Any nerds build any ipad/iphone apps in Python (or other languages)?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
I've been using Python for years as it is included for scripting in several major software applications I use daily. I find it easy and powerful, it has a huge user/support base and an enormous number of libraries. I'm no programming guru but I always manage to cobble together something that gets the job done.
Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
I've been using Python for years as it is included for scripting in several major software applications I use daily. I find it easy and powerful, it has a huge user/support base and an enormous number of libraries. I'm no programming guru but I always manage to cobble together something that gets the job done.

Thanks for the feedback.

In the last 3-4 months I've been basically doing immersion training in multiple languages, it's the best way I learn, I'm compulsive about something when I pursue it and I've used multiple mediums (experts on youtube, books, free coding camp courses etc). I even watch videos on my ipad as I'm going to sleep to have that "recent "effect" I wanted a general understanding of many languages and to test drive each to see which one I like best.

SQL, though more of a procedural language, was easiest as I have a background in Database hardware/software. I found MYSQL was very easy and I purposely started with that language for the fact I knew I would excel quicker and not get discouraged, it was a more natural language and I imagine I will go back to it often to improve command knowledge.

I moved to C, which was tougher, but picked up basic stuff ok. Not sold on it for further exploration for my purposes.

Then some Javascript, as I've done HTML/CSS before I was generally familiar with it. Powerful and broadly used as well.

Currently sinking my teeth into Python which I find far more detailed in global support. The unlimited number of scripts and libraries ensure once I get the hang of it, the possibilities are endless. So much information online in forums and the constant update due to the Open Source nature of it (similar to Linux when I first chose it as my O/S). I'm confident this will be what I will tinker with.

If you read through all this, are you familiar with any of the many libraries? If so, any "must haves" I should download for standard uses?

Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
I would recommend using VS Code with Python as a development environment. Both are free.

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

I normally use Visual Studio, but I was curious about all the hype so I picked up a copy of the VS Code and then set it up to do python.

There are a number of worthwhile tuts on youtube for python for beginners.

A few to get you started:

Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
I would recommend using VS Code with Python as a development environment. Both are free.

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

I normally use Visual Studio, but I was curious about all the hype so I picked up a copy of the VS Code and then set it up to do python.

There are a number of worthwhile tuts on youtube for python for beginners.

A few to get you started:

Thanks. I've watched the second one more than once. Scimmed through some of the MIT courses (much of it was more advanced and granular for my purposes but helped with general benefit of additional knowledge).
Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
I would recommend using VS Code with Python as a development environment. Both are free.

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

I normally use Visual Studio, but I was curious about all the hype so I picked up a copy of the VS Code and then set it up to do python.

There are a number of worthwhile tuts on youtube for python for beginners.

A few to get you started:

Thanks. I've watched the second one more than once. Scimmed through some of the MIT courses (much of it was more advanced and granular for my purposes but helped with general benefit of additional knowledge).

Without the course material, the MIT courses were interesting to watch, but they leave a lot of the extracurricular out of the vids. So I found it useful, but not very practical.

The Stanford CS106 (Java) course was fantastic, even without the course material. Its a be dated now, but still relevant in most of its presentation.

Hmm..let Me see if I can find My link to it.

Yeah, here we go.

I use IntelliJ IDE from JetBrains for Java, android, and phone.
Hmm..I just went to look, it appears that VS Code also supports Java. lol
Been dabbling in a few languages, probably leaning towards Python to develop apps, though it's not my strongest right now, finishing the theory, just getting started with it, but I do like the functionality of that I've seen others use it for, on top of major sites built in python, from Netflix on down.

I have some ideas for business apps due to problems I've experienced in the real work in business for which I'd like to find a solution to. So, if I were to focus on using Python above all others, how would I go about doing this? I mean in regards to specific libraries to DL etc. I find the library options particularly daunting.

I'm using Pycharm interface right now on Linux.

Thanks for your time. Would love to hear your stories or advice.
I've been using Python for years as it is included for scripting in several major software applications I use daily. I find it easy and powerful, it has a huge user/support base and an enormous number of libraries. I'm no programming guru but I always manage to cobble together something that gets the job done.

Thanks for the feedback.

In the last 3-4 months I've been basically doing immersion training in multiple languages, it's the best way I learn, I'm compulsive about something when I pursue it and I've used multiple mediums (experts on youtube, books, free coding camp courses etc). I even watch videos on my ipad as I'm going to sleep to have that "recent "effect" I wanted a general understanding of many languages and to test drive each to see which one I like best.

SQL, though more of a procedural language, was easiest as I have a background in Database hardware/software. I found MYSQL was very easy and I purposely started with that language for the fact I knew I would excel quicker and not get discouraged, it was a more natural language and I imagine I will go back to it often to improve command knowledge.

I moved to C, which was tougher, but picked up basic stuff ok. Not sold on it for further exploration for my purposes.

Then some Javascript, as I've done HTML/CSS before I was generally familiar with it. Powerful and broadly used as well.

Currently sinking my teeth into Python which I find far more detailed in global support. The unlimited number of scripts and libraries ensure once I get the hang of it, the possibilities are endless. So much information online in forums and the constant update due to the Open Source nature of it (similar to Linux when I first chose it as my O/S). I'm confident this will be what I will tinker with.

If you read through all this, are you familiar with any of the many libraries? If so, any "must haves" I should download for standard uses?

I learn exactly the opposite way. I'll take on a task and then learn what I need to do it.

I've done some SQL stuff but I used Python to assemble and execute the statements. Pandas is the library to use for the returned data.

I've also done some misc. stuff reading & writing Excel, parsing Word Docs, plotting numeric data with matplotlib, harvesting web pages, reading & writing Outlook email with exchangelib, and many others.

I'm limited in my IDE to Notepad++ but I do use anaconda and jupyter for developing scripts.

Good luck.

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