Anyone See the Latest Le Pen vs Macron Debate...Election is Sunday, Sunday,


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Marine Le Pen kicked the douchebag Emmanuel Macron's ass! Very similar to the last US election. The MSM attacks Le Pen because she supports....wait for it...France! Similarly the MSM attacks The Donald because he supports the USA!

Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!

Make France great again. Get the savages the fuck out.

The interpreters translating live action made it pretty funny.

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Well if she is a good speaker then she has a chance.

This could be the birth of a new French dynasty !!
Marine Le Pen kicked the douchebag Emmanuel Macron's ass! Very similar to the last US election. The MSM attacks Le Pen because she supports....wait for it...France! Similarly the MSM attacks The Donald because he supports the USA!

Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!

Make France great again. Get the savages the fuck out.

The interpreters translating live action made it pretty funny.

In addition, Macron recently received the kiss of death by getting Obama's support.
Read a transcript of the debate; she mopped the floor with the Fashion Plate. If she doesn't win this time, another couple of terrorist mass murders and the usual cheering by the Left over the bodies and she's a shoo in next round.
I saw the man who claims that "terrorism is the new normal" and "there is no French culture" claim that the opposition is anti-French people. Then he proceeded to call Le Pen supporters basket of losers.

Do these hard leftists ever do anything but project?
Marine Le Pen kicked the douchebag Emmanuel Macron's ass! Very similar to the last US election. The MSM attacks Le Pen because she supports....wait for it...France! Similarly the MSM attacks The Donald because he supports the USA!

Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!

Make France great again. Get the savages the fuck out.

The interpreters translating live action made it pretty funny.

She'll be losing her ass on Sunday.
NightFox, indeed France has a mixed history. :p But back in the day, the worst experience was getting an attitude from a waiter when ordering red wine. Now it means low IQ savages on a rampage.

For folks unfamiliar with Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...

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Since when do rightwing, self-professed patriots have find anything to do with France even remotely interesting?

Bad politics really makes strange bedfellows.
NightFox, indeed France has a mixed history. :p But back in the day, the worst experience was getting an attitude from a waiter when ordering red wine. Now it means low IQ savages on a rampage.

For folks unfamiliar with Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...

Spend your tourist dollars in the south of France or the Northeast. Paris sucks outside of a few museums and some cool old buildings. Food is also much better in the southern small towns.
I don't care. I really don't. Marc, if an American does not care who the French people elect, does that dis-qualify them from being an American 'Patriot'? Just curious...
Marine Le Pen kicked the douchebag Emmanuel Macron's ass! Very similar to the last US election. The MSM attacks Le Pen because she supports....wait for it...France! Similarly the MSM attacks The Donald because he supports the USA!

Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!
Le Pen!

Make France great again. Get the savages the fuck out.

The interpreters translating live action made it pretty funny.

She'll be losing her ass on Sunday.

She is doing better than Trump did with the polls.

She won't lose.
I don't care. I really don't. Marc, if an American does not care who the French people elect, does that dis-qualify them from being an American 'Patriot'? Just curious...
The war takes place all over the west, not just America.

Why do you think Trump supporters were so happy with Brexit?
Since when do rightwing, self-professed patriots have find anything to do with France even remotely interesting?

Bad politics really makes strange bedfellows.
White nationalism and western civic nationalism is globally focused now.
I don't care. I really don't. Marc, if an American does not care who the French people elect, does that dis-qualify them from being an American 'Patriot'? Just curious...
You missed my point, as usual. Which was that typically, self-proclaimed patriots, who tend to hail from the Republican Party, are (and have been) very vocal about their hatred for the French and all things French.

They only pretend to like France and anything French in relation to their political affinity to be anti-Muslim, which France has been dealing with these issues since 911.
I don't care. I really don't. Marc, if an American does not care who the French people elect, does that dis-qualify them from being an American 'Patriot'? Just curious...
You missed my point, as usual. Which was that typically, self-proclaimed patriots, who tend to hail from the Republican Party, are vocal about their hatred for the French and all things French.

They only pretend to like France and anything French in relation to their political affinity to be anti-Muslim, which France has been dealing with these issues since 911.
American white nationalists have always supported France, and all of Europe.
I don't care. I really don't. Marc, if an American does not care who the French people elect, does that dis-qualify them from being an American 'Patriot'? Just curious...
The war takes place all over the west, not just America.

Why do you think Trump supporters were so happy with Brexit?

'The War'....which war would that be? Obama declared years ago - right before the Benghazi attack and the 2012 election - the 'War on Terror' 'is over'. So which 'War' would that be?

The Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya, in Syria, in Yemen, in Africa, ...?

I have no idea if / why Trump supporters were happy about Brexit. I don't speak for them, and I don't care.
I don't care. I really don't. Marc, if an American does not care who the French people elect, does that dis-qualify them from being an American 'Patriot'? Just curious...
You missed my point, as usual. Which was that typically, self-proclaimed patriots, who tend to hail from the Republican Party, are (and have been) very vocal about their hatred for the French and all things French.

They only pretend to like France and anything French in relation to their political affinity to be anti-Muslim, which France has been dealing with these issues since 911.

Do you have any evidence to support this, or is it just your opinion what 'self-proclaimed patriot Republicans' think / say?

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