Another Poke In Obama's Eye!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And I'm lovin' it!!!

We kicked the ingrate to the curb, and not a minute too soon....and replaced Hussein with a man who recognized the importance of a democracy in the Middle East.

1. "...Arab nations of the Middle East are now on the verge of publicly accepting Israel as a legitimate neighbor — a phenomenal historic breakthrough by any measure.

2. Over the weekend, Oman’s sultan, Qaboos Bin Said, stunned the region by welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to his palace in Muscat. He went even further and encouraged Israel to publicly report the visit. Omani TV beamed handshakes and smiles across the Arab world.

3. Such public theatrics fly in the face of decades of refusal by many Arab nations to even acknowledge Israel’s existence. Mr. Netanyahu said the visit was in line with his policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region.”

4. While Jerusalem’s relations with Muslim leaders from Morocco to Indonesia have long been kept private (albeit poorly), increasingly they’re now publicized and even debated in the Arabic press and public forums.

5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, particularly under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been building up ties to Israel, mostly to defend against Iran’s rise, though it isn’t admitting that publicly. Jordan and Egypt already have peace pacts with the Jewish nation.

6. Here’s the kicker: Greater acceptance of Israel will leave Palestinians the odd man out, perhaps forcing them to relax their non-starter demands, which have stood in the way of a real peace with Israel.

7. Even more significantly, President Obama’s Middle East “rebalancing” — widely seen as an American tilt toward Iran — genuinely scared Arab Sunni leaders, prompting them to consider some kind of private alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu, Tehran’s fiercest public opponent, convinced them they could have a strong ally in Jerusalem."
After Oman Israel Sees Good Omen

8.There is only one county into which Hussein Obama sent paid and trained operatives, apparatchiks, for the purpose of destabilization, and to overthrow and accomplish 'regime change.'
C'mon…..guess which country.

9. Israel.

10. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
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The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war

Yeah his meddling in Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc was real stabilizing ...gawd you're such a fckn dumbass
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war

Uh-huh....he only served as the de facto leader of ISIS, declaring the governments of Libya, Egypt and Syria needed to be overthrown. He manufactured the refugee crisis in order to destabilize Europe.

His Middle East policy was the worst since Carter, and the West may never recover from being overwhelmed by Muslim trash.
LOL Electing a black president turned out to be like eating a black banana. You're curious what it's like but after one bite you realize the mistake you made and spit it out never to try it again.

We learned our lesson. We got racial hatred brought back and the slowest economic recover in the history of the country.

If you elect a black president, make sure there aren't pictures of him in Muslim garb plastered all over the internet and videos of him saying "my muslim faith.". Also.....check his resume to see if you see any private jobs in his background. If all he did was work in gov't, elect anyone but him. He's not going to know what the fuck he's doing and he'll embarrass you the world over.
And I'm lovin' it!!!

We kicked the ingrate to the curb, and not a minute too soon....and replaced Hussein with a man who recognized the importance of a democracy in the Middle East.

1. "...Arab nations of the Middle East are now on the verge of publicly accepting Israel as a legitimate neighbor — a phenomenal historic breakthrough by any measure.

2. Over the weekend, Oman’s sultan, Qaboos Bin Said, stunned the region by welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to his palace in Muscat. He went even further and encouraged Israel to publicly report the visit. Omani TV beamed handshakes and smiles across the Arab world.

3. Such public theatrics fly in the face of decades of refusal by many Arab nations to even acknowledge Israel’s existence. Mr. Netanyahu said the visit was in line with his policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region.”

4. While Jerusalem’s relations with Muslim leaders from Morocco to Indonesia have long been kept private (albeit poorly), increasingly they’re now publicized and even debated in the Arabic press and public forums.

5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, particularly under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been building up ties to Israel, mostly to defend against Iran’s rise, though it isn’t admitting that publicly. Jordan and Egypt already have peace pacts with the Jewish nation.

