Anyone see the celebrities agains Trump?


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
They have convinced themselves that they speak for all of America.

They don't see how their party has become regional.

Celebrities tend to have very, very high opinions of themselves because they surround themselves with hangers-on and sycophants, so you really need to hear their message.

Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.

Just more proof, not that more was needed, that the Left is naturally tyrannical.
The world already saw that when you elected a clown as President.
I will gladly take a clown over a lying corrupt warmongering criminal.

Why do you want THAT in the White House? Are you stupid?
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
I watched that video yesterday :)
Here below the video

Celebrities Urging Electoral College to Vote Against Trump PSA - YouTube

Honestly I find this video a little bit...comic because they're talking like Donald Trump is a new Stalin or somebody like that
I think they're exaggerating about Trump and his soon to be administration :)

p.s. I have a question for all of you guys... who are all these people in the video? I can recognize Martin Sheen but I don't know all the others :D
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
I watched that video yesterday :)
Here below the video

Celebrities Urging Electoral College to Vote Against Trump PSA - YouTube

Honestly I find this video a little bit...comic because they're talking like Donald Trump is a new Stalin or somebody like that
I think they're exaggerating about Trump and his soon to be administration :)

p.s. I have a question for all of you guys... who are all these people in the video? I can recognize Martin Sheen but I don't know all the others :D

He's the only one I recognized as well.
The funniest part is they think others will think their opinions are relevant. The only people who listen are their fellow low information idiots, so they're essentially preaching to their choir. Good luck with that, morons!
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
Rich people like celebrities often surround themselves with sycophants to blow them. The trap for these people is to start believing their own bullshit. Since Hollywood celebrities are often flaky to begin with, it's not unusual for them believe they're views are better than others.

What they are doing, IMHO, is against the US election system. If they want to change the system, they should focus on that but to try to change the result with money and influence is unAmerican.
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
They have convinced themselves that they speak for all of America.

They don't see how their party has become regional.

Celebrities tend to have very, very high opinions of themselves because they surround themselves with hangers-on and sycophants, so you really need to hear their message.


The Democrats are a regional party? Winning the popular vote by 3 million is now what makes you a regional party?
Every time I think of Liberals and their celebrities these days I can't help but think of the Hunger Games movies and how liberals would compare to people living in the rich out of touch Capitol.
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
They have convinced themselves that they speak for all of America.

They don't see how their party has become regional.

Celebrities tend to have very, very high opinions of themselves because they surround themselves with hangers-on and sycophants, so you really need to hear their message.


The Democrats are a regional party? Winning the popular vote by 3 million is now what makes you a regional party?
Clearly he means California in "regional".
It's always been this way. The left takes the advice of people who are paid and famous for pretending to be someone they are not.
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
They have convinced themselves that they speak for all of America.

They don't see how their party has become regional.

Celebrities tend to have very, very high opinions of themselves because they surround themselves with hangers-on and sycophants, so you really need to hear their message.


I always wondered if being able to pretend to be someone else effectively requires a high level of self identification. So if you start with a person who is already high on the Ego chart, surrounding them with people who's whole job is to make their lives easier and feed on said ego can't help.
Seems a bunch of celebrities lead by Martin Sheen are putting out adds for the electors to not vote for Trump.

I wonder just who the hell they think they are? Someone would change their vote because some rich, elitist celebrity says they should??

Hell. I couldn't tell who half of them were. Not famous by any means.

One elector is getting sick and tired of getting calls all day and night from those wanting him to change his vote. He says he's voting the way his State did and these callers can kiss his ass.
They have convinced themselves that they speak for all of America.

They don't see how their party has become regional.

Celebrities tend to have very, very high opinions of themselves because they surround themselves with hangers-on and sycophants, so you really need to hear their message.


The Democrats are a regional party? Winning the popular vote by 3 million is now what makes you a regional party?

No, having your ass kicked at the State level makes them a regional party.

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