Anyone surprised that America has low expectations for a Republican congress?

No, why would anyone expect better then the crap they got for the last 8 years from the democrat congress.

Under the democrats we had the recession of 2008 and then one of the longest costliest recoveries in history.

Yeah, after Pelosi, Reid and their flying monkey circus I can see why hopes would be pretty low.
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
Yet they put them there in historic fashion??!! R Dean dumber than a bag of hammers.

The only repub in my bedroom is my wife,who's in yours?
make that a bag of broken hammers, :lmao:

personally i would say a bag of turds :lmao:

when it comes to Gvmt. intrusions into our personal lives, it is the demofools, they want to control every aspect of ones life !! :up:
lets see who supports the right to life people who is the group that want to stop gay marrage??? who has tried time and time again to pass law to stop birth control ... when you can answer those questions truthfully then you can tell us who is controlling every aspect of ones life .... last I heard Dems say you can choose what you want to do in your bedroom .... last I heard its the dems who say we don't care who you do it with in your bedroom ... last I check it was the dems who said we will help you get birth control if you want it ... every thing I just said here about what dems say you and your republicans are agasinst
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
Yet they put them there in historic fashion??!! R Dean dumber than a bag of hammers.

The only repub in my bedroom is my wife,who's in yours?
make that a bag of broken hammers, :lmao:

personally i would say a bag of turds :lmao:

when it comes to Gvmt. intrusions into our personal lives, it is the demofools, they want to control every aspect of ones life !! :up:
lets see who supports the right to life people who is the group that want to stop gay marrage??? who has tried time and time again to pass law to stop birth control ... when you can answer those questions truthfully then you can tell us who is controlling every aspect of ones life .... last I heard Dems say you can choose what you want to do in your bedroom .... last I heard its the dems who say we don't care who you do it with in your bedroom ... last I check it was the dems who said we will help you get birth control if you want it ... every thing I just said here about what dems say you and your republicans are agasinst

Stop birth control?? LOL who cares what you do in your bedroom Repubs dont,why do you make such shit up?
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???
soooo, it's OK with you that the magic nigigr. destroys and burns the Constitution ?

do you demofools/liberscum ever pull your heads out of your MESSiah's ass ?
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

More so than any of the far left propaganda press used here like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ABC, NYT, LATimes, Daily kos, Huffington Post, etc..
the problem you have is you don't know the truth when you see it ... fox has been called on more lies to the country then any press out let ... when they are caught in a lie they don't post a retraction... this has been documented time and time again... when you see a so-called lie from the press outlets you have pointed out here, if they are not correct they come on the air state what they said and correct it .... FOX has never done that ... ever!!!!!
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
Yet they put them there in historic fashion??!! R Dean dumber than a bag of hammers.

The only repub in my bedroom is my wife,who's in yours?
make that a bag of broken hammers, :lmao:

personally i would say a bag of turds :lmao:

when it comes to Gvmt. intrusions into our personal lives, it is the demofools, they want to control every aspect of ones life !! :up:
lets see who supports the right to life people who is the group that want to stop gay marrage??? who has tried time and time again to pass law to stop birth control ... when you can answer those questions truthfully then you can tell us who is controlling every aspect of ones life .... last I heard Dems say you can choose what you want to do in your bedroom .... last I heard its the dems who say we don't care who you do it with in your bedroom ... last I check it was the dems who said we will help you get birth control if you want it ... every thing I just said here about what dems say you and your republicans are agasinst

You presonify the problem with the left wing. You pronounce things as the way they should be and any opinion counter to what you believe is construed as just being hateful. As if you know everything. Same with Obama love. The left wing has no problem with ONE man inflicting his ideology on the whole of the country. They line up in steadfast loyalty to him doing so. As if it is their Aryan calling to defend the country.

Hey, I want you to be happy but marriage has always been between a man and a woman. It is your side that wants to change that definition. I want you and your partner to be happy, maybe some sort of Gaylic ceremony?
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

More so than any of the far left propaganda press used here like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ABC, NYT, LATimes, Daily kos, Huffington Post, etc..
the problem you have is you don't know the truth when you see it ... fox has been called on more lies to the country then any press out let ... when they are caught in a lie they don't post a retraction... this has been documented time and time again... when you see a so-called lie from the press outlets you have pointed out here, if they are not correct they come on the air state what they said and correct it .... FOX has never done that ... ever!!!!!

Yes proof that the far left propaganda trumps reality and the truth..
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
Yet they put them there in historic fashion??!! R Dean dumber than a bag of hammers.

The only repub in my bedroom is my wife,who's in yours?
make that a bag of broken hammers, :lmao:

personally i would say a bag of turds :lmao:

when it comes to Gvmt. intrusions into our personal lives, it is the demofools, they want to control every aspect of ones life !! :up:
lets see who supports the right to life people who is the group that want to stop gay marrage??? who has tried time and time again to pass law to stop birth control ... when you can answer those questions truthfully then you can tell us who is controlling every aspect of ones life .... last I heard Dems say you can choose what you want to do in your bedroom .... last I heard its the dems who say we don't care who you do it with in your bedroom ... last I check it was the dems who said we will help you get birth control if you want it ... every thing I just said here about what dems say you and your republicans are agasinst

Stop birth control?? LOL who cares what you do in your bedroom Repubs dont,why do you make such shit up?
in the House for colorado Corey Gardener and many republicans sign on to a bill time and time again to pass laws to block the selling of birth control ... check it out for your self .... they also came up with a bill calling it the person hood to try a say that a fetus is a person to try to stop the right to choose also in that bill was them trying to stop the selling of birth control ... where have you been ???? just like all you repub-lie-cans you just don't pay attention whats going on around you ...
Anyone surprised that America has low expectations for a Republican congress?

