Another reason to not trust the Republican Party

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

I will never get social security, nor will most people in my age group so why should we give two fucks ?

It's all about you. How nice. Of course you are not alone, that is why I coined the phrase CALLOUS CONSERVATIVE.

Nope. Not ALL about me, but everyone in my age group. All the old people are going to die anyway so why should any of us care? We want our money. Old folks should have saved better and been smarter with their money instead of living on credit all their lives. Socal security can go as far as I care.

Yeah, it's all about you. If you support the current iteration of Republicans, it is all about you. The theme of the once and no more GOP is this: I got mine, fuck the rest of you.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....

And safety retirement is much greater than the Post Office retirement plan. I left with 3% per year of my final years compensation X years of service, which included the Ventura Decision and a few other perks. 32 years works out to 96% of my final years compensation + another 12% management benefits.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

I will never get social security, nor will most people in my age group so why should we give two fucks ?

It's all about you. How nice. Of course you are not alone, that is why I coined the phrase CALLOUS CONSERVATIVE.

Nope. Not ALL about me, but everyone in my age group. All the old people are going to die anyway so why should any of us care? We want our money. Old folks should have saved better and been smarter with their money instead of living on credit all their lives. Socal security can go as far as I care.

Yeah, it's all about you. If you support the current iteration of Republicans, it is all about you. The theme of the once and no more GOP is this: I got mine, fuck the rest of you.

I DO got mine. I decided to start getting mine when I was 19 when I got my 401k and other shit. I was advised not to count on SSI. I diddnt and won't. I can't help it if you are one of the dumb motherfucker who never out any thought I to life beyond 35. Fuck y'all, rot for all I care.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....

And safety retirement is much greater than the Post Office retirement plan. I left with 3% per year of my final years compensation X years of service, which included the Ventura Decision and a few other perks. 32 years works out to 96% of my final years compensation + another 12% management benefits.
i delivered mail to 3-4 cops on my route one of them had just retired and was getting something like 95% of his base pay....pretty nice....

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....

And safety retirement is much greater than the Post Office retirement plan. I left with 3% per year of my final years compensation X years of service, which included the Ventura Decision and a few other perks. 32 years works out to 96% of my final years compensation + another 12% management benefits.
i delivered mail to 3-4 cops on my route one of them had just retired and was getting something like 95% of his base pay....pretty nice....

Yep. I have no complaints, every year for the past 15 years I've been retired I have received a 3% COLA. BTW, before I retired I had been paying $1,700 dollars a month into the retirement fund during my 30th year; when I had 30 years service I no longer was required to contribute to the fund, my wife was flabbergasted when that first check came in $1700 more than usual.
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A payroll tax is an attack on SS? :rolleyes:
What a fucking moonbat

Payroll taxes FUND Social Security

Slashing Payroll Taxes will destabilize SS and give Republicans a reason to kill it
No shit.
When obama reduced the SS payroll tax(none of you hacks said a word) money was redirected to fund it.
But here you are, shitting your boomer diapers not even knowing how the program would work.
Goddamn moonbats

Obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ain't in office, and he inherited a Great Recession without any playbook to guide him. He made some mistakes, but all in all by 2016 we were out of the woods. Keep your eyes open, put your biases aside and consider we've all been led by Trump into the woods by him, McConnell and those Republican Pols who continue to support chaos.
All I remember that pos doing is causing racial division and increasing regulations on everything and making people pay a tax because they had no insurance.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....

And safety retirement is much greater than the Post Office retirement plan. I left with 3% per year of my final years compensation X years of service, which included the Ventura Decision and a few other perks. 32 years works out to 96% of my final years compensation + another 12% management benefits.
i delivered mail to 3-4 cops on my route one of them had just retired and was getting something like 95% of his base pay....pretty nice....

Yep. I have no complaints, every year for the past 15 years I've been retired I have received a 3% COLA.
every year?.....dam i got one so far in 7 years....
Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.

So just running up the national debt until SS and Medicare reach insolvency is a good idea to you?
With tRump's 10 trillion dollars deficit republicans are no longer allowed to say things like that.

So nobody is allowed to spend responsibly?
When has a republican spent responsibly?

Answer the question.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....

And safety retirement is much greater than the Post Office retirement plan. I left with 3% per year of my final years compensation X years of service, which included the Ventura Decision and a few other perks. 32 years works out to 96% of my final years compensation + another 12% management benefits.
i delivered mail to 3-4 cops on my route one of them had just retired and was getting something like 95% of his base pay....pretty nice....

Yep. I have no complaints, every year for the past 15 years I've been retired I have received a 3% COLA.
every year?.....dam i got one so far in 7 years....

Yeah every year.
Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.

So just running up the national debt until SS and Medicare reach insolvency is a good idea to you?
With tRump's 10 trillion dollars deficit republicans are no longer allowed to say things like that.

So nobody is allowed to spend responsibly?
When has a republican spent responsibly?

Answer the question.

Good luck and don't hold your breath.
Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.

So just running up the national debt until SS and Medicare reach insolvency is a good idea to you?
With tRump's 10 trillion dollars deficit republicans are no longer allowed to say things like that.

So nobody is allowed to spend responsibly?
When has a republican spent responsibly?

Answer the question.
Why? It's just a deflection.
Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.

So just running up the national debt until SS and Medicare reach insolvency is a good idea to you?
With tRump's 10 trillion dollars deficit republicans are no longer allowed to say things like that.

So nobody is allowed to spend responsibly?
When has a republican spent responsibly?

Answer the question.
Why? It's just a deflection.

No its not, its a direct question based off of you saying that Republicans aren't allowed to say that they want to spend responsibly.

So answer the damn question you shitfuck.
Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.
its unbelievable how in this day and age anyone could vote for any incumbent at the federal level.....
If I was really rich, I mean really rich, I’d vote republican. It would mean the difference between hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

If I was a social conservative, I’d vote for republicans.

If I didn’t mind another conservative being appointed to the Supreme Court I’d vote republican.

If I was a ceo of a corporation that needs to go green, I’d vote republican.

I am a white straight upper class man who likes my guns and I can’t vote republican. And I don’t know what makes you do it. I see their policies the last 40 years have made the rich richer while the middle class shrinks and gets poorer. Even me. I’m looking forward to my social security. Not 80% of it. And I know republicans want to make drastic changes to things like social security and Medicare
If I was really rich, I mean really rich, I’d vote republican. It would mean the difference between hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Most really rich (wealthy) have a lack of scruples. Besides, we have moron poor with credit to fight our battles and make us rich.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

I will never get social security, nor will most people in my age group so why should we give two fucks ?
You WILL receive social security, but the amount will be far less than possibly your father and definitely your grand father.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A lot of conjecture in that article with little substance to back up any panic.

The crisis is largely imaginary, for the Social Security trust fund, by far the biggest of the reserves with $2.9 trillion today, is not in danger of exhaustion for at least 15 years

I suppose to a greedy Baby Boomer the crisis is largely imaginary because many of you will thankfully be dead in 15 years, but since I'll still only be 52 and not yet ready to collect, it's sure not an imaginary crisis to my generation.

For the record: I'm not fear mongering, I've posted a link which shows a covert effort to cut payroll taxes. The intended consequence is dishonest, using bait, a few dollars today, for those who need Social Security Income, and affordable health care with no limits and other benefits required in Obamacare. And of course Corporations and private businesses will be able to increase their profits.

Yep, I'm a baby boomer, and I've been collecting $900 dollars every month for 10 years. Money I really don't need since I have Safety Retirement which includes lifetime healthcare and Dental Care. I won't provide my annual income from safety retirement but my retirement is double that of the median household in California.

So what do I do with the $900? I opened 529 accounts for my grandsons and have that money put in their managed accounts for their future education each month.
im glad i never paid into that....civil service retirement is much greater than SS....
Social security is meant to keep retired folks out of poverty. Until now.

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