Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024 (VIDEO)

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


Why is it that liberal women always have stretched out faces?

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?



I hope she is right

First that trump is elected

And second that libs declare war

The big uglies on our side will win hands down and we’ll no more trouble from Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA
Funny how some are so quick to identify nut jobs on the other side, but ignore those saying the same thing on their side! :rolleyes-41:

I hope she is right
First that trump is elected
And second that libs declare war
The big uglies on our side will win hands down and we’ll no more trouble from Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA

Are you sure about that......did you forget the last Civil war ?

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.

But if Trump wins again, that proves that not only did the majority of America want him, he likely should have won reelection as well in 2020.

So not only did the Left already commit to a civil war which is what gave us Trump in the first place, but they stole an election and are threatening to disregard another lawful election when they again don't get their selfish way!

Time to put these mad dogs out of their communist misery once and for all.

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


She is a genuine can see the beginnings of a parkinsonian mask on her facial affect.
Are you sure about that......did you forget the last Civil war ?
You wont win it with dickless pajama boys

Your hood rats can hold their own

But they are only 12% of the population against 68% for whites

So libs better bet is to avoid open warfare
You wont win it with dickless pajama boys

Your hood rats can hold their own

But they are only 12% of the population against 68% for whites

So libs better bet is to avoid open warfare
Isn't the whites the blacks have to worry about it's the Latinos. They are pushing the blacks out of California even as we speak.
But if Trump wins again, that proves that not only did the majority of America want him, he likely should have won reelection as well in 2020.

So not only did the Left already commit to a civil war which is what gave us Trump in the first place, but they stole an election and are threatening to disregard another lawful election when they again don't get their selfish way!

Time to put these mad dogs out of their communist misery once and for all.
what gave us Trump in the first place is the automation of manufacturing jobs in swing states, which democrats failed to address. But that wont repeat, since everybody knows Trump didnt do squat about that.

You wont win it with dickless pajama boys
Your hood rats can hold their own
But they are only 12% of the population against 68% for whites
So libs better bet is to avoid open warfare

Don't forget that a LARGE part of that 68% whites are liberal pajama boy whites. They will fight against you.
Besides, there is ZERO % chance the Right would ever do more than talk internet tuff talk. Just look at the track record. I'm 100% correct.
When they come to your door, you will comply. Guaranteed regardless of the tuff talk. Louisiana, 2005 Gun Confiscation Trial Run - 100% success
Look it up for yourself.
Truth and reality are much different from the fantasy of false bravado conservatives like to feign.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Last edited:
what gave us Trump in the first place is the automation of manufacturing jobs in swing states, which democrats failed to address. But that wont repeat, since everybody knows Trump didnt do squat about that.

Dont bet the tent money on yhat

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


sounds like another demafascist brownshirts threatening more insurrection if their party loses.
quote from article above: Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

Some interesting things about this statement. Note that it does NOT say that a Dem victory in 2024 would start a civil war, though it is very likely to be seen as illegitimate, I would assume, from the awful pres and VP "ha-ha approval" numbers now. Why wouldn't WE start a civil war? Because we never, never do, anywhere, anywhen. Conservatives, by definition, don't start radical wars. So it's only the Left that would start the war, she says, and I agree with that.

SOOOOO --- how would such a civil war be started by the Left? I'm thinking bad black/antifa riots that escalate. Because they cannot get our attention unless they escalate. I'm thinking first stopping the big commuting highways so whites can't get to work. After that, invading white suburbs, like that time they went after a mayor in California, only more so. Once the "first shot" is fired, (that means by whites: blacks and antifa shoot constantly), it might be on and spread.

But rioting and reply is not a civil war: a civil war requires troops, and thousands of deaths. They've all had troops: our 1775 rebellion, Lee's rebellion, the French Rev., the Russian Rev., -- until troops are involved, it's Amateur Hour. And I am not clear on how that works. They chose a leader in both American rebellions -- Washington, then Lee -- and the leader made the battles happen. All this would take place over several months, you realize: revolutions are slower than people think. The Bastille is stormed and heads paraded on pikes all over Paris, but after that interesting day, people think about it and a lot say silly things about "coming together," which doesn't happen, and in a few weeks something else big occurs. It usually ends up with a Strong Man: Napoleon, Stalin, Trump? who brings order back, but not for a few years. Revolutions take several years, like all wars.

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