Given that America has such low expectations for Republicans and they just elected them over Democrats, it tells you what America's expectation for Democrats is, doesn't it deanie baby?
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

More so than any of the far left propaganda press used here like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ABC, NYT, LATimes, Daily kos, Huffington Post, etc..
the problem you have is you don't know the truth when you see it ... fox has been called on more lies to the country then any press out let ... when they are caught in a lie they don't post a retraction... this has been documented time and time again... when you see a so-called lie from the press outlets you have pointed out here, if they are not correct they come on the air state what they said and correct it .... FOX has never done that ... ever!!!!!

Yes proof that the far left propaganda trumps reality and the truth..
go to any one of Ed schultz shows Rachel Maddow or any one on MSNBC where they made a false report will see them apologizing to their viewers and correcting that statement ... we are still waiting for fox new to retract their statement that John McCain the arizona democrat or many other thing like senator Vetter a democrat from La was caught in a pay for sex... when fox news fine out a wrong doing by their favorite party, they always put democrat so and so and they never come back an correct it... when Mark Foley was caught trying to fondle little boys the said Democrat Mark foley was caught trying to fondle little boys ... then they said Mark stanford was a democrat ..thats that great fox news reporting right??? that you are telling us
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? Biden declared 2010 as the <dramatic voice>"Summer of recovery"</dramatic voice>. That was after the two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures Obama wanted to pass. Now, what did he do during that time? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready", and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill in there too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
Last edited:
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

More so than any of the far left propaganda press used here like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ABC, NYT, LATimes, Daily kos, Huffington Post, etc..
the problem you have is you don't know the truth when you see it ... fox has been called on more lies to the country then any press out let ... when they are caught in a lie they don't post a retraction... this has been documented time and time again... when you see a so-called lie from the press outlets you have pointed out here, if they are not correct they come on the air state what they said and correct it .... FOX has never done that ... ever!!!!!

Yes proof that the far left propaganda trumps reality and the truth..
heres a correction
rachel maddow making correction on reports - Bing Videos
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? He had two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures he wanted to pass and what did he do? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready" ready, and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
Obama had the super majority for two weeks in his first congress... do you really think that we will buy you premise that he had the super majority for two years and did nothing ??? you republicans love to post your stupidity here ... the dems had the majority that means if you don't know they have over half of the members in congress from their party ....that doesn't mean they have the super majority you moron ... the dems had the super majority for two weeks and that's what you can't seem to get through that head of yours
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? He had two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures he wanted to pass and what did he do? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready" ready, and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
Obama had the super majority for two weeks in his first congress... do you really think that we will buy you premise that he had the super majority for two years and did nothing ??? you republicans love to post your stupidity here ... the dems had the majority that means if you don't know they have over half of the members in congress from their party ....that doesn't mean they have the super majority you moron ... the dems had the super majority for two weeks and that's what you can't seem to get through that head of yours

And how many of Obama's economic bills did the Republicans actually block in the first two years?
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

More so than any of the far left propaganda press used here like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ABC, NYT, LATimes, Daily kos, Huffington Post, etc..
the problem you have is you don't know the truth when you see it ... fox has been called on more lies to the country then any press out let ... when they are caught in a lie they don't post a retraction... this has been documented time and time again... when you see a so-called lie from the press outlets you have pointed out here, if they are not correct they come on the air state what they said and correct it .... FOX has never done that ... ever!!!!!

Yes proof that the far left propaganda trumps reality and the truth..
heres a correction
rachel maddow making correction on reports - Bing Videos

Sigh, read and learn: Yes Roger Fox News Has Retracted False Stories - The Wire
The last time the US had a shitty Democrat President and an effective Congress was when that scumbag Clinton held the office and Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House.

Even though Clinton was an incompetent and corrupt Libtard scumbag he had the political savvy to let Gingrich run with the ball and that produced some good results. He learned that lesson after the Democrats got their asses kicked in the mid term election.

This RINO Boehner is no Gingrich and this shithead Obama is just Soros's little trained monkey and has neither the intelligence or the inclination to ever get his head out of his ass.

Don't expect much. You are not going to get much.
Last edited:
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? Biden declared 2010 as the <dramatic voice>"Summer of recovery"</dramatic voice>. That was after the two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures Obama wanted to pass. Now, what did he do during that time? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready", and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill in there too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
every bill up to 2010 was filibustered by the right ... yiour view of what happen is comical at best ... the sad part is your to dumb to know any better
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? He had two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures he wanted to pass and what did he do? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready" ready, and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
Obama had the super majority for two weeks in his first congress... do you really think that we will buy you premise that he had the super majority for two years and did nothing ??? you republicans love to post your stupidity here ... the dems had the majority that means if you don't know they have over half of the members in congress from their party ....that doesn't mean they have the super majority you moron ... the dems had the super majority for two weeks and that's what you can't seem to get through that head of yours

And how many of Obama's economic bills did the Republicans actually block in the first two years?

the same as the democrat's credibility.

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