Another nail in the coffin of Trump's COVID record.

"As the first American evacuees from Wuhan, China, touched down at a California military base a year ago, fleeing the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they were met by U.S. health officials with no virus prevention plan or infection-control training — and who had not even been told to wear masks, according to a federal investigation.

Later, those officials were told to remove protective gear when meeting with the evacuees to avoid “bad optics,” and days after those initial encounters, departed California aboard commercial airline flights to other destinations.

Those are among the findings of two federal reports obtained by The Washington Post, supporting a whistleblower’s account of the chaos as U.S. officials scrambled to greet nearly 200 evacuees from Wuhan at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif., in the early morning of Jan. 29, 2020."

Ordinarily, this would be a shocking revelation of incompetence and recklessness. Another example of the admin's botched COVID response. But because this is the admin of the Orange Insurrectionist we are talking about nothing is shocking any more.
Get better soon.
The only ones putting nails in coffins regarding COVID-19 were Democrats:

- Too distracted with their 1st admitted politically partisan Impeachment that they never saw the pandemic coming

- When they finally did say something they told Americans to ignore the President, to go about their lives as normal because there was nothing to the virus - 'Ride packed subways'...'Come to China Town'...

- Joe Biden, despite the lies of his new Press Secretary, called Trump's Life Saving Travel Bans - the ones he just extended and added to it - 'Xenophobic' and led Democrat opposition to them. Democrats even authored legislation to block them.

- D-NY Governor Cuomo and new transgender Assistant Health Secretary Biden-appointee doctor Rachel Levine both publicly acknowledged the elderly were the most likely to die from COVID-19 ... then imposed 'edicts' that packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes. Levine's actions resulted in 20,000 elderly Americans needlessly dying...but he/she took his/her own parent to save them while leaving others to die under the failed policy. Gov Cuomo needlessly allowed a REPORTED 10,000 elderly Americans die. It was just exposed, however, that Cuomo intentionally MASSIVELY unreported the # of elderly deaths due to his policy by 50%...and his award-winning leadership and management has also reportedly resulted in thousands of doses of COVID-19 vaccines being thrown in the dumpsters. 1 vial = 1 life....

Democrats have completely failed in their response to the virus, failed in the medical response and mismanagement that has resulted in needless deaths of tens of thousands of Americans, if not more.
"As the first American evacuees from Wuhan, China, touched down at a California military base a year ago, fleeing the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they were met by U.S. health officials with no virus prevention plan or infection-control training — and who had not even been told to wear masks, according to a federal investigation.

Later, those officials were told to remove protective gear when meeting with the evacuees to avoid “bad optics,” and days after those initial encounters, departed California aboard commercial airline flights to other destinations.

Those are among the findings of two federal reports obtained by The Washington Post, supporting a whistleblower’s account of the chaos as U.S. officials scrambled to greet nearly 200 evacuees from Wuhan at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif., in the early morning of Jan. 29, 2020."

Ordinarily, this would be a shocking revelation of incompetence and recklessness. Another example of the admin's botched COVID response. But because this is the admin of the Orange Insurrectionist we are talking about nothing is shocking any more.
So tell me of these 200 evacuees from Wuhan, how many died from covid? How many actually even caught covid?
"As the first American evacuees from Wuhan, China, touched down at a California military base a year ago, fleeing the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they were met by U.S. health officials with no virus prevention plan or infection-control training — and who had not even been told to wear masks, according to a federal investigation.

Later, those officials were told to remove protective gear when meeting with the evacuees to avoid “bad optics,” and days after those initial encounters, departed California aboard commercial airline flights to other destinations.

Those are among the findings of two federal reports obtained by The Washington Post, supporting a whistleblower’s account of the chaos as U.S. officials scrambled to greet nearly 200 evacuees from Wuhan at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif., in the early morning of Jan. 29, 2020."

Ordinarily, this would be a shocking revelation of incompetence and recklessness. Another example of the admin's botched COVID response. But because this is the admin of the Orange Insurrectionist we are talking about nothing is shocking any more.
So tell me of these 200 evacuees from Wuhan, how many died from covid? How many actually even caught covid?
What difference does that make? It was the first example in the US of community spread. Traceable to the Trump admin's idiocy.
Covid Trump was a horrible President.
Covid Joe is worse he will hit Trump's total death total in 100 know, the timeframe he has been bragging about.

