Another Republican Saying The Same Thing...

Good for Kasich. Nice to see republicans not all marching in lockstep.
Kasich is just another bed wetter republicrat loser like Romney and McLame. If it wasn't for these sniveling "moderates" the republican party would trounce democrooks in every election, but rather than oppose regressive insanity, they insist on "compromising" with it. The funny thing is, especially in the case of McLame, the media LOVES them when they oppose the GOP agenda, but as soon as they're actually in opposition to a democrook in an election the media will stop at nothing to crush them. They will dredge up every negative story or lie if they have to in order to see the republicrat defeated.

That's why they loathe Trump, he fought back against the media and won. I'm hoping he really kicks the shit out of them this time around, and then takes the gloves off the loyal patriots still working at the DOJ, prosecutes and imprisons the treasonous sociopaths in the DNC as well as the corrupt cock suckers who fund them.

We ought to prosecute, and convict Soros and anyone associated with him, bury them on GITMO and build prison for commie criminals on top of them.

Good for Kasich. Nice to see republicans not all marching in lockstep.
They never have.

It's leftist drones who have the hive mentality. People opposed to regressive insanity have the capacity to THINK, and thus are individuals rather than mindless bed wetting liberal parrots that are trained what to repeat.

The problem is, some republicrat keep trying to suck up to the corrupt sociopaths so that they can be praised on TV. The sad part is that when there is a conflict the sniveling servile republicrats always get the shit end of the stick, and hand it to the voters.

That Trump is losing it.

I bet some of the other's that ran in 2016 have a last minute axe to grind. But not John Kasich.
He has more balls than all the other guys. All of the others are hiding. Keep tuned.

On Monday’s edition of CNN’s “OutFront,” former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), once a rival presidential candidate to President Donald Trump, assessed his leadership failures.
“He’s flailing,” said Kasich. “He’s in a meltdown. He looks at his polls and doesn’t know who to blame. He blames his advisers and is even blaming Fox News now. He’s flailing. He doesn’t know how to stop things. So I think he’s just throwing everything out over the period of the last three days, hoping he’s going to strike a chord.”

Trump has only himself to blame.
That Trump is losing it.

I bet some of the other's that ran in 2016 have a last minute axe to grind. But not John Kasich.
He has more balls than all the other guys. All of the others are hiding. Keep tuned.

On Monday’s edition of CNN’s “OutFront,” former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), once a rival presidential candidate to President Donald Trump, assessed his leadership failures.
“He’s flailing,” said Kasich. “He’s in a meltdown. He looks at his polls and doesn’t know who to blame. He blames his advisers and is even blaming Fox News now. He’s flailing. He doesn’t know how to stop things. So I think he’s just throwing everything out over the period of the last three days, hoping he’s going to strike a chord.”

Trump warts and all is still far and away ahead of bubble brain Biden who cannot speak in complete sentences.
It must be because he has Trump warts..
Is that why John is mad at Don?
Kasich will be forever remembered as the guy who gave a lunch time interview and jabbered with his mouth full spitting half chewed food all over.

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