Anyone Else Plan On Rebelling From This Crap???

You are right about raiding the fund dogbert. Have we gotten any assurances that this pool won't be raided as well? Or will the increased taxes be used to "stimulate the economy" or "bail out those that are too big to fail"? Or study the drinking habits use of gay whores in Phucket? Those are also legitimate questions, and something we. deserve to know.
You are right about raiding the fund dogbert. Have we gotten any assurances that this pool won't be raided as well? Or will the increased taxes be used to "stimulate the economy" or "bail out those that are too big to fail"? Or study the drinking habits use of gay whores in Phucket? Those are also legitimate questions, and something we. deserve to know.

I'd rather there be a law on the matter rather than an assurance.

Tommy Boy (1995) - Memorable quotes

Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.

Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.

Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.

Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.

Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?
[chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]

Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?

Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.

Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?

Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.

Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.

Tommy: Well, that's...
Tommy, Richard Hayden: ...What?

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