Another recession fixed UNEQUALLY

Actually most people left the GOP... the only base that it has left are upper middle class and rich white males, and southern male rednecks.

Your base is the people you serve.

If you don't want to serve America, America isn't going to serve you... period.

xxx x xxx xxxxxxx.

My job is to vote

Because thats all you're qualified to do. Have you considered getting a squirt bottle and a dirty rag and starting your own mobile windshield cleaning service?
Shitbag....given white males have a lower criminal record and higher education on average compared to blacks and's common sense we get the jobs first. :eusa_whistle:

Who is going to hire some black guy with tats on his neck and gold teeth????

We have been in a recession since 2008.. we are now out of the recession.
However, NOTHING has changed that will prevent another recession.

This is another recession that we got out of, UNEQUALLY.

More white males going back to work while everybody else gets the shaft.

More Able people (defined as those who have no kind of a disorder or problem), going back to work while the Disabled get the shaft, and the number of those with a disability of some sort, is now nearly equal to those without.

More Middle class and rich people going back to work, while everybody else gets the shaft.

More of the PREVIOUS GENERATION whose TIME IS.... SIMPLY....OVER...... whose time to retire is NOW... going back to work, while the Newer generations get the shaft.

And this is also another recession fixed, without policy changes other than the ACA and the Equal Pay Act, that does nothing to get women back to work.. and no changes in the enforcement of CIVIL LAW.

But STRICTER enforcement of CRIMINAL LAW.

More of the same over again as far as employment and jobs

The cycle of getting out of recessions unequally, with no lessons learned about what CAUSES recessions needs to end.

When will that happen ?
no we wont get over it...

we're done voting for repukes, by 2016, you're gone, there will be no more GOP.

Yeha, dream on. You never voted GOP in your life. Hell, you probably couldn't get off your self entitled ass to vote anyway. You just want free shit.

yes that's right... when times come that I have needs I am entitled.
Im an American citizen, and I am entitled to help and support by my Government.

Good god another puke.

You are "entitled" to get off your lazy ass and go to work.

Judging from the way you express yourself you have a long and undistinguished career at a place with Golden Arches.
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I understand, but unfortunately, there is not much choice left, being as there are only two parties that stand a midget chance of winning, and there is not a single republican alive today who does care anything about people.
And to do anything or get anything done, you have to win.

As far as judging politicians by their votes, that is a very naïve view of how it works, because how politicians voted is as sensationalized in the media, as anything else about them.

I'm involved in electioneering.
It's takes MONEY (not nearly enough comes in from ordinary individuals) and LOTS of feet on the ground with something to gain or retain (including me).
I talk to Republicans and Libertarians all the time and all any of them REALLY want is a piece of the economic pie; they are all as insecure as anyone else.
I don't talk to Democrats because there aren't any real players in my town.

It doesn't take money.
It takes work to get elected.

This is a fact about Obama..
He didn't spend anywhere near the average.

How Much Did Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Spend in the 2012 Election?

Spending on Obama

More than $1 billion was raised and spent by Obama, the Democratic Party and the primary super PACs supporting his candidacy, according to published reports and campaign finance data.

About $993 million was raised by Romney, the Republican Party and the primary super PACs supporting his candidacy. Those entities spent $992 million of that money, according to published reports and campaign finance data.

That's an average of $2.7 million per day for 2012. The nearly $1 billion in spending by those entities includes:

2012 Presidential Race - How Much Did it Cost?

Apparently that is just not true.
Actually most people left the GOP... the only base that it has left are upper middle class and rich white males, and southern male rednecks.

Your base is the people you serve.

If you don't want to serve America, America isn't going to serve you... period.

xxx x xxx xxxxxxx.

My job is to vote

Lol, another looney liberal. I hope you make the other ones on here proud. Oh, and get a job you freak.
Obama's inflating policies for the stock market using QE is lining the pockets of his rich friends at the expense of average Americans watching the value of the dollar go down and the debt going up.

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