6. Here’s the kicker: Greater acceptance of Israel will leave Palestinians the odd man out, perhaps forcing them to relax their non-starter demands, which have stood in the way of a real peace with Israel.

7. Even more significantly, President Obama’s Middle East “rebalancing” — widely seen as an American tilt toward Iran — genuinely scared Arab Sunni leaders, prompting them to consider some kind of private alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu, Tehran’s fiercest public opponent, convinced them they could have a strong ally in Jerusalem."
After Oman Israel Sees Good Omen

8.There is only one county into which Hussein Obama sent paid and trained operatives, apparatchiks, for the purpose of destabilization, and to overthrow and accomplish 'regime change.'
C'mon…..guess which country.

9. Israel.

10. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Secularism taking hold. Good.
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
We'd still be getting weekly reports of soldiers being killed in Iraq if conservatives had their way.
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
We'd still be getting weekly reports of soldiers being killed in Iraq if conservatives had their way.

So I guess the weekly reports under Obama of ISIS burning citizen alive, cutting off their heads or having them kneel on top of bombs that were then detonated was so much better.
LOL Electing a black president turned out to be like eating a black banana. You're curious what it's like but after one bite you realize the mistake you made and spit it out never to try it again.

We learned our lesson. We got racial hatred brought back and the slowest economic recover in the history of the country.

If you elect a black president, make sure there aren't pictures of him in Muslim garb plastered all over the internet and videos of him saying "my muslim faith.". Also.....check his resume to see if you see any private jobs in his background. If all he did was work in gov't, elect anyone but him. He's not going to know what the fuck he's doing and he'll embarrass you the world over.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.
And I'm lovin' it!!!

We kicked the ingrate to the curb, and not a minute too soon....and replaced Hussein with a man who recognized the importance of a democracy in the Middle East.

1. "...Arab nations of the Middle East are now on the verge of publicly accepting Israel as a legitimate neighbor — a phenomenal historic breakthrough by any measure.

2. Over the weekend, Oman’s sultan, Qaboos Bin Said, stunned the region by welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to his palace in Muscat. He went even further and encouraged Israel to publicly report the visit. Omani TV beamed handshakes and smiles across the Arab world.

3. Such public theatrics fly in the face of decades of refusal by many Arab nations to even acknowledge Israel’s existence. Mr. Netanyahu said the visit was in line with his policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region.”

4. While Jerusalem’s relations with Muslim leaders from Morocco to Indonesia have long been kept private (albeit poorly), increasingly they’re now publicized and even debated in the Arabic press and public forums.

5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, particularly under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been building up ties to Israel, mostly to defend against Iran’s rise, though it isn’t admitting that publicly. Jordan and Egypt already have peace pacts with the Jewish nation.

6. Here’s the kicker: Greater acceptance of Israel will leave Palestinians the odd man out, perhaps forcing them to relax their non-starter demands, which have stood in the way of a real peace with Israel.

7. Even more significantly, President Obama’s Middle East “rebalancing” — widely seen as an American tilt toward Iran — genuinely scared Arab Sunni leaders, prompting them to consider some kind of private alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu, Tehran’s fiercest public opponent, convinced them they could have a strong ally in Jerusalem."
After Oman Israel Sees Good Omen

8.There is only one county into which Hussein Obama sent paid and trained operatives, apparatchiks, for the purpose of destabilization, and to overthrow and accomplish 'regime change.'
C'mon…..guess which country.

9. Israel.

10. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Secularism taking hold. Good.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
We'd still be getting weekly reports of soldiers being killed in Iraq if conservatives had their way.

So I guess the weekly reports under Obama of ISIS burning citizen alive, cutting off their heads or having them kneel on top of bombs that were then detonated was so much better.
Thousands of our soldiers died in Iraq so ISIS could form. Show some respect.
And I'm lovin' it!!!

