*Islam Teaches Death: Jesus Teaches Life, You See Anything Different In This?

*Will you choose: *Islam ~ Death*, or *Jesus ~ Life*?*

  • 1. *Islam ~ Death*

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. In my simple point of view, Islam wants you dead.
2. And Jesus wants you alive.
3. Which one you gona choose is the only question.

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Sorry bout that,

1. The reason some people go over to death and Islam is very simple to understand.
2. Most people that don't know God, meaning Jesus Christ, have a certain amount of evil leanings, and its been that way since Adam.
3. People warm up to death, as a end result in any case, they can't see what life is about, so its easier to go to the dark or just stay in the dark.
4. For those in darkness never knew the light, and they are not part light, so they cling to Islam, for its completly surrounded in a shourd of darkness and death as its message.
5. Most heatherns feel my shinning light on them, and this repels them to go against my words., and attack me.
6. But doing so, you go further towards death, and its you who has to suffer the paings of it.
7. And being on the fence trying to mend the seperation of light and dark, will just get you thrown onto the dark side as a default, very dangerous indeed.

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Jesus never owned a sword. Yet it seems his followers have wrought death and destruction the world over- in his name. I know that's not the status quo today, but you can't deny it happened.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't confirm it either I wasn't there.
2. But for what reason people may have been killed I can not say either.
3. All sorts of people get subverted by Satan.
4. A myth to you I bet.
5. But Satan is real, and wants to sift you like wheat.

I got no problem reiterating my truth here, needs to be broadcast the world over.

Savior Christ preached peace, love, tolerance, etc. His kindness, charity, good will, love, wisdom remain unmatched. However HE WILL come back to slay Satan and finally, save this world. THAT is the only time he'll be taking up a sword.

Islam's founder, this Mohamed freak show, was a liar, murderer, rapist, pedophile, thief, etc. Islam is inherently oppressive, violent, dark, bass ackwards, etc.

Islam is a Satanic plague, it's "followers" Satan's favorite oblivious proxies.
Sorry bout that,

I got no problem reiterating my truth here, needs to be broadcast the world over.

Savior Christ preached peace, love, tolerance, etc. His kindness, charity, good will, love, wisdom remain unmatched. However HE WILL come back to slay Satan and finally, save this world. THAT is the only time he'll be taking up a sword.

Islam's founder, this Mohamed freak show, was a liar, murderer, rapist, pedophile, thief, etc. Islam is inherently oppressive, violent, dark, bass ackwards, etc.

Islam is a Satanic plague, it's "followers" Satan's favorite oblivious proxies.

1. This is patently obvious to anyone who has eyes to see.
2. How so many people can be blind I will never know.
3. The only way people can be blind to these simple facts is, they have to be willingly following Satan, and it feels good.
4. Satan is giving them something that keeps them hooked to this lie Islam.
5. I have been trying to figure this out, for a long time, so I can expose it, and ruin Satan's plans, on future conquests of his, saving one soul would be a victory.
6. To attempt to rescue some fringe followers of Satan's and steal them from Satan's grip if possible, and I am not assured if its even possible, I think even being almost within Islam is like being in Islam, and I believe once in always in, kinda like once saved always saved.
7. I also believe that those defending Islam from without are by default going to have to suffer the same realities of Islam itself, be it a Jew or Gentile, these apologists are inpowering Islam, and its evil plans and means, this makes them enablers of Islam, they winketh the eye to Islam and it will have a eternal effect on them, and I think those misguided people, should know just where they are headed, and I would also like to forwarn those who would ever think of defending Islam to think again, it will have an effect on what happenes to you eternally, beware.
8. Can Muslims convert out of Islam and really remain out of Islam?
9. I have my doubts, but I would hope so, I really wonder about it though, so just to be safe, I would suggest anyone thinking of tasting Islam might want to think that over again.
10. People in general carry everything with them from thier past, I carry my past with me, and who I was before I was born again, and all those sinful realities I have with me as a reminder of who I was before, and who and what I am now, both parts making and summing up who I am now.
11. Having a Islamic past I think does great harm to the over all *New Christian Life*, I don't see how they can mix without causing great harm to the individual soul.
12. Could be I am wrong in this, but I have no actual proof of how it effects Islamic converts, the stats on this, on how many return to Islam is not within my knowledge base, I would guess its quite high, but have no proof whatsoever.

Actually, Islam wants you to believe in the words of Muhummad----

Christianity wants you to believe in the words of Jesus, after it has been re-interpreted by "notable Christian scholars"!:tongue:

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