Anyone Even A Little Bit Skeptical On Any Polls? Remember How Super Accurate They Were In 2016?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Somewhere In Florida
are some of us saying to ourselves, "Something's Not Right". Really? Ferretman is ahead at times by 10%? remember when Trump was about 700,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania? then for some reason, they decided to stop counting the votes, Hmm
Oh, and we all recall the weeks before the 2016 election when all the leftists networks kept Hillary between 10 and 15 points, and gloated about it, then she lost in a Reagan like landslide. And with so many predictions about our economy, how much better its going to be, how we will be so happy about everything in 2022.
Well, now we have a tight race in the house and senate with about 70% of us pissed off? :banghead::banghead: :slap:
are some of us saying to ourselves, "Something's Not Right". Really? Ferretman is ahead at times by 10%? remember when Trump was about 700,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania? then for some reason, they decided to stop counting the votes, Hmm
Oh, and we all recall the weeks before the 2016 election when all the leftists networks kept Hillary between 10 and 15 points, and gloated about it, then she lost in a Reagan like landslide. And with so many predictions about our economy, how much better its going to be, how we will be so happy about everything in 2022.
Well, now we have a tight race in the house and senate with about 70% of us pissed off? :banghead::banghead: :slap:
The polls are used for conditioning us into accepting results that actually have no basis in reality.
They can't massively cheat & get away with it until they convince the sheeple before the election that the Dems are actually popular. This is false.

Get outside of any big city & Dems are as rare as Joe going a day without a diaper change
"Polls" are outright LIES.

If you ever read the "fine print" in these "poll" rules and regulations guides they have (or are supposed to have).....99.99% of the time, these "polls" are taken with LESS than 2,000 people!!! Thats less than .000000001 percent of the population of the USA!!

At least 150 MILLION of the almost 400 MILLION people that make up the USA today are registerd voters.

Most of these "polls" are only given to a SELECT FEW people, usually in specific areas or classes of people. They are NOT given to the entire USA for all tax paying citizens to take.

Therefore, ALL "POLLS" ARE LIES.
"Polls" are outright LIES.

If you ever read the "fine print" in these "poll" rules and regulations guides they have (or are supposed to have).....99.99% of the time, these "polls" are taken with LESS than 2,000 people!!! Thats less than .000000001 percent of the population of the USA!!

At least 150 MILLION of the almost 400 MILLION people that make up the USA today are registerd voters.

Most of these "polls" are only given to a SELECT FEW people, usually in specific areas or classes of people. They are NOT given to the entire USA for all tax paying citizens to take.

Therefore, ALL "POLLS" ARE LIES.
right, CNN will poll about 500 people in the Philly area, giving both Dems a 10/12 point lead, and that poll will represent the whole state
The Dem's RIGGED polls are laughable. All you have to do is look into the poll details, heavily weighted in favor of Democrats. Polling people in heavy Dem districts. The proper term is Dem propaganda.
maybe these pollsters should just poll the 80 to 90 million of us that are pissed off and cant wait to vote straight republican in november
any pole where a dem is leading by less than 10% is bad news for dems ... dems ruined polling with the hatred they throw at would be republican voters ... many republican voters will not disclose who they are voting for from fear of backlash from leftist commie tyrants ... its a sad day in America when someone can actually lose their livelihood because of who they vote for or support .. the left is destroying freedom .
The pentagon is running massive pys ops on Americans across all of media. Most democrats you see online are spooks, shills, or bots. Very few real democrats.

The globalist believe they can manipulate Americans into voting themselves into slavery and the great reset.
im pretty sure that some "Powers That Be" are telling pollsters what to do Or Else !!!
In America today, if you want to know how many democrats there are you have to ask a question like, do you support abortion up till birth, or do you support child trans surgery and child drag shows. The real number of democrats is less the. 20% The rest of the numbers are inflated by globalist to make it appear like democrats ideas like these are popular.
In America today, if you want to know how many democrats there are you have to ask a question like, do you support abortion up till birth, or do you support child trans surgery and child drag shows. The real number of democrats is less the. 20% The rest of the numbers are inflated by globalist to make it appear like democrats ideas like these are popular.
you wanna take a guess to what would/may happen to any well known pollster that took an honest poll giving various GOP candidates a 15 point lead in any swing state?
are some of us saying to ourselves, "Something's Not Right". Really? Ferretman is ahead at times by 10%? remember when Trump was about 700,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania? then for some reason, they decided to stop counting the votes, Hmm
Oh, and we all recall the weeks before the 2016 election when all the leftists networks kept Hillary between 10 and 15 points, and gloated about it, then she lost in a Reagan like landslide. And with so many predictions about our economy, how much better its going to be, how we will be so happy about everything in 2022.
Well, now we have a tight race in the house and senate with about 70% of us pissed off? :banghead::banghead: :slap:
In the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential elections all polls showed a tightening race not 10-15% you have parroted from some bullshit site.

70% of who is pissed off?
you wanna take a guess to what would/may happen to any well known pollster that took an honest poll giving various GOP candidates a 15 point lead in any swing state?
The globalist running the democrats have to inflate polls to justify their voter fraud.

If you believe the mail in votes are clean and pure, you're a total idiot.
The globalist running the democrats have to inflate polls to justify their voter fraud.

If you believe the mail in votes are clean and pure, you're a total idiot.
The 2020 election was accurate and fair.

And that's the problem you sycophants have with the result.

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