We can thank the GOP too for endorsing Trumpybear's corrupt act in the Ukraine. I think Pence would handled the virus much better for the Dirty Don's final year in office. But you reap what you sow.
Covid Trump was a horrible President.
Covid Joe is worse he will hit Trump's total death total in 100 know, the timeframe he has been bragging about.

We can thank the GOP too for endorsing Trumpybear's corrupt act in the Ukraine. I think Pence would handled the virus much better for the Dirty Don's final year in office. But you reap what you sow.
Hmmm I thought we were talking about Sleepy and his 100 day promise. What was it again, to reach 500,000 additional Covid deaths?
"As the first American evacuees from Wuhan, China, touched down at a California military base a year ago, fleeing the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they were met by U.S. health officials with no virus prevention plan or infection-control training — and who had not even been told to wear masks, according to a federal investigation.

Later, those officials were told to remove protective gear when meeting with the evacuees to avoid “bad optics,” and days after those initial encounters, departed California aboard commercial airline flights to other destinations.

Those are among the findings of two federal reports obtained by The Washington Post, supporting a whistleblower’s account of the chaos as U.S. officials scrambled to greet nearly 200 evacuees from Wuhan at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif., in the early morning of Jan. 29, 2020."

Ordinarily, this would be a shocking revelation of incompetence and recklessness. Another example of the admin's botched COVID response. But because this is the admin of the Orange Insurrectionist we are talking about nothing is shocking any more.
So tell me of these 200 evacuees from Wuhan, how many died from covid? How many actually even caught covid?
What difference does that make? It was the first example in the US of community spread. Traceable to the Trump admin's idiocy.
How many more came in? 40,000? Did any of them get more serious scrutiny? Nahhh
They'll blame Biden for the mess that Trump left, just as they blamed Obama for the mess that Dubya left.

It's already happening.

These are not serious people.
The mortgage crisis and recession happened under Bush. Obama inherited that. What I hold Obama accountable for is he took way too long to put in place policies of stimulus and expedited recovery. His priorities were taking care of his cronies. Remember "shovel ready jobs"? Where did that go? Solyndra? What type of priority was that? Obama took almost 6 years to get unemployment from near 10 percent to just under 6 percent. Contrast that with Trump. The Wuhan virus caused the unemployment to shoot up to just under 15 percent. by October, it was down to just under 7 percent. For unemployment, Trump did more in 6 months than Obama did in 6 years. Two vaccines for Covid were released under Trump. This blame Trump for Covid pile-on is a strategy to set up Biden for no accountability for managing COVID.
They'll blame Biden for the mess that Trump left, just as they blamed Obama for the mess that Dubya left.

It's already happening.

These are not serious people.
The mortgage crisis and recession happened under Bush. Obama inherited that. What I hold Obama accountable for is he took way too long to put in place policies of stimulus and expedited recovery. His priorities were taking care of his cronies. Remember "shovel ready jobs"? Where did that go? Solyndra? What type of priority was that? Obama took almost 6 years to get unemployment from near 10 percent to just under 6 percent. Contrast that with Trump. The Wuhan virus caused the unemployment to shoot up to just under 15 percent. by October, it was down to just under 7 percent. For unemployment, Trump did more in 6 months than Obama did in 6 years. Two vaccines for Covid were released under Trump. This blame Trump for Covid pile-on is a strategy to set up Biden for no accountability for managing COVID.
Uhhh mortgage crisis started under Clinton....allowing all those loans to people not qualified.....
They'll blame Biden for the mess that Trump left, just as they blamed Obama for the mess that Dubya left.

It's already happening.

These are not serious people.
The mortgage crisis and recession happened under Bush. Obama inherited that. What I hold Obama accountable for is he took way too long to put in place policies of stimulus and expedited recovery. His priorities were taking care of his cronies. Remember "shovel ready jobs"? Where did that go? Solyndra? What type of priority was that? Obama took almost 6 years to get unemployment from near 10 percent to just under 6 percent. Contrast that with Trump. The Wuhan virus caused the unemployment to shoot up to just under 15 percent. by October, it was down to just under 7 percent. For unemployment, Trump did more in 6 months than Obama did in 6 years. Two vaccines for Covid were released under Trump. This blame Trump for Covid pile-on is a strategy to set up Biden for no accountability for managing COVID.
Uhhh mortgage crisis started under Clinton....allowing all those loans to people not qualified.....

