times in human history???

To be fair though: My generation did this to them with over-parenting. It was beyond awful. I could really write a book.
This generation was raised with "play dates" and the like, where parents actually organized their child's play time with other children and then watched them like a hawk while they played so they would be "safe".

When I was a kid, my parents threw me out of the house in the morning and told me not to return until sundown. They had no idea where I was, and didn't care.
This generation was raised with "play dates" and the like, where parents actually organized their child's play time with other children and then watched them like a hawk while they played so they would be "safe".

When I was a kid, my parents threw me out of the house in the morning and told me not to return until sundown. They had no idea where I was, and didn't care.
When you were a kid, the environment was more geared towards the law doing their job as it should be, and with no political correctness involved or race cards being thrown willy nilly or bad trends running rampant with sympathy from a society blaming itself for why these things are the way that they are now. Now look at this crazy nation and world, and how it's lost it more and more. Until this misguided bullcrap is reinvented or straightened out somehow, it will only get worse and worse if it keeps on going in the direction that it's going.
Orange Believers are more Irritating and Irrational than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She'll be just fine, after all you old farts are long gone.
Be sure and get your fair share of Social Security and Medicare along the way little pumpkinz.
AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

"Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claims she has awakened frightened from sleep at 3:30 a.m. because she's worried about the negative effects of climate change on the world."

This self-admitted mentally unstable twit has predicted the world will come to an end in less than 12 years and the only way the United States can save the entire planet by itself is to end all fossil fuel use and win the 'War on Cow Farts' through committing to a program she admits would result in the U.S.' economic collapse before we ever got close to succeeding.

She just admitted that the very thought of all of it causes her extreme mental distress:

"I’m 29 years old. I really struggle sometimes with the idea of how to be a policymaker and potentially have a family in the time of climate change," she said. "And it really, like, freaks me out and it can be really, really scary."

AOC recently live-streamed her panic attack, confessing "the prospect of living in the future fills her with fear."

Perhaps it is time for 'Socialist Extremist Barbresult ie' to quit her day job, stop spreading irrational fear through anxiety-based fear-mongering, and hide out in her 'Safe Space'...

AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

The story is in her eyes.
The advantage of being Christian is I'm not afraid of death, because I know it's just a doorway to a better world.

Don't mean to put you on the spot, but can you define what being a "Christian" is and provide evidence in the Jewish Old Testament written by plagiarist Jews and the Secret Society New Testament written by really bad Jewish authors who tried to learn Greek to convince White people that even though the failed Jewish messiah Jesus who supposedly was to overthrow Rome hated White people, he is actually the White person's salvation and therefore death is okay because you will be with Yahweh the insane Canaanite deity Moses (a murderer) adopted so he could fuck a Canaanite who is also his son Jesus who he impregnated without being married, etc. etc.?
AOC should have learned from Al Gore's failed predictions, which claimed miles of coastline Round the United States should be under right now, have proven it is all a fear-mongering scam to scare the hell out of empty-headed socialist liberals, like AOC, who clearly bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

When a young admitted mentally unbalanced person walks up to you, tells you we only have 11 years to live and the only way to stop it is to wage a war on Cow farts, a war that will cost over $100 Triion in new debt, and it won"t work because the country will econimically collapse before we succeed.... drop a couple of quartets into her tin cup, don't make eye contact, hold your breath from the stench, and keep walking on...
AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

"Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claims she has awakened frightened from sleep at 3:30 a.m. because she's worried about the negative effects of climate change on the world."

This self-admitted mentally unstable twit has predicted the world will come to an end in less than 12 years and the only way the United States can save the entire planet by itself is to end all fossil fuel use and win the 'War on Cow Farts' through committing to a program she admits would result in the U.S.' economic collapse before we ever got close to succeeding.

She just admitted that the very thought of all of it causes her extreme mental distress:

"I’m 29 years old. I really struggle sometimes with the idea of how to be a policymaker and potentially have a family in the time of climate change," she said. "And it really, like, freaks me out and it can be really, really scary."

AOC recently live-streamed her panic attack, confessing "the prospect of living in the future fills her with fear."

Perhaps it is time for 'Socialist Extremist Barbresult ie' to quit her day job, stop spreading irrational fear through anxiety-based fear-mongering, and hide out in her 'Safe Space'...

AOC says she's woken up at 3:30 a.m. because of her anxiety about climate change

At age 29 a bartender and economic grad, get so educated on climate science exactly? She is disturbed cause she’s ignorant on the subject. Good for her, I hope she never sleeps
It's really hard to believe that we have these young arrogant individual's in our government now, and then them puffing themselves up as if we are all these dumb idiots thinking that we should actually give such people as this the time of day.
Bad News for Dolphins fans . . . :71:

She is an idiot. Literally.
But that doesn't change the fact she actually said that Miami not existing in 20 years is unrealistic and basically saying that climate change supporters need to stop saying unrealistic things like Miami not existing.

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