Answers about Islam and Jihad


Jul 14, 2009
There are a lot of opinions expressed about Islam those opinions are rarely accompanied by any scriptural authority or Fiqh to hold those opinions .

If you have questions about Islams doctrine of jihad , its supremacy ideology the status of minorities : dhimmitude, under that ideology as stated in Islamic scripture please ask your questions so you can know what you are talking about and have the scripture to back up your opinion.

This is not a debate.

Thanks for reading my post.
Yea, we all know you will provide fair and balanced perspective of Islam. :eusa_hand:

I always do, I link to the source material. It is clear and plain as you stated

Unlike the Bible; which has many allegories, parables, and interpretations.

Which challenges the reader to figure out whether certain passages are to be taken literally or spiritually.

The Quran is very straight forward; in both language and content. :cool:
Quran ,Ahadith, Fatwas ,Tafsir Islamic sources what ever is required to make the concept clear.
Quran ,Ahadith, Fatwas ,Tafsir Islamic sources what ever is required to make the concept clear.

As you are well aware; or should know, being a self proclaimed expert on all things Islamic.

Only the Quran is considered 100% the word of God and is the ultimate source for Islamic thought and practices.

Any other books, rulings, or scholars opinions, can only be used for interpretation.

And only if they agree with what the Quran says. :cool:
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh wait, wait I got a question?
2. Why does Islam make jihad on innocent people just minding thier own business, you know being us Christians and Jews?
3. Is there something devious about Islam that we don't know about.
4. I just got rescued from being lost on a desserted sland with Mary Ann, for 50 years, so I don't really know whats going on.
5. Can you help? :confused:

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The primary source of legal reasoning in Islam is always based on the Quran and sunnah .

Regardless of what school of thought a muslim claims there is little daylight when it comes to Jihad and non believers.
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh wait, wait I got a question?
2. Why does Islam make jihad on innocent people just minding thier own business, you know being us Christians and Jews?
3. Is there something devious about Islam that we don't know about.
4. I just got rescued from being lost on a desserted sland with Mary Ann, for 50 years, so I don't really know whats going on.
5. Can you help? :confused:


Islam does not recognize Jews and Christians being innocent.
they are to be fought until they submit to Islam Tafsir Ibn Kathir

This source has authority in Islam based on

The Word TAFSIR is an arabic word تفسير which is derived from the root 'fassara' . Someone who writes tafsir is a 'mufassir...". IBN KATHIR - Famous Mufassir (commentator of Quran) مفسر . Well known and respected for his keen memory and a highly regarded scholar of tafsir (commentary) - Born 1302 AD. Memorized entire Quran, word-for-word along and memorized huge number of sayings and teachings (hadeeth) of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, along with sayings and commentary about Quran from Muhammad's companions, may Allah be pleased with them. The Tafsir of Ibn Kathir is of the most respected and accepted explanations for the Quran and is the most widely used explanations in Arabic used today. The difficulty of translating Quran to English is quite another problem and not one to be taken lightly nor is it for the average translators to decide what is meant by the words of Almighty God.
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Sorry bout that,

1. So Islam is giving all people like myself a choice to either convert to Islam or die?
2. I gotta die to get along with Islam?
3. Or convert eh?
4. Oh wait, why not all Christians just kill them then?
5. Is that a viable choice too?
6. How does Islam feel about Christians turning the tables on them, and deciding to just kill all them or, oh wait, or they convert?
7. Whats it say in thier quran about them that convert to Christianity?

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Sorry bout that,

With regard to the shar’i rulings on apostates, if the apostate does not return to Islam, he must be executed.

Islam Question and Answer - He became Muslim then he left Islam
Authority in link Quran and Sahih bukhari.

1. Wow, man, I am not all that well educated, and feel stupid now, but wait, you're telling me that I gotta die, or convert, and a person who stopped being a Muslim, then they gotta die or convert back to Islam? :confused: *Seems like to me, Islam is teaching death, do this or dont do this, then we gots ta kills ya!*
2. Oh man, I don't think I like Islam very much.:evil:
3. So the Jews gotta die and or convert too? :confused:


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