Agreed. It got worse under Bush since he was unable to overcome Democrats push to have Fannie Mae underwrite loans to people who could not qualify.
Covid Trump was a horrible President.
Covid Joe is worse he will hit Trump's total death total in 100 know, the timeframe he has been bragging about.

We can thank the GOP too for endorsing Trumpybear's corrupt act in the Ukraine. I think Pence would handled the virus much better for the Dirty Don's final year in office. But you reap what you sow.
Hmmm I thought we were talking about Sleepy and his 100 day promise. What was it again, to reach 500,000 additional Covid deaths?

I thought you were bragging about Trump's Covid deaths doubling in a hundred days and trying, feebly, to blame those deaths on his successor.
The mortgage crisis and recession happened under Bush. Obama inherited that. What I hold Obama accountable for is he took way too long to put in place policies of stimulus and expedited recovery.
Couldn't have been obstruction from Mitch McConnell could it?

I mean it's not like he does that right?
Covid Trump was a horrible President.
Covid Joe is worse he will hit Trump's total death total in 100 know, the timeframe he has been bragging about.

We can thank the GOP too for endorsing Trumpybear's corrupt act in the Ukraine. I think Pence would handled the virus much better for the Dirty Don's final year in office. But you reap what you sow.
Hmmm I thought we were talking about Sleepy and his 100 day promise. What was it again, to reach 500,000 additional Covid deaths?

I thought you were bragging about Trump's Covid deaths doubling in a hundred days and trying, feebly, to blame those deaths on his successor.
Whose Covid deaths? I heard it was Sleepy making all the claims about the first 100 days he is in office. He is in office right? And so we are monitoring his first 100 days, per his claim, and boy is he ever on record pace! You should be proud.
Covid Trump was a horrible President.
Covid Joe is worse he will hit Trump's total death total in 100 know, the timeframe he has been bragging about.

We can thank the GOP too for endorsing Trumpybear's corrupt act in the Ukraine. I think Pence would handled the virus much better for the Dirty Don's final year in office. But you reap what you sow.
Hmmm I thought we were talking about Sleepy and his 100 day promise. What was it again, to reach 500,000 additional Covid deaths?

I thought you were bragging about Trump's Covid deaths doubling in a hundred days and trying, feebly, to blame those deaths on his successor.
But, to his credit, some real jobs have been eliminated and boys can defeat girls in girls sports now.
The mortgage crisis and recession happened under Bush. Obama inherited that. What I hold Obama accountable for is he took way too long to put in place policies of stimulus and expedited recovery.
Couldn't have been obstruction from Mitch McConnell could it?

I mean it's not like he does that right?

Show me a single policy Obama proposal that would have improved the economy that McConnell obstructed.
"As the first American evacuees from Wuhan, China, touched down at a California military base a year ago, fleeing the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, they were met by U.S. health officials with no virus prevention plan or infection-control training — and who had not even been told to wear masks, according to a federal investigation.

Later, those officials were told to remove protective gear when meeting with the evacuees to avoid “bad optics,” and days after those initial encounters, departed California aboard commercial airline flights to other destinations.

Those are among the findings of two federal reports obtained by The Washington Post, supporting a whistleblower’s account of the chaos as U.S. officials scrambled to greet nearly 200 evacuees from Wuhan at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, Calif., in the early morning of Jan. 29, 2020."

Ordinarily, this would be a shocking revelation of incompetence and recklessness. Another example of the admin's botched COVID response. But because this is the admin of the Orange Insurrectionist we are talking about nothing is shocking any more.
So tell me of these 200 evacuees from Wuhan, how many died from covid? How many actually even caught covid?
What difference does that make? It was the first example in the US of community spread. Traceable to the Trump admin's idiocy.
It makes a great deal of difference, if no one got covid or died from it then it was not the first example in the US of community spread.

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