Another racist Trump supporter?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

It was by accident that I found this video, but this lady speaks from the heart. There was no script, no breaks in her thought process, and she shares the same disgust I have for the pieces of shit in our country that I have.

She is a hell of a lot nicer than I am about it, but she perfectly articulates exactly what I feel.

I liked what the woman said for the first minute of the video until she started attacking people who speak against Israel.

News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state, and nowhere in the Constitution does it say Americans citizens must swear allegiance to that terrorist country. .... :cool:
I liked what the woman said for the first minute until she started attacking people who speak against Israel.

News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state, and nowhere in the Constitution does it say Americans citizens must swear allegiance to that terrorist country. .... :cool:

Sunni Man.....with all respect.....never forget that there are good apples and bad apples in Israel too! Meaning...there is a Deep State scum and there are White hats in it is all over the world.

So please don't put all in the same basket.
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I liked what the woman said for the first minute of the video until she started attacking people who speak against Israel.

News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state, and nowhere in the Constitution does it say Americans citizens must swear allegiance to that terrorist country. .... :cool:

I understand you hate Israel because of your religious devotion.

I've locked horns with you over that in the past and it is not productive.

I know Israel looks out for it's own interests even at the costs of ours, they've even sunk one of our boats for spying on them.

My personal support for Israel has been fluid, at one point I believed they were too heavy handed against the muslim arabs in the territories they conquered, but now I don't give a shit if they purge them from the land by force. That has more to do with what I see happening around the rest of the world in the name of muhamed, specifically the terrorism waged on people called "jihad".

When jihad becomes the obscure and rare event that it seemed to be when I was growing up I may change my point of view.

Of course when I was growing up, every jihadist in the world for the most part was interested in purging the communists from Kabul. Now most of the jihadists have allied with globalist commies to wage conflict with us. Go to war against the chinese and we might renew some sympathy for muslim arabs in Gaza so long as they're no longer lobbing missiles into Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, not suicide bombing buses full of people, or cheering in the streets when airplanes crash into our buildings.

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aaronleland said:
Right. We're supposed to believe you just "stumbled across" a video of a fat black woman. How many times did you jerk off before unmuting the video for the first time?

Twice, but only once while watching that one. I watched one with manatees in it prior too that which had me really horned up.

I liked what the woman said for the first minute of the video until she started attacking people who speak against Israel.

News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state, and nowhere in the Constitution does it say Americans citizens must swear allegiance to that terrorist country. .... :cool:
Go Israel. Muslims are the terrorists.
"Hey everyone! Look! It's a BLACK person who agrees with me! :04:"

There are actually quite a lot of them, they're growing in numbers and I'm proud to promote them...

The ones who disagree with me generally annoy the public, and when their videos get shared it's to ridicule them.

"Hey everyone! Look! It's a BLACK person who agrees with me! :04:"

There are actually quite a lot of them, they're growing in numbers and I'm proud to promote them...

The ones who disagree with me generally annoy the public, and when their videos get shared it's to ridicule them.


No racial issues here. Just couldn't help noticing that you like to parade them around for some reason.

"Hey guys, look at me and my BLACK friend!"

Like to parade who around?

I suppose you're one of those bigots who has never met me, has no idea what color I am, who my friends are, where I've been or what I've done.

I can't just post a video of a black woman, YOU have to find something nefarious behind it.

That reflects how pitiful your character is.

I liked what the woman said for the first minute of the video until she started attacking people who speak against Israel.

News Flash: Israel is not our 51st state, and nowhere in the Constitution does it say Americans citizens must swear allegiance to that terrorist country. .... :cool:
Yeah, but their lifestyle is more similar to that of the west and quite frankly, aren't sending out para-military terrorist groups across the planet, killing infidels while shouting "Allahu Akhbar", (let's see, a few examples...United Kingdom, France, Spain, US, Germany, Malta, Russia, China, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, on and on and on it goes...all in the name of Allah). it's bothersome to me that we maintain any Islamic allies at all, for if Islam had its way, all infidels would be either converted or wiped out.
Per Islamic teachings, when Islam conquers an area, the area becomes theirs and if the original inhabitants manage to take back what they originally had, they are to be considered occupiers. The only occupiers were the Muslims. The Jews/Hebrews just got back a small amount of what they originally built.
In the US, it was agreed to with the tribes, that should the federal government vacate some land, originally taken from the tribes, the tribes were entitled to get said land back. As usual though, the US has reneged on what few lands they did vacate and instead turned them over to various communities instead. It shouldn't have reneged on the deal and allowed them back some of their original land, it would have been the honorable thing to do.
No racial issues here. Just couldn't help noticing that you like to parade them around for some reason.

"Hey guys, look at me and my BLACK friend!"

Like to parade who around?

I suppose you're one of those bigots who has never met me, has no idea what color I am, who my friends are, where I've been or what I've done.

I can't just post a video of a black woman, YOU have to find something nefarious behind it.

That reflects how pitiful your character is.


Too easy. You're a Trump supporter parading around a token black person who agrees with you.

So that automatically means that you're a middle-aged white guy who believes in God and owns at least a few guns. Well not necessarily, but I'll give that a 98% chance.

(Not that there's anything wrong with any of that. Trump's base just isn't exactly known for their diversity lol)

How am I doing so far?
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It was by accident that I found this video, but this lady speaks from the heart. There was no script, no breaks in her thought process, and she shares the same disgust I have for the pieces of shit in our country that I have.

She is a hell of a lot nicer than I am about it, but she perfectly articulates exactly what I feel.


Wow, that lady has more common sense than all the Democrats in Congress combined... :)

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