Antifa is going to be smacked down by strong young men who stand for God and free speech...

Antifa seriously needs their little dicks slapped.
They're getting it.

So I drive an ancient car right now. I'm in between cars..just traded in the Exploder I've driven for years...waiting for my next until I get it, I'm driving this ancient 4 door Honda lol. I think it's like a 98...maybe it's older I don't know.

Cracked windshield, screams like a banshee when I start it, bald tires with metal showing...NRA son was driving it prior to me driving it. Before he drove it, my nephew drove it, and before HE drove it, my sister and I drove it (when it was new).

I come up on this freaking gorgeous, shiny, mitsubishi suv thing..I've never seen anythign like it, but it looked expensive, and new. The shine from it blinded me.

And it had "#Resist" and "I Hate Trump" stickers on it.

I wanted to follow them around and let them be afraid of my nra sticker and broken windshield...and the bullet hole on the side of the honda.

But sadly, I had to go to work.
Feel bad for antifa, it's good to be us, standing up for something that is right.

Joey Gibson

Lol. The Left is terrified of spiders. Particularly spiders with thirty round mags. You're going to give them a heart attack. And it's hilarious.

These guys are so good, too. They treat them and speak of them like they are babies..which of course, they are.

Most of them are students, or the kids of educators. Often antifa mommies come along and film their darlings, you can often hear them screeching off camera "omg leave him alone! Why are you attacking him?" after the little turds fling bricks and swing bats and throw explosives....
I think the conservatives need to come up with something as attention getting and as ridiculous as "antifa"...:eek-52: how about...anti-fart...anti-farce...anti-antifa...
I think the conservatives need to come up with something as attention getting and as ridiculous as "antifa"...:eek-52: how about...anti-fart...anti-farce...anti-antifa...
We already have our names.
Proud Boys.

Simple, to the point, defines who they are.
Antifa seriously needs their little dicks slapped.
They're getting it.

So I drive an ancient car right now. I'm in between cars..just traded in the Exploder I've driven for years...waiting for my next until I get it, I'm driving this ancient 4 door Honda lol. I think it's like a 98...maybe it's older I don't know.

Cracked windshield, screams like a banshee when I start it, bald tires with metal showing...NRA son was driving it prior to me driving it. Before he drove it, my nephew drove it, and before HE drove it, my sister and I drove it (when it was new).

I come up on this freaking gorgeous, shiny, mitsubishi suv thing..I've never seen anythign like it, but it looked expensive, and new. The shine from it blinded me.

And it had "#Resist" and "I Hate Trump" stickers on it.

I wanted to follow them around and let them be afraid of my nra sticker and broken windshield...and the bullet hole on the side of the honda.

But sadly, I had to go to work.

Those old Jap cars go on forever. We had a Toyota Echo and got 250,000 miles on it before we bought an Obama-era GM-bailout Chevy Sonic in 2013. That was back when my wife was still a Democrat. That POS Obamamobile only made it to 120,000 miles before the engine crapped out, so we traded it off on a 2016 Nissan Versa Note. Even though it was thrown together in Mexico, those Japs run a tight company.
Antifa seriously needs their little dicks slapped.
They're getting it.

So I drive an ancient car right now. I'm in between cars..just traded in the Exploder I've driven for years...waiting for my next until I get it, I'm driving this ancient 4 door Honda lol. I think it's like a 98...maybe it's older I don't know.

Cracked windshield, screams like a banshee when I start it, bald tires with metal showing...NRA son was driving it prior to me driving it. Before he drove it, my nephew drove it, and before HE drove it, my sister and I drove it (when it was new).

I come up on this freaking gorgeous, shiny, mitsubishi suv thing..I've never seen anythign like it, but it looked expensive, and new. The shine from it blinded me.

And it had "#Resist" and "I Hate Trump" stickers on it.

I wanted to follow them around and let them be afraid of my nra sticker and broken windshield...and the bullet hole on the side of the honda.

But sadly, I had to go to work.

Those old Jap cars go on forever. We had a Toyota Echo and got 250,000 miles on it before we bought an Obama-era GM-bailout Chevy Sonic in 2013. That was back when my wife was still a Democrat. That POS Obamamobile only made it to 120,000 miles before the engine crapped out, so we traded it off on a 2016 Nissan Versa Note. Even though it was thrown together in Mexico, those Japs run a tight company.

Hondas are amazing. I had one and it ran long past the point of impossibility.
I think the conservatives need to come up with something as attention getting and as ridiculous as "antifa"...:eek-52: how about...anti-fart...anti-farce...anti-antifa...
We already have our names.
Proud Boys.

Simple, to the point, defines who they are.

You are so stupid. Who needs a little-penis boy in camouflage to tell us where we are going? They are pathetic little shits who run around with guns because they can't get it up on a good day. Not a believer in Jesus among them, and nothing patriotic about this common trash about them. White trash all. The garbage from our sewers.
Kid holding that damn gun makes me nervous.

Why? Do you think he's going to load it and mow you down?

I think it's an airsoft anyway. A toy.
Yeah..I figure its a plastic toy cuz that kid would not be able to hold a real one...too frigging heavy. I dunno. Just makes me nervous. I keep waiting for him to drop it on dads head, lol.
Antifa seriously needs their little dicks slapped.
They're getting it.

So I drive an ancient car right now. I'm in between cars..just traded in the Exploder I've driven for years...waiting for my next until I get it, I'm driving this ancient 4 door Honda lol. I think it's like a 98...maybe it's older I don't know.

Cracked windshield, screams like a banshee when I start it, bald tires with metal showing...NRA son was driving it prior to me driving it. Before he drove it, my nephew drove it, and before HE drove it, my sister and I drove it (when it was new).

I come up on this freaking gorgeous, shiny, mitsubishi suv thing..I've never seen anythign like it, but it looked expensive, and new. The shine from it blinded me.

And it had "#Resist" and "I Hate Trump" stickers on it.

I wanted to follow them around and let them be afraid of my nra sticker and broken windshield...and the bullet hole on the side of the honda.

But sadly, I had to go to work.

Those old Jap cars go on forever. We had a Toyota Echo and got 250,000 miles on it before we bought an Obama-era GM-bailout Chevy Sonic in 2013. That was back when my wife was still a Democrat. That POS Obamamobile only made it to 120,000 miles before the engine crapped out, so we traded it off on a 2016 Nissan Versa Note. Even though it was thrown together in Mexico, those Japs run a tight company.

Hondas are amazing. I had one and it ran long past the point of impossibility.

God bless them Japs. It took two nukes but they sure came to their senses.


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