Anti-Vax & Ivermectin Proponent Dies - Was He Silenced By Fauci and Big Pharma?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Just before 7 am on March 3, Danny Lemoi posted an update in his hugely popular pro-ivermectin Telegram group, Dirt Road Discussions: “HAPPY FRIDAY ALL YOU POISONOUS HORSE PASTE EATING SURVIVORS !!!” Hours later, he was dead. Lemoi began taking the version of ivermectin designed for animals on a daily basis in 2012, He said then that five months after first taking the drug, he quit all other treatments and believed ivermectin had “regenerated” his heart muscle.

In 2021, as ivermectin became a popular alternative COVID-19 treatment among anti-vaxxers, he launched what became one of the largest Telegram channels dedicated to promoting the use of it, including instructions on how to administer ivermectin to children. But despite Lemoi’s death, the administrators of his channel are pushing his misinformation—even as his followers share their own worrying possible side effects from taking ivermectin and some question the safety of the drug. Some members of the group are taking ivermectin not only as a treatment against COVID, but as a cure-all for almost every disease—from cancer and depression, to autism and ovarian cysts—believing that every disease is caused by a parasite that is removed from the body by ivermectin."

This story has the potential to be huge...Could he have been killed by Big Pharma to stop him from spreading the word that ivermectin basically cures nearly everything that big Pharma has been telling us has no cure? This goes beyond COVID -- which was both not a big deal and an extremely dangerous disease unleashed on us by China and Fauci -- this goes on to expose how big Pharma doesn't want us to know that ivermectin stops heart disease, cures cancer, stops autism, cures kidney disease, diabetes, sickle cell, almost everything. I believe Fauci and Pfizer are behind his death and needs to be held accountable immediately.
I know REAL doctors who treated COVID with Ivermectin and had spectacular results in spite of the threats they received from our government. A real doctor treats the patient to the best of his ability, something that government and the pharmaceuticals wouldn't know anything about. MAGA
So a guy with a bad heart started taking Ivermectin in 2012, lived 11 more years & just died from a heart attack.

I'll probably regret it but what do you think this proves?
Ivermectin may have extended his life?
IVM was first used against nematodes of mice, so the horse dose is absurd to be mouthing off about.
He had an enlarged heart. When you inject enough Ivermectin to deworm a 1,300 lb. horse, you never know what side effects might happen.
He was on it for over a decade dummy oh and
"The obituary gave no details about the cause of his death"
He was on it for over a decade dummy oh and
His heart was fine.....then he died....very fishy to me....nobody who has taken this wonder cure has died....nobody....

How is this not the work of Pfizer, Fauci and the Deep State?

They took him out to stop the truth...and now his followers are complaining about side effects when these are just normal Herxing symptoms.....
Nobody knows how he died. Maybe it was an auto accident who the fuck knows. You don't and neither does the idiots are Vice.
He died because Fauci killed him....isn't that why you want him locked up?

Why do you think a person who has already murdered 2 to 3 million Americans (some are saying 80 million) wouldn't murder one more person to protect Pfizer?
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He died because Fauci killed him....i'snt that why you want him locked up?

Why do you think a person who has already murdered 2 to 3 million Americans (some are saying 80 million) wouldn't murder one more person to protect Pfizer?
Did he die of COVID?

I'm with Biff. Fauci is a murderer. He prevented our country from using life saving medicines so he and Pfizer could become fabulously rich. Fauci is no better than a hit man with a contract on a nunnery. He slaughtered people for money.
I'm with Biff. Fauci is a murderer. He prevented our country from using life saving medicines so he and Pfizer could become fabulously rich. Fauci is no better than a hit man with a contract on a nunnery. He slaughtered people for money.
And these fake right-wingers are all acting so offended when I tell them Fauci killed this guy

I am starting to think they are not true patriots.
And these fake right-wingers are all acting so offended when I tell them Fauci killed this guy

I am starting to think they are not true patriots.
Actually, I don't know if I'm a true patriot. I didn't serve. I was a jock with a high (draft) lottery number and I followed my dream, which was baseball. And even though I thought that the Viet Nam War was wrong, I thought the way hippies protested returning servicemen was despicable. So maybe I'm just about peace, love and sports. I just don't get people with rigid opinions.

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