We kicked the ingrate to the curb, and not a minute too soon....and replaced Hussein with a man who recognized the importance of a democracy in the Middle East.

1. "...Arab nations of the Middle East are now on the verge of publicly accepting Israel as a legitimate neighbor — a phenomenal historic breakthrough by any measure.

2. Over the weekend, Oman’s sultan, Qaboos Bin Said, stunned the region by welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to his palace in Muscat. He went even further and encouraged Israel to publicly report the visit. Omani TV beamed handshakes and smiles across the Arab world.

3. Such public theatrics fly in the face of decades of refusal by many Arab nations to even acknowledge Israel’s existence. Mr. Netanyahu said the visit was in line with his policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region.”

4. While Jerusalem’s relations with Muslim leaders from Morocco to Indonesia have long been kept private (albeit poorly), increasingly they’re now publicized and even debated in the Arabic press and public forums.

5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, particularly under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been building up ties to Israel, mostly to defend against Iran’s rise, though it isn’t admitting that publicly. Jordan and Egypt already have peace pacts with the Jewish nation.

6. Here’s the kicker: Greater acceptance of Israel will leave Palestinians the odd man out, perhaps forcing them to relax their non-starter demands, which have stood in the way of a real peace with Israel.

7. Even more significantly, President Obama’s Middle East “rebalancing” — widely seen as an American tilt toward Iran — genuinely scared Arab Sunni leaders, prompting them to consider some kind of private alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu, Tehran’s fiercest public opponent, convinced them they could have a strong ally in Jerusalem."
After Oman Israel Sees Good Omen

8.There is only one county into which Hussein Obama sent paid and trained operatives, apparatchiks, for the purpose of destabilization, and to overthrow and accomplish 'regime change.'
C'mon…..guess which country.

9. Israel.

10. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
What happens to the Palestinians?
LOL Electing a black president turned out to be like eating a black banana. You're curious what it's like but after one bite you realize the mistake you made and spit it out never to try it again.

We learned our lesson. We got racial hatred brought back and the slowest economic recover in the history of the country.

If you elect a black president, make sure there aren't pictures of him in Muslim garb plastered all over the internet and videos of him saying "my muslim faith.". Also.....check his resume to see if you see any private jobs in his background. If all he did was work in gov't, elect anyone but him. He's not going to know what the fuck he's doing and he'll embarrass you the world over.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

Lol start the thread by praising Muslims, then immediately condemn Muslims :lmao:
And I'm lovin' it!!!

We kicked the ingrate to the curb, and not a minute too soon....and replaced Hussein with a man who recognized the importance of a democracy in the Middle East.

1. "...Arab nations of the Middle East are now on the verge of publicly accepting Israel as a legitimate neighbor — a phenomenal historic breakthrough by any measure.

2. Over the weekend, Oman’s sultan, Qaboos Bin Said, stunned the region by welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to his palace in Muscat. He went even further and encouraged Israel to publicly report the visit. Omani TV beamed handshakes and smiles across the Arab world.

3. Such public theatrics fly in the face of decades of refusal by many Arab nations to even acknowledge Israel’s existence. Mr. Netanyahu said the visit was in line with his policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region.”

4. While Jerusalem’s relations with Muslim leaders from Morocco to Indonesia have long been kept private (albeit poorly), increasingly they’re now publicized and even debated in the Arabic press and public forums.

5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, particularly under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been building up ties to Israel, mostly to defend against Iran’s rise, though it isn’t admitting that publicly. Jordan and Egypt already have peace pacts with the Jewish nation.

6. Here’s the kicker: Greater acceptance of Israel will leave Palestinians the odd man out, perhaps forcing them to relax their non-starter demands, which have stood in the way of a real peace with Israel.

7. Even more significantly, President Obama’s Middle East “rebalancing” — widely seen as an American tilt toward Iran — genuinely scared Arab Sunni leaders, prompting them to consider some kind of private alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu, Tehran’s fiercest public opponent, convinced them they could have a strong ally in Jerusalem."
After Oman Israel Sees Good Omen

8.There is only one county into which Hussein Obama sent paid and trained operatives, apparatchiks, for the purpose of destabilization, and to overthrow and accomplish 'regime change.'
C'mon…..guess which country.

9. Israel.

10. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
What happens to the Palestinians?
The end times of course. Didn't you hear, a snake crawled out of a wall in Jerusalem? It's about to go down!
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
We'd still be getting weekly reports of soldiers being killed in Iraq if conservatives had their way.

So I guess the weekly reports under Obama of ISIS burning citizen alive, cutting off their heads or having them kneel on top of bombs that were then detonated was so much better.
Thousands of our soldiers died in Iraq so ISIS could form. Show some respect.
I know right? If bush hadn’t disbanded the Iraqi Army leaving them armed and without jobs there never would’ve been an Isis.
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
We'd still be getting weekly reports of soldiers being killed in Iraq if conservatives had their way.

So you liked Obama clearing the field for ISIS?

Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....

a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...

b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq

c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’" Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

d. Awarding nuclear weapons to Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

e. Under Obama: "Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million" Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

f. .Which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, lied for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

And this is associated more with Modern Islam and not with any other 'religion:'Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.

How blind must you be????? do look good in that burqa
And I'm lovin' it!!!

We kicked the ingrate to the curb, and not a minute too soon....and replaced Hussein with a man who recognized the importance of a democracy in the Middle East.

1. "...Arab nations of the Middle East are now on the verge of publicly accepting Israel as a legitimate neighbor — a phenomenal historic breakthrough by any measure.

2. Over the weekend, Oman’s sultan, Qaboos Bin Said, stunned the region by welcoming Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to his palace in Muscat. He went even further and encouraged Israel to publicly report the visit. Omani TV beamed handshakes and smiles across the Arab world.

3. Such public theatrics fly in the face of decades of refusal by many Arab nations to even acknowledge Israel’s existence. Mr. Netanyahu said the visit was in line with his policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region.”

4. While Jerusalem’s relations with Muslim leaders from Morocco to Indonesia have long been kept private (albeit poorly), increasingly they’re now publicized and even debated in the Arabic press and public forums.

5. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, particularly under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been building up ties to Israel, mostly to defend against Iran’s rise, though it isn’t admitting that publicly. Jordan and Egypt already have peace pacts with the Jewish nation.

6. Here’s the kicker: Greater acceptance of Israel will leave Palestinians the odd man out, perhaps forcing them to relax their non-starter demands, which have stood in the way of a real peace with Israel.

7. Even more significantly, President Obama’s Middle East “rebalancing” — widely seen as an American tilt toward Iran — genuinely scared Arab Sunni leaders, prompting them to consider some kind of private alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu, Tehran’s fiercest public opponent, convinced them they could have a strong ally in Jerusalem."
After Oman Israel Sees Good Omen

8.There is only one county into which Hussein Obama sent paid and trained operatives, apparatchiks, for the purpose of destabilization, and to overthrow and accomplish 'regime change.'
C'mon…..guess which country.

9. Israel.

10. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
President Obama, 10 years rent free in your head.

And still going strong.
The Great Obama salvaged the Middle East after a failed Republican attempt at nation building destabilized the region and threw it into civil war
We'd still be getting weekly reports of soldiers being killed in Iraq if conservatives had their way.

So you liked Obama clearing the field for ISIS?

Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....

a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...

b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq

c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’" Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

d. Awarding nuclear weapons to Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

e. Under Obama: "Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million" Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

f. .Which is the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, lied for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

And this is associated more with Modern Islam and not with any other 'religion:'Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.

How blind must you be????? do look good in that burqa
Trump ran on Iraq being a mistake, you inbred retard. You all now call Dubya a RINO. You voted for our soldiers to be maimed and killed for absolutely nothing because it was good for your politics at the time. SHAME on you.

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