Another reason not to trust FOXNEWS


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Another Fox News Contributor Isn't Disclosed As A Member Of Romney's Campaign


Fox News contributor Elaine Chao has recently appeared on Fox Business to criticize Obama over the economy and push the falsehood that he stripped the work requirement from welfare. During these appearances, Fox didn't disclose that Chao is a national chair of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Fox News has made it a regular practice to not disclose some of its frequent guests' ties to the Romney campaign.

In an August 2 press release announcing her appointment, Chao stated that she is "honored that Governor Mitt Romney asked me to serve as the national chair of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Romney" and that "it will take new leadership to put this country on a path to prosperity and full employment."

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, recently nominated Chao to join its Board of Directors. Chao is married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Fox News contributors John Bolton and Walid Phares, and Fox regular Jay Sekulow, have all appeared on the network to criticize Obama without disclosing they're Romney advisers. Fox News contributor Pete Snyder is the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia's 2012 coordinated committee. And Fox News contributor Karl Rove is the co-founder and adviser for the super PAC American Crossroads, which is spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat Democrats.
I don't need any more reasons not to trust the Republican channel, thanks anyway.....
Another Fox News Contributor Isn't Disclosed As A Member Of Romney's Campaign


Fox News contributor Elaine Chao has recently appeared on Fox Business to criticize Obama over the economy and push the falsehood that he stripped the work requirement from welfare. During these appearances, Fox didn't disclose that Chao is a national chair of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Fox News has made it a regular practice to not disclose some of its frequent guests' ties to the Romney campaign.

In an August 2 press release announcing her appointment, Chao stated that she is "honored that Governor Mitt Romney asked me to serve as the national chair of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Romney" and that "it will take new leadership to put this country on a path to prosperity and full employment."

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, recently nominated Chao to join its Board of Directors. Chao is married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Fox News contributors John Bolton and Walid Phares, and Fox regular Jay Sekulow, have all appeared on the network to criticize Obama without disclosing they're Romney advisers. Fox News contributor Pete Snyder is the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia's 2012 coordinated committee. And Fox News contributor Karl Rove is the co-founder and adviser for the super PAC American Crossroads, which is spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat Democrats.

What happened....did they give the opposition time to rebut.
Fox News is a total disgrace, AND still much better than this rest of the Pub propaganda machine. The hater dupes don't care, they love liars like their a-hole RW heroes.

Only news outlet proven to make you less informed.

Greedy Lying Idiot Millionnaires 2012!!

The two major share holders of Fox News.: Rupert Murdoch and Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal

Alwaleed bin Talal advocates business instead of boycotts, as the means to conquer America by 'influencing American public opinion,and the Fox aquisition is a continuation of his strategy.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News: Saudi prince advocates strategy of business not boycotts to 'influence American public opinion"

Sorry, this is one conspiracy I totally believe. Divide and conquer. Fox has been shown to lie again and again in an attempt to turn American against American. And the Republican Party going completely batshit is "evidence".
Fox News is a total disgrace, AND still much better than this rest of the Pub propaganda machine. The hater dupes don't care, they love liars like their a-hole RW heroes.

Only news outlet proven to make you less informed.

Greedy Lying Idiot Millionnaires 2012!!

"Only news outlet proven to make you less informed."

That would be the Presidentially owned, MSLSD!:D
The majority of the FOX news audience is liberal.

Liberals instinctively know that the legacy networks are lying to them.

Smart folks, those liberals.
The OP source Media Matters the most biased anti conservative, anti FOX, anti anything not far left source you can find another reason not to take the OP post at face value.
Media matters, sorry but I wont even read the shit they are selling, they have a clear Anti GOP, Anti Fox News Agenda.

Only a fool would take there word on anything.
Thank God for FOX News.
Are they totally fair and balanced? No.

But they are the ONLY News source that isn't wholly owned and operated by the DNC.

If it wasn't for FOX, all we'd have is the left wing nut mainstream media.
Another Fox News Contributor Isn't Disclosed As A Member Of Romney's Campaign


Fox News contributor Elaine Chao has recently appeared on Fox Business to criticize Obama over the economy and push the falsehood that he stripped the work requirement from welfare. During these appearances, Fox didn't disclose that Chao is a national chair of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Fox News has made it a regular practice to not disclose some of its frequent guests' ties to the Romney campaign.

In an August 2 press release announcing her appointment, Chao stated that she is "honored that Governor Mitt Romney asked me to serve as the national chair of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Romney" and that "it will take new leadership to put this country on a path to prosperity and full employment."

News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, recently nominated Chao to join its Board of Directors. Chao is married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Fox News contributors John Bolton and Walid Phares, and Fox regular Jay Sekulow, have all appeared on the network to criticize Obama without disclosing they're Romney advisers. Fox News contributor Pete Snyder is the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia's 2012 coordinated committee. And Fox News contributor Karl Rove is the co-founder and adviser for the super PAC American Crossroads, which is spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat Democrats.

Synth is really scraping bottom.

Elaine Lan Chao (Chinese: 趙小蘭;[1] born March 26, 1953) served as the 24th United States Secretary of Labor in the Cabinet of President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009. She was the first Asian Pacific American woman and first Chinese American to be appointed to a President's cabinet in American history.[2] Chao was the only cabinet member to serve under George W. Bush for his entire administration.[3] She is married to U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), the current U.S. Senate Minority Leader.[4]
-- from icky Wiki: Elaine Chao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did anybody imagine that a former Bush Administration official and a wife of Mitch McConnell might be an independent?

You guys are pathetic.
Oh look mommy ... another bash Fox News thread!

Say what you will, complain all you want.
Ratings speak volumes.

And I second what PredFan posted.
Anybody who watched the convention last night on Faux News missed a very important and moving
tribute video from military vets. Of course it would have been against their agenda to air it seeing
that they are pushing the anti Obama books and videos by Ed Klein, Dinesh D'Souza and others.
Objective news and facts are so anti RW! Actually the networks bend over backwards to report Pubcrappe with a straight face, chumps. They let lies like "Obama had total control of congress for 2 years", go right on.... Fear of loudmouth brainwashed morons....A disgrace.
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