Another Trump Victory. No More Asylum Seekers Loose inside US

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
By the way, Trump administration just scored another safe-third-country agreement in Central America today
"No biggie, just the last link in a fence that might end up mooting much of the asylum debate in Congress. While most of the attention today has focused on Ukraine, the White House announced a new agreement with Honduras to take any refugees seeking asylum first rather than the US. That makes three nations with safe-third-country agreements in Central America that effectively blocks the land route for asylum seekers from south of Mexico".

The giant loophole that allowed asylum seekers to be released into the country to do whatever (take up illegal residency, break laws, etc.) while awaiting adjudication of their claims is now largely a thing of the past.

While everyone is watching the impeachment farce Trump made an end run around the democrats
and negotiated deals with Central American nations to take asylum seekers so the 90% of asylum seekers who before, just took off and never looked back when released into the country, are now going to be kept out and the leftist engineered loopholes that were the "bail jumpers" best friends, and for many victims of crime,
their worst enemy, are over.

Only Trump would take on such an enormous abuse of our immigration system and win! For this alone
he deserves another term.
Well tramp created it.
He created the loophole that just released asylum seekers into the US if they promised to show back up when their court cases were being adjudicated?

I think not. That's like letting hit and run drivers out of jail if they promise to come back to face trial later on.
Well tramp created it.
He created the loophole that just released asylum seekers into the US if they promised to show back up when their court cases were being adjudicated?

I think not. That's like letting hit and run drivers out of jail if they promise to come back to face trial later on.

Israel believes its involvement in various regional organizations such as this one will help its standing in various international bodies, and it also enables Israel to take part in a number of large scale economic projects. In addition to Nicaragua, SICA is made up of Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.


Elbit Systems of America, CBP in talks for expanded surveillance along US-Mexico border
We certainly do not need any more diseased illegal aliens
Well tramp created it.
No he didn't. Your demongods Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff created it. Nancy wakes up every morning with a new plan to let people know she's the most important human being on the planet.
She'd rather see the nation's needs go unmet rather than give up on hurting President Trump. She gives other dowagers a bad name.
CHANGE: U.S. begins deporting asylum seekers back to Guatemala under new policy. “The procedure seems to have been successful.”


The Trump administration quietly put into effect a new policy on asylum-seekers Thursday in coordination with Guatemala. The first asylum-seeker was deported back to Guatemala as a test run. The procedure seems to have been successful.

The Trump administration worked with the government of Guatemala for months to hammer out an agreement to slow the flow of migrants reaching the U.S. border from Central America. In July an agreement was reached after President Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Guatemalan goods, a tax on money Guatemalan immigrants in the U.S. send to family members back home and a travel ban for the entire country. The administration has reached a “safe third country” agreement with Guatemala.

The U.S. will deport asylum seekers who traveled from other countries through Guatemala to reach the U.S.-Mexico border. They would be required to seek asylum in Guatemala instead. The accord exempts Guatemalans and unaccompanied children.

Asylum-seekers will remain in Guatemala or to receive help in Guatemala to return to Honduras or another Central America country. The Guatemalan government pledged to process the asylum claims of those deported by the U.S.

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