Anti-gun agitprop being called "Art"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts

“That’s what art does, it stops people, makes them think. It connects with people in a more powerful way than trying to talk them into it."


It manipulates people into abandoning thinking and reacting with emotion. The reason you can't "talk people into" supporting gun control is that it requires THINKING, and THINKING results in rational people concluding the disarming of law abiding good people empowers evil people to do nefarious shit.

So just like any other example of leftist agitprop, it's not based on facts, logic or reason. It's intended to manipulate people into behaving in a way that makes them easier for leftist sociopaths to manage.

'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts

“That’s what art does, it stops people, makes them think. It connects with people in a more powerful way than trying to talk them into it."


It manipulates people into abandoning thinking and reacting with emotion. The reason you can't "talk people into" supporting gun control is that it requires THINKING, and THINKING results in rational people concluding the disarming of law abiding good people empowers evil people to do nefarious shit.

So just like any other example of leftist agitprop, it's not based on facts, logic or reason. It's intended to manipulate people into behaving in a way that makes them easier for leftist sociopaths to manage.

Period. So says Pete. End of story.
Pretty damn stupid.

I'd like to have a 1/6 scale version, though, just cuz it's weird.
Just watched the video linked in the OP. I thought Tucker Carlson was all for the free market. When did he change his mind about that?
'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts

“That’s what art does, it stops people, makes them think. It connects with people in a more powerful way than trying to talk them into it."


It manipulates people into abandoning thinking and reacting with emotion. The reason you can't "talk people into" supporting gun control is that it requires THINKING, and THINKING results in rational people concluding the disarming of law abiding good people empowers evil people to do nefarious shit.

So just like any other example of leftist agitprop, it's not based on facts, logic or reason. It's intended to manipulate people into behaving in a way that makes them easier for leftist sociopaths to manage.

You're right, Pete, that statue is really powerful. I'm a visual type, so for me a picture is truly worth a thousand words. Maybe it will stir a few people to vote based on gun control, but I doubt it.
I don't agree with you that gun control is based entirely on emotion, though. There are perfectly reasonable arguments based on irrefutable facts and statistics that less guns in a country equate to less gun deaths. It's just reality.

We've all been through it a million times before, so no sense in starting it over here and attracting our favorite spammer, 2AGuy.

But thanks; Best Regards,

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You're right, Pete, that statue is really powerful. I'm a visual type, so for me a picture is truly worth a thousand words. Maybe it will stir a few people to vote based on gun control, but I doubt it.
I don't agree with you that gun control is based entirely on emotion, though. There are perfectly reasonable arguments based on irrefutable facts and statistics that less guns in a country equate to less gun deaths. It's just reality.

We've all been through it a million times before, so no sense in starting it over here and attracting our favorite spammer, 2AGuy.

But thanks; Best Regards,


I'll let you get away with that.

It was cute.

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That was a flippant retort, Pete. Get over yourself.


It was also the first time I've ever seen you post anything close to factually accurate, no surprise it was accidental.

I noticed you had nothing of substance in your "retort", which is generally supposed to be witty in order to qualify as a "retort".

I won't argue semantics with you though, because you can't even seem to grasp reality well enough and I don't want to further embarrass you by exposing your inability to use even simple words properly or in the correct context.

Thanks for playing...


'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts

“That’s what art does, it stops people, makes them think. It connects with people in a more powerful way than trying to talk them into it."


It manipulates people into abandoning thinking and reacting with emotion. The reason you can't "talk people into" supporting gun control is that it requires THINKING, and THINKING results in rational people concluding the disarming of law abiding good people empowers evil people to do nefarious shit.

So just like any other example of leftist agitprop, it's not based on facts, logic or reason. It's intended to manipulate people into behaving in a way that makes them easier for leftist sociopaths to manage.


Art can be used to express objective, factual viewpoints and opinions as well.

Picasso’s Guernica evoked both emotion and documented the truth, fact, and horror of total war inflicted upon a civilian population.
Art is mean to be provocative. Get over it Snowflakes.
'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts

“That’s what art does, it stops people, makes them think. It connects with people in a more powerful way than trying to talk them into it."


It manipulates people into abandoning thinking and reacting with emotion. The reason you can't "talk people into" supporting gun control is that it requires THINKING, and THINKING results in rational people concluding the disarming of law abiding good people empowers evil people to do nefarious shit.

So just like any other example of leftist agitprop, it's not based on facts, logic or reason. It's intended to manipulate people into behaving in a way that makes them easier for leftist sociopaths to manage.


Art can be used to express objective, factual viewpoints and opinions as well.

Picasso’s Guernica evoked both emotion and documented the truth, fact, and horror of total war inflicted upon a civilian population.
That's a lot of education in one sentence. Hats off to you my friend.
'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts

“That’s what art does, it stops people, makes them think. It connects with people in a more powerful way than trying to talk them into it."


It manipulates people into abandoning thinking and reacting with emotion. The reason you can't "talk people into" supporting gun control is that it requires THINKING, and THINKING results in rational people concluding the disarming of law abiding good people empowers evil people to do nefarious shit.

So just like any other example of leftist agitprop, it's not based on facts, logic or reason. It's intended to manipulate people into behaving in a way that makes them easier for leftist sociopaths to manage.

No one is being ‘anti-gun.’

No one wants to ‘take’ anyone’s guns.

The thread premise is yet another ridiculous rightwing non-issue.
It's a poor copy of the old duck and cover imagery from the 50's

We all laugh at that now just like I am laughing at these now
It's a poor copy of the old duck and cover imagery from the 50's

We all laugh at that now just like I am laughing at these now
Laughing at those images says more about you than about the statues, I think. The terror those kids felt while they waited to die is not very funny.
Laughing at those images says more about you than about the statues, I think. The terror those kids felt while they waited to die is not very funny.

And they had to wait there, to die with no one around defending them like they and most people seem to assume will always happen.

It can't when good people are restrained from carrying weapons because they've been indoctrinated to believe it's wrong to carry such tools every where you go, or it is illegal to carry such tools. Neither of those things encumber the criminal sociopath however.

So statues that manipulate ordinary people to embrace the asinine concept that more laws will lead to safer conditions are detrimental to society.

I'm not laughing at anything btw, I think leftist agitprop is just as sick as the assholes who commit the murders, because they're enabled by mindless liberal